Winter Challenge - 2012

Yah, beautiful fall so far here in Minnesota, I don't know how someone could wish for it to end. Fall and spring are my favorite seasons. It's killing me not to be running in this gorgeous weather and in the fall colors down by the river. Tomorrow I'll go on a test run to see if my knee-tweak has passed. I guess if walking counts I may already have something to put on the chart. Will look into it.
Just take it easy Bare, we don't want you damaging that knee of yours any further. Sending good thoughts that it is good to go.....
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Woohoo, was able to get out today for a 0 degree run in shorts. Lots of puddles to splash through with the rain and wind. 6 km done. Tomorrow my half marathon is going to be awesome.
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Heat wave has made me long for summer running......
this past week I have run in the 60s and even 70s one day. much for logging winter mileage just yet...
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Had a great run with Dutchie this morning at the The Ted's Run For Literacy. Just on the cusp of the temperature gauge at 5 degrees but a good 10km plus a 2 km cool down. Finished in 52:50 which I am very happy with considering I just ran a Half Mary yesterday.

Here we are the hearty barefoot running Winterpeggers.

Dutchie and Bob.JPG
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Had a great run with Dutchie this morning at the The Ted's Run For Literacy. Just on the cusp of the temperature gauge at 5 degrees but a good 10km plus a 2 km cool down. Finished in 52:50 which I am very happy with considering I just ran a Half Mary yesterday.

Here we are the hearty barefoot running Winterpeggers.

View attachment 999
Looking good! And nice tights Dutchie!
Notice the cup of Timmie's coffee in Dutchie's hand, I bet you he wishes that was a beer. :D
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I will be hitting them this afternoon after my Hasher Run through the bush of Charleswood. Beer and Chili, a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon in October in Winnipeg. Of course a barefoot run to round off the fun
Cool, I have always wanted to visit Galveston.
Ok people, I'm freaking out here!!! My first barefoot marathon is tomorrow and it's snowing outside right now! It's not sticking and it should stop soon, but WHAT THE WHAT?! This will be the third time that I run in Frankfurt, and I've been a spectator two or three times as well. It's always been 10-15*C and sunny. In other words, *perfect* barefoot weather. After my 17k run a few weeks ago, the forecast of 2-6*C (at least it's supposed to be sunny!) is causing some serious anxiety. I'm scrapping the Wilma Flinstone costume in favor of something far warmer, but I reeeeeeeally wanna do this thing barefoot! What to do, what to do...

Ok, that was my rant.Thanks for listening! I just had to get it out where someone might actually understand. Now it's time to think positive and get 'er done!!! :p
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Ok people, I'm freaking out here!!! My first barefoot marathon is tomorrow and it's snowing outside right now! It's not sticking and it should stop soon, but WHAT THE WHAT?! This will be the third time that I run in Frankfurt, and I've been a spectator two or three times as well. It's always been 10-15*C and sunny. In other words, *perfect* barefoot weather. After my 17k run a few weeks ago, the forecast of 2-6*C (at least it's supposed to be sunny!) is causing some serious anxiety. I'm scrapping the Wilma Flinstone costume in favor of something far warmer, but I reeeeeeeally wanna do this thing barefoot! What to do, what to do...

Ok, that was my rant.Thanks for listening! I just had to get it out where someone might actually understand. Now it's time to think positive and get 'er done!!! :p
Hey, first, best of luck, and also, bring back-up if you're not sure you can handle the temp/moisture. You don't want to have to bail on the race for the sake of barefoot purity.

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