Winter Challenge - 2013

Time to start up the annual Winter Challenge.

Everyone is welcome to participate, whether you run 1 mile or 500. Come and challenge yourself and run in the snow. The challenge runs from Oct 1 2013 to April 1 2014.

1. Runs must be BAREFOOT
2. Temperature with windchill must be less than 42°F (5.1°C)
3. Any run of 1/3 mile (o.5 km) can be counted
4. Add your total distance and runs in the appropriate temperature range on the following spreadsheet:

Wind Chill calculator:

Yow, is it okay for me to share this link with a group on facebook? It's a barefoot running group that is local.

BG - sure, the more the merrier. Remember --- barefoot only. And it would be great if you can get them to post some pictures during the winter runs.

Off to the races we are, thanks YOW.
Friendly competition between us Canucks and our awesome American friends to see who can run the most km's. Last year the mighty US beat us out, well let's see about bringing that little bit of bragging rights back up north where it belongs.
BG - sure, the more the merrier. Remember --- barefoot only. And it would be great if you can get them to post some pictures during the winter runs.

It would be nice if they would join the BRS too! Hint, hint.
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Off to the races we are, thanks YOW.
Friendly competition between us Canucks and our awesome American friends to see who can run the most km's. Last year the mighty US beat us out, well let's see about bringing that little bit of bragging rights back up north where it belongs.
Wow, that is so hard to believe...although it's true. I mean you Canucks are known for your serious winters.
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Off to the races we are, thanks YOW.
Friendly competition between us Canucks and our awesome American friends to see who can run the most km's. Last year the mighty US beat us out, well let's see about bringing that little bit of bragging rights back up north where it belongs.

Bob! --- you're already at 171 km (106 miles). Maybe we'll have a fighting chance if we Canucks don't tell Rick Whitelaw that the challenge has started . :muted:
Temps in my area are just starting to get into the qualifying range.
Thanks for doing this again YOW.
Just got my first qualifying run in.
Looking forward to pushing my limits again this year...Hopefully I'll be able to put some real mileage up this time!
Dammit. I was hoping YOW had forgotten. If I sign up, I'll be running a little numb at times when shoes would've worked just fine. Feeling very ambivalent about this . . . will have to give this some thought.

In any case, thanks for organizing this again YOW!

Shake it off Lee!!
You did so well last year :barefoot:
Shake it off Lee!!
You did so well last year :barefoot:
Thanks, yeah, I'll still be barefootin' as much as possible, and I've been running qualifying runs since last week (-4C windchill just now run-commuting to my office on wet pavement). I hesitate to register the runs officially however, because I know once I do, the tendency will be for me to push things a bit in the sub-freezing range, where the real challenge lies, at least for me. Plus I feel sorry for the Canadians. We Minnesotans are kinda honorary Canadians ourselves, so I would like to see them win something. On the other foot, I'll probably push things anyways. I thought about putting shoes on this morning (I got a low level virus in my throat), but my feet cried out for a little soleful stimulation. I couldn't imagine going a whole winter running shod. I think this winter though, I will put on shoes when my mets start to stiffen up. Last winter I probably ran too much like that. I don't think there's any immediate danger running like that, but I wonder if there are cumulative effects.
Bob! --- you're already at 171 km (106 miles). Maybe we'll have a fighting chance if we Canucks don't tell Rick Whitelaw that the challenge has started . :muted:
Temps in my area are just starting to get into the qualifying range.

I have had some big events early in October already including a 140km (40 plus barefoot), a 50km run ( the Grizzly Ultra in the mountains) a half marathon, a 10 km that I ran twice along with a whole lot of normal runs. We will see how long I can keep this up though, I am just about to change engineering firms and am expecting to be quite busy as I evaluate their procedures and make adjustments, etc. Yes, lets not tell Rick that we have started, I want to get a few more big runs in so he will have to play catchup:rolleyes:, lol.
A little late, but I'm in. Good to hear from YOW and Bob (off to a fast start I see). I'd like to know about your adventures Bob, but I know you are busy. Good to see some newbies in the group.

Weather not a problem in my area. Cold and dry. Could have been logging sub-freezing runs for the last two weeks. Just not my priority right now, but expect some bigger numbers to come in November.
Have been crazy busy but still getting out. Just trying to get as many km's in as possible before the weather turns brutal.
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