Would you...

Scedastic, I think it is in pill form now, synthetic pot.

Hawk, I'm not sure how acupuncture would help the nerves in my feet. Does acupuncture treat only the pain or will it heal the nerves in my feet (and hands/wrists)?

I have tried calming myself through thought and relaxation, so if that's mediation, then I have done that. I'm no expert at it. Meditation seems to be a temporary thing though because as soon as I stop, the pain starts again.

Thanks for all the replies, guys!
Smoke, no way Hozay. Steeped in hot chocolate? well... maybe :)
TJ, while i don't smoke it is medicine. as you said though will you have to be high all the time to stop the pain? you may have to be high constantly and i wouldn't go with synthetic.
Not really. I don't get high or have any ALOC from Aspirin or Ibuprofen. Just sayin'. But I know what you mean.
I have two little ones I need to be mindful of, aware of, take care of.

What kind of message does my smoking pot send my kids?

I don't like the paranoia feelings that come with it...or so I am told.

I surely don't need the "munchies."

AND Is the THC actually working as a pain killer? Or is it more a situation of you still hurt, but you don't care? That's the million dollar question, or quarter, or whatever it costs now...not that I ever knew. ........ Do I dare to find out?

Well to avoid that just use the edible kind so the kids don't know. Honestly I don't get why anyone would smoke the stuff. Wh do something that burns, stings, smells bad when you can eat a tasty lollipop.

Have you done it before to know you get paranoid or the munchies? Its quite possible that you won't have either. Thats not a forgone thing. Thats not ever really been an issue for several people I know.

I think if I was in really terrible pain and it helped it I would probably partake. I'm in california so I'd just have to go in and tell them that I stubbed my finger and they'd give me a script. I don't really get the reasons people do it for fun, its never seemed worth any possible risks to me, but if it was going to provide me with relief from a super painful condition, I certainly would give it a shot.
Scedastic, actually it has been made into a standardized pharmaceutical, Marinol. I guess most people just prefer the straight herb, in whatever way they prefer to ingest it, smoked or otherwise.

I'd say try it ... I don't think it's a bad example for kids. It's just medicine.

From my own pot-smoking experience (which I haven't done in over 8 years now), I'd say it probably helps to dissociate more than it actually relieves pain. Though it's a drug that works differently on everybody. As far as paranoia, whether or not you experience that is mostly a function of where your mind is at when you take it. I used to get paranoid and have some bad "pot trips", but I imagine if I took it now, by virtue of the lots of meditation I've done over the years, it wouldn't be hard for me to get out of a bad mind-state if I experienced one on the drug. Good setting and mental states have a lot to do with it. Many people I know smoke pot daily and never experience paranoia or negative states while high, it just makes them happy and goofy. It's highly individual.
Not sayin'.

Only 8 years, huh, Aaron? ;)
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Teasing, of course.
You deserve to be without pain TJ (atleast some of the time) - don't get bogged down in any of the political or moral bullshit. It isn't addictive in the same sense as opiates or other painkillers, and you are a responsible person who cares about the kids and will know when it is not appropriate to be high. I get that you are worried about the stigma and how it might impact the kids if you take "recreational" drugs, but I can tell you some of the kids at college from the most sheltered/strict households were the ones to go way overboard in college. They are going to be able to get it if they want it, so it is far more important to have an open relationship with them where you can talk about these things so they can learn to make good decisions for themselves.

It may not be for you, but you owe it to yourself to find out if you can lead a happier (and more productive) life with it.
You deserve to be without pain TJ (atleast some of the time) - don't get bogged down in any of the political or moral bullshit. It isn't addictive in the same sense as opiates or other painkillers, and you are a responsible person who cares about the kids and will know when it is not appropriate to be high. I get that you are worried about the stigma and how it might impact the kids if you take "recreational" drugs, but I can tell you some of the kids at college from the most sheltered/strict households were the ones to go way overboard in college. They are going to be able to get it if they want it, so it is far more important to have an open relationship with them where you can talk about these things so they can learn to make good decisions for themselves.

It may not be for you, but you owe it to yourself to find out if you can lead a happier (and more productive) life with it.
Second that.
You deserve to be without pain TJ (atleast some of the time) - don't get bogged down in any of the political or moral bullshit. It isn't addictive in the same sense as opiates or other painkillers, and you are a responsible person who cares about the kids and will know when it is not appropriate to be high. I get that you are worried about the stigma and how it might impact the kids if you take "recreational" drugs, but I can tell you some of the kids at college from the most sheltered/strict households were the ones to go way overboard in college. They are going to be able to get it if they want it, so it is far more important to have an open relationship with them where you can talk about these things so they can learn to make good decisions for themselves.

It may not be for you, but you owe it to yourself to find out if you can lead a happier (and more productive) life with it.

Well said. If it works and allows you to function normally, is there any reason you shouldn't take it? I can't see one. As with any strong drug it's a matter of balancing desired effects and side effects.
How can smoking pot (or taking THC) allow anyone to function normally? I can see myself sitting around tokin' on a joint, and saying, "Hey! I feel so damn good, I think I will get up and go for a run!" NOT! I see myself sitting around smoking pot and staying right there. Pot robs you of the motivation factor, you know, that thing that makes you want to get up off your ass and get stuff done.

Not to mention, it KILLS braincells! So I can sit around smoking pot all day (since my pain doesn't take a break) while I become a big dummy. Ha!

Then...who would run the BRS?
k, well it is in pill form, but I never hear about it in medical marijuana discussions. hmmmm. maybe you are right, people would rather smoke it or eat it. thnx for the info.

Yeah, TJ, I hear ya on the functioning thing, but you should weigh out all your options and decide how well you function in pain all the time. I would be terrible to live with, to the point that my family might be sneaking drugs into my water just to deal with me.
Also, it seems like the pain is something that is not just a mind over matter thing. There will be downsides to whatever method you choose, even just the sucking it up method. Good luck and many sympathies! I hope the pain diminishes in far less time than expected.
Thank you.

I have been taking Gapapentin (Neurontin) these past three or so weeks. This is the same stuff they give epileptic patients to help cut down on the number and strength of seizures they have. For the first week, I took one per day (300 mg); didn't do squat, except make me sleepy. But I knew I would be increasing to 2/day the next week, and 3/day the week after that, so I had hope that the pain would diminish. I am on 3/day now, and I feel like I should go to 4/day to get rid of the rest of the pain (meaning with 3/day, it's only 3/4th gone). BUT, it makes me SO sleepy. I have been sleeping much of the past three weeks away. I don't really know how my feet will behave painwise once I am actually on them though. I mean, it seems the throbbing and burning have really lessened with this last up in dosage, plus it has had time to saturate throughout my body, as I lay around doing nothing, whereas before even just doing nothing was painful. But it's hard to tell when I don't have the energy to get up and do anything. Supposedly, these side effects should go away with time, and I will be "normal." We'll see. We'll see how the pain acts once I can actually get on my feet and use them.

Oh, and that explains why when I took Gabapentin before that it didn't work. The podiatrists who prescribed it pre surgery and post surgery (two different doctors) only prescribed the one per day, which doesn't do squat. The neurologist I saw told me that 300 mg per day (and even 900 mg per day) is a very introductory dose. Now it makes sense why it didn't work for me pre surgery (or post). I called the podiatrists' office who prescribed it for me post surgery and told his nurse that the dosage he is prescribing to his patients for nerve pain is ineffective and of no help at all. She said she would let him know, but he has always prescribed only 300 mg/day. sigh.
That took a lot of thinking to write. sigh. Now my head hurts.

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