
Hi all,

I'm hoping to catch up on reading here soon! I haven't even used my friend requests yet, EEK! The wedding went wonderfully and now I'm home and trying to get life back on track, starting with the orthodontist, orchestra rehearsals/performance, laundry, and editing a couple hundred pictures and hours of video! I haven't run since I left and my knee wasn't helped by hours on my feet and many many stairs while moving DD from her thrid floor dorm to her third floor apartment, sheesh! I hope everyone is haveing a great week!

Lift kilt!

Lift kilt!
hours on my feet and many

hours on my feet and many many stairs while moving DD from her thrid floor dorm to her third floor apartment...

That should be a country song.
BTW, Wendy, I've added The

BTW, Wendy, I've added The Lounge and Site Help to the forums drop down menu.
Our DD is getting married a

Our DD is getting married a week from Sunday.

Not sure if future SIL will be kilted or not.

Probably not, but just a guess.

I've already been informed that the patent leather rental shoes must stay on all night.

Am I really old enough to listen to instructions from DD?

Naw, just old enough to not mind being viewed as eccentric!

Has Vibram added a patent leather shiney model to it's Tuxedo worthy lineup yet?
Longboard wrote:I've already

Longboard said:
I've already been informed that the patent leather rental shoes must stay on all night.

I call shenanigans on that. There's no way they can enforce that, as history has shown that at least 75% of bridesmaids doff their shoes before they even get to the reception.


Norm -- semi-professional wedding cordinator.
Your not familiar with the

Your not familiar with the gender based double standard?

Can I wear spaghetti straps (AKA "tanktop") as well?

Unlike women, mens feet, ankles, legs, necks, and shoulders must remain covered at formal events.

Someday I'll defy convention, but for now I'll just be envious of my wife as we dance with her wearing one simple tiny article of clothing while being considered "dressed to the nines". I'll sweat and choke in my tie and patent leather rentals.

At least it's just a once in a lifetime event. By the time our boys get married, bare feet will be common place.

I can dream, can't I?
Congratulations Longboard! 

Congratulations Longboard! It certainly isn't every day you give away a daughter :) I'm thinking a switch to Black Vibrams probably wouldn't be noticed, especially if you wait until the bar has been open for a bit.

LOL, TJ, I have it on good authority that the groom had boxers on under his kilt :) Good thing too as there was a stiff breeze and it could have been a real show!

I couldn't wait to get out of my heels after the recpetion! I did wear a skirt suit so I was cooking as much as the guys, but coats were ditched pretty quickly.

Knee is still giving me fits. I can't seem to figure out the root problem. Hamstring stretches appear to do more good than ITBand stretches. I'm running anyway, but not far, just 3-5 miles.
LB, I think you'll be good in

LB, I think you'll be good in some dark Vibrams with your tux. Like Norm said, brides and bridesmaids usually kick their heels off and throw on flip flops. Otherwise, make a deal with dd....if she leaves her shoes on, then you'll leave yours on too:p
LOL, I like the deal with dad

LOL, I like the deal with dad and the bride both having to keep their shoes on!

Wienerdawg, she is 12, started playing the violin when she was 5 and started viola at 10. I come from a long line of musicians, but she is the first to play strings. I have no idea where she leared about violins, but she started pestering me for lessons when she was 2, LOL.

...and she runs barefoot :)
Adorable AND runs barefoot

Adorable AND runs barefoot too! The perfect package.
What a pretty picture! Thank

What a pretty picture! Thank you for sharing. Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound but sorry to hear your knee is giving you trouble.

Longboard, I would just go with black socks. Of course, that could be dangerous out on the dance floor. lol
BFWendyBird wrote:LOL, I

BFWendyBird said:
LOL, I like the deal with dad and the bride both having to keep their shoes on!

Wienerdawg, she is 12, started playing the violin when she was 5 and started viola at 10. I come from a long line of musicians, but she is the first to play strings. I have no idea where she leared about violins, but she started pestering me for lessons when she was 2, LOL.

...and she runs barefoot :)

That is Awesome I think it is important for kids to learn about the arts at an early age, tough to do as an adult for sure. I like the Viola, I think its range is closest to the human voice than any other of the stringed instruments

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