What We're Dealing With Folks....


Chapter Presidents
May 13, 2010
I mean the nerve of it all.......doing yoga in bare feet?

"The other day, I was hard at work in the sit-up area; listening to an audiobook and picking at a loose flap of rubber on my left shoe. When I turned onto my other side, I was greeted by the sight of some dude in a pair of those repugnantly short shorts doing yoga, with his SHOES AND SOCKS OFF. Certainly, here was a ripe target. I don’t care if it's his fung shui to do it barefoot – having bare, sweaty feet in a public area that isn’t a beach or swimming pool is just not acceptable."
More of her unbelievable comments here:
Ok, I considered commenting about her strange delusion that it was unusual to do yoga in bare feet, or offensive to move about a changing room less than fully clothed... But when I got to the bit about women who don't shave their armpits needing to cover up (in a changing room???? What are they supposed to do, wear sleeves in the shower? Wear big sticky plasters and take them off o so carefully at home?) I gave up. What is the point? As the first comment rather pertinently put it, she would probably have problems with public breast feeding as well. Perhaps if she saves the money she earns from this column she can afford therapy.
Sadly if even just one person like that is in a gym of a hundred folks at a time they will not only complain but will be catered to.
That arm hair thing.....I always wondered why women could wear tank tops as semi-dressy wear in restaurants etc. while men could not. So maybe it was the under arm hair issue? Did any women ever get told to cover up because they were dining with exposed armpit hair? Just wondering.
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I can't imagine that here in the UK anyone would ever comment on underarm hair in a restaurant, but possibly not for the best reasons - I suspect that it would probably be regarded as a blemish, like an unsightly facial wart or as a fashion disaster, like an obvious toupee, so people might go eeew to each other in the kitchen but wouldn't say anything. It's hard to think of any expression of a dress code which would require sleeves for women (unless you were visiting the Vatican).
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I say it again, I bet she is repulsed by the sight of her own feet too!
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Funny how in the fundamentalist Islamic as well as Judaic dress codes women must cover up while men don't have to. Kind of the opposite of secular western culture.
I've tested it in a Chassidic synagogue....tank top, shorts, and bare feet for me, while strict enforcement of not showing collarbones, upper and middle arms, and upper & middle legs applied to the women. The married females also could not show their head hair . Not as strict as Muslim rules, but at least the Orthodox Jewish women can expose their calves, ankles , and feet. If we had gone to a restaurant afterwards my wife and I would have had to swap outfits!
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