Blog entries by Barefoot Terry

So, after Tuesday's toe-swelling/frostbite-like mishap (or whatever it was). I decided that now is the time that I have to switch to the "minimalist" side of the barefoot/minimalist runner. For some reason, I don't recall last winter being quite so cold. I started this barefoot journey last...
So, yeah... tonight was about the coldest barefoot run I've ever done (35 degrees). I think my toes are still down there, though I couldn't really feel them after the first mile. I don't know how you barefoot snow runners do it. On a positive note - my first mile was 8 min with a 8:15/mi pace...
So, awhile back I started toying with some barefootT-shirt designs and sayings. I've finally posted one of the designs on my Zazzle page. If you like what you see, I hope you puchase a shirt! New designs in production to be added soon. Feedback is appreciated!
My mom found this and posted it on her Facebook....thought I'd share! Barefoot runner runs the Chicago Marathon in about 3 hours. Enjoy!
So, I went out for a quick 3 mile run this evening. Ihad reached about the half mile mark. I was approaching a corner at the end of a dead-end street. I heard and saw the lights of a car coming from around the corner. Ihopped up onto the curb to avoid being smashed by a car blindly turning...
I'm back! I took a hiatus for 6 weeks from running after my 5K barefoot race due to TOFP and worries of a possible stress fracture in my left foot (5th metatarsal area). On Sunday, I met up with fellow BRS member, barefootjohn, for a BF run in SanFrancisco's Golden Gate Park. We were hoping...
Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 7:15 a.m. I officially started my first barefoot race - Avenue of the Vines in Lodi, California. First of all, to those of you who are just finding my blog. I began running barefoot this past January after reading Born to Run. My goal was to run the Avenue of the...
I'm a week away from running my first barefoot half marathon. GOODNEWS... Ihad been struggling in training with being sick and TOFP. Itook a hiatus for 2 weeks for TOFP leaving me 2 1/2 weeks to prepare for my half marathon. Iwent out this morning in my VFFs to attempt a 10 mile run to see if...
Hello all! Last Thursday I ran an easy 4 miler. It was supposed to be 5 miles. However, I started to feel a little bit of that TOFP creeping back, so I cut my run a little short. When I got home and showered, the realization that I was having a relapse of the dreaded TOFP set in. Fortunately...
So, I opened my local newspaper today at lunch and saw this article. . . and my poor co-workers got to hear an earful from me about barefoot running. Granted, this article is not referring to barefoot...
In training for my first barefoot half marathon, I ran 5 miles last week (longest distance to date barefoot). Unfortunately I got my first blisters after 3 months and 40 miles of barefooting. I gave my feet about a week to recover - I didn't want to drain the blisters lest Iget an infection on...
This is a repost from my first blog entry on I hope you enjoy reading. Feel free to"follow" me on either BRS or at my blog. GOBRS!!! "WHAT IF THERE'S GLASS? BAREFOOT!!!! ARE YOU CRAZY? OH, MY GOD!" my mom said as I stepped into my house, barefoot, after a run...