What's the percentage of barefoot / minimalist runners among the US runners ?

stomper wrote:And another

stomper said:
And another part of me says:

F**k it, dude, commerce and bureaucracy always screws everything up. Let's just leave that garbage to them and have a run and a beer.

Agreed, though I'll have to pass on the beer unfortunately. I'm also down for bowling, but last I checked bowling lanes were about the least barefoot friendly places on earth. They not only require you to wear shoes, but THEIR shoes (or if you bowl a lot you probably have your own but they're still bowling shoes.) Personally I don't care much what we define as a minimalist shoe, because I will still go out of my way to not wear them. Unless they make dress shoes without a bottom on them, those I'd be into. I guess I could just cut the bottom off a pair, but I kinda have a feeling they'd fall apart. Plus you'd still see my barefoot when I moved. Hmmm... Oh, I have an idea, cut off the sole of a shoe, and then paint the bottom of my feet black so they look like part of the shoe!

I also agree with josh, they're all high heels to me.
I went bowling with just a

I went bowling with just a pair of socks on a few months ago. They provided the right amount of slippage across the hard wood planked floors too.

Are you talking about shoes like this? Hee. This guy (or girl) showed up at one of Ken Bob's workshops wearing these. Too funny!

the 10k I ran 3 weeks ago had

the 10k I ran 3 weeks ago had 2 true barefooters other than me. So there was 3 of us out of almost 3,000
Barefoot TJ wrote:Yes, J.,

Barefoot TJ said:
Yes, J., good point. Not everyone is going to either heel strike while wearing TRS, and not everyone is going to have a mid/forefoot plant while running in minimalist footwear. Just look at Rick. He's a heel-striker AND a barefoot runner. And that's okay for him because it works for him. Apparently, he is able to run every single day for the past several years, without taking time off. His biomechanics allow him to run that way and not become injured. Yes, I know he heel strikes, I've run with him. He's a strong runner, not the fastest, but a very good runner.

TJ, TJ, TJ ... now you know by this generalization of my running form that it just isn't accurate. Have I ever "heel struck"? Certainly. Do I run that way all the time? Of course not. That is the very reason I started barefoot running. The misconception by a lot of folks that the heel should never touch is bogus. Look at it like a ship versus a boat. A ship is going to need a lot more rudder to manuever than a boat. I'm not saying I'm huge but I am close to 190 lbs. Therefore, a little "rudder action" by the heel is not a bad thing. Keeps a person heading in their intended direction. Someone with a lighter frame may be able to use their heel or their "rudder" less. Good for them.

As Jack Cady said in my stride analysis, I have a generalized mid-foot strike. Nothing particualarly special about it but that I use the entire foot to act as a strut on car, displacing weight through the arch. This, imho, is ideal.


Best, Rick
I apologize profusely my dear

I apologize profusely my dear sir and good friend. :) I stand corrected. I meant no offense, as you know. I completely agree about the heel. It's supposed to kiss the ground after the midfoot plant. And yes, I can see where someone may strike with the heel now and again but not with every step. Thanks for pointing that out.

EDIT: From now on, if anyone says Rick is a heel striker, we will have the video to prove them wrong, including me. :shy:
I must add, I feel like I've

I must add, I feel like I've been spanked for being a naughty child. That's me and Rick in that avatar photo to your left, his hand on my shoulder. It is by far my most favorite barefoot photo. Is that enough sucking up yet? Can I stop now? ;-)
Barefoot TJ wrote:I must

Barefoot TJ said:
I must add, I feel like I've been spanked for being a naughty child. :shy: That's me and Rick in that avatar photo to your left, his hand on my shoulder. It is by far my most favorite barefoot photo. Is that enough sucking up yet? Can I stop?

You're funny! LOL! (Now go to your room! :D)
I'm already in my room,

I'm already in my room, sulking with my head in the pillow...well, with one hand and one eye on the keyboard.
Rick, TJ: The way I look at

Rick, TJ: The way I look at that video, especially the super slo-mo starting at 2:20-ish Rick does land heel first. The thing is though, this doesn't matter one bit. I think it's unfortunate that the debate has come to heel vs mid-foot vs forefoot strikes when the actual foot strike is the least important part of good form IMO. Alignment is a million times more important, the often repeated running tall, bent knees mantra along with relaxation. Back to Rick's video then. What I see, as an amateur, is good form with excessively dorsiflexed feet. I takes amazing flexibility in the ankle joint to pull this off but it clearly shows that we need to be careful with how we describe good form to people. Even if you don't agree with my analysis of the video, can you see the point I'm trying to make here? The biggest problem people have in terms of running form is overstriding, not putting the heel down first. I've managed to pull off a forefoot landing while overstriding so foot strike really isn't a good thing to focus on.

Do I have to go to my room too?
Barefoot TJ wrote:You want to

Barefoot TJ said:
You want to take this on Stomper?

... posted a draft of the minimal shoe standard in the gear forum. It's version 0.1 and I just wrote it to get things started. I personally am not liking shoes of any kind right now. Not for running anyway. For welding it might be a different story.
I'll send you what I started

I'll send you what I started then, Stomper. Thanks.

BB, what I was trying to say and have said all along is as long as our form is healthy to us, as Rick's is to him, then it doesn't matter what it looks like or how it happens. I like to point out again that my form sucks in the Looks category, because I am a lame (seriously) runner, but it works for me, and I know this because I have not been injured while running barefoot.
TJ: Exactly. I just want to

TJ: Exactly. I just want to get away from the foot strike stuff since I feel it does more harm than good. I mean, how many newbies have we had come here or the other forum thinking that they should run up on their toes in their VFFs? I attribute this to the idea of a forefoot strike. As I said, this isn't where the problem lies.
As long as it's not hurting

As long as it's not hurting them, then it's a good form, heel or toe.
I totally agree about the

I totally agree about the need for the heel touch. It is the single biggest problem I see with new BFRs. Unfortunately, there are some out there teaching to "run up on your toes".
