
It's 32 degrees as I'm standing in shorts and sandals on the metro platform waiting for the next train. This is the same platform I've toed 3 times before early in the morning on my way to the Maine Corps Marathon, but today I'm on my way to South Florida via Regan National Airport to run the...
To celebrate my 2 year anniversary of running barefoot, I went out and ran 14.5 miles – (2:10:38 – 8:57 pace) from my front door into downtown DC on a crisp 55 degree day in mid January. My running journal tells a different story about this day 2 years ago. Sunday, January 10th...
While running today to ring in the new year I reflected on my running of 2011 and my goals for 2012 and thought I would do some analysis. By the numbers, in the last 365 days, I covered 1145.11 miles in 207 runs in just over 176 hours with an overall average pace of 9:14 per mile and 5.53 miles...
Now why would I want to go and do that? It all started with the idea to run 1 marathon from the inspiration of a friends 1st and another's 2 in 2 weeks at the age of 50. I read the books, watched a few movies and documentaries, finished MY first, got faster and more obsessed, took my shoes off...

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