Barefoot Running Personality #2: Involved Irene

In the first post on The Eight Personalities of Barefoot Runners, I introduced Exhuberant Eddie, an entertaining guy who's tried everything, including an attempt to trigger cold fusion in a soda can. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but fun to watch.

Let's move on to our next barefoot running personality:

Barefoot Running Personality #2: Involved Irene

Irene oozes energy and just loves to participate. She's on several committees at her kids' school, organizes the annual Girl Scouts cookie sale, and is a Cub Scouts den mother. Her thirteen-year-old daughter, Trish, hates selling cookies and wants out of Girl Scouts so she can go hang out with her friends at the mall. Trish hasn't told her mom yet about her new sixteen-year-old boyfriend with the nipple ring and the Screw U tattoo.

On top of the family responsibilities, Irene has run five half marathons, has her own blog which she posts to almost daily, and has 603 Facebook friends. She also sells overpriced, one-of-a-kind vitamins to her friends for a multi-level marketing company moonlighting as a legitimate business, but that's just to subsidize her candle-making business which hasn't turned a profit since she started two years ago. You'll find Irene posting on several cooking, self-help, diet and running forums, where she's convinced herself she knows what the hell she's talking about. Others are less certain.

Irene's husband is proud of his wife, but she's so busy and then tired at night that he isn't getting much "attention". Every time Irene drags him to another community event, he pretends to stay on his Blackberry so he doesn't have to talk to his wife's other "involved" friends, who are as enjoyable as an anal fissure.

Irene started barefoot running this summer after reading the blog of a woman who has seven kids under the age of 15, works full time, and just finished her first barefoot half marathon. Irene now wants to be THAT woman. She was smart to start slowly and has worked her way up to running three miles barefoot with only minor blisters. She's now working with the Girl Scouts to create a barefoot running badge, but her daughter Trish wouldn't run barefoot if she was thrown naked into a bear cave covered in pork chops.

Irene's Christmas letter to friends and family, all 850 copies, shows a picture of Irene's barefeet in the snow. It mention's her husbands latest promotion at work, her son's listing on the Honor Roll, and daughter Trish's determined pursuit of the Girl Scout Merit Badge for Barefoot Running.

Next Up: Masochist Matt

*Posted here at the BRS and at


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