what stretches & drills does everyone do?

Lee, what is this plodding you speak of...? :rolleyes:

As to the OP, here's my weekly rundown (pun completely intended):

M: rest/offday, such as it is with two kids running around the hoouse; no organized workout, anyway.
T: Run, usually longer run in the summer time when i have the time off to commit.
W: Hills/speedwork. This is new in my training, but I am eyeing a half in the fall, and a 50k next year and I don't want to plod through them.
Th: rest/offday
F: Run. Whatever I feel like, but usually trails for mid-long-ish run at higher exertion without beating myself up on pavement
Sa: Run, short recovery pace plod to get the legs moving
Su: Longer run with some fartlek-esque efforts in the middle. Again, trying to build endurance and speed together. Jason R recommended the longer run fartlek and it worked pretty well the other day so i'm using them.

In addition I do crossfit-style workouts a couple nights a week with a group of friends. this gets my social exercise fix, as i prefer to run solo. Also, a note about 'longer runs;' it's all relative. For me right now long=5-6 miles. i'm still building back from my injury laden winter and have taken it very slowly.

In three weeks I will have the first 'test' of how this training has worked. I'm running a team relay through Central Oregon (this one: http://www.cascadelakesrelay.com/). It'll be hilly, at elevation (comparatively), and generally challenging. I think I have 17-20 miles spread over three legs in a 36-hour window, if no one drops out or gets hurt. then it'll be more.

re: stretching...I stretch post run, mostly calves and hip flexors and use a mix of foam rolling and yoga poses to keep from turning into a ball of ouch. I subscribe to the "I do what feels good to me" school of this stuff.
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Wow Tim! Sounds like you are really doing well! Glad to hear it! (even if you are shod ;)) I guess since you are sharing your workout schedule here's mine:

3 sets of 8 dumbbell squats

3 sets of 5 overhead presses

5 sets of 1 minute dumbbell push press

5 sets of 1 minute sit-ups on decline bench

1+ mile run (hills)

1 set of 8 Dumbbell Deadlifts

8 sets of 5 power cleans

8 sets of 3 broad jumps

1 mile run (slow and easy)

Rest Day (try to do a small walk)

3 sets of 8 dumbbell squats

3 sets of 10 reps dumbbell bench press and go right into 10 reps dumbbell flys

Max rep evil wheels

1 mile run (faster paced)

3 sets of 3 power cleans

3 sets max rep pull-ups

5 sets bear crawls (50m)

1 mile run (slow and easy)

Stretches I do stretch the calves just before I go to the gym and I also roll out my calves prior to. After run I stretch the calves, foot, upper legs, do sun salutations, and some other yoga poses I can't remember the name of along with rolling my calves, hammys, quads, IT band, butt, and mid-upper back.
Interesting, but how does one scientifically test this? Anyone who participates as a test subject is going to taint the study by expecting results when placed in the chamber...

lol, yeah, Nick, I guess a double-blind test would be difficult to pull off in this case :p
Lee, what is this plodding you speak of...? :rolleyes:
Lomad, not sure if I'm not catching an inside joke, or if you missed the plodding discussion on the 'More of less or less of more' thread. If the former I apologize, as I consider it a big fail to miss someone else's irony, facetiousness, cynicism, obscure reference, or sarcasm, as those discursive modes are like air and water to me, conversationally. So allow me to be awkwardly serious here and clarify that when I say plodding, I mean lumbering.
Five days per week running. Nice. I'm capping it at four days for the time being, with just two days consecutive when I repeat my cycle without a rest day (v. supra).
Nick, looks like a nice strength training program. I think it's wise to focus on that while you're building your running back up.
I normally have a much more comprehensive workout schedule that is 5-6 days a week, depending how I feel on that 6th day. For some reason though, this new workout is kicking my butt despite my normal workout schedule.
Two things: 1. Sorry, Lee, you missed my smartassedness. I was absolutely referencing the less of more of less than the other thread. If you claim you hadn't yet had your wine or beer when reading that post all will be forgiven and understood completely.

2. jen, Pullups are of the devil.

3. (it's my post and i'll do what i like, including, apparently, failing at capitalization). Yeah, things are going well, Nick. I'm training for two big relays in August (Cascade Lakes the first weekend and Hood to Coast the last weekend) so my volume has been increasing, plus i've got a trail half marathon on my radar for november. Still shod (sorry guys. I know, I know; I'm a disgrace;)), but that's what's working for me. i couldn't re-transition right now if I really wanted to, what with the amount of running I have to do with teammates relying on me to be ready to perform. It's perpetually in the back of my mind (like on today's trail run. Bare feet would have felt so good. You know...in an idealistic sense. my now-frail feet would have fallen off if I'd tried it!). I think if I can maintain a healthy running year i may try some transitioning runs in the off-season and see where it goes.

Threadjack over:)
triston-OH.. you're not allowed to leave your desk for lunch!?!?! you know we have laws against that over here in the UK.... the weather is crap, but the working conditions are good. :)
Well I think there are laws here too along the same lines but all they have to do is allow you to eat. Which they do, at our desks. Its pretty common in my industry where desks have to be manned all the time. And I'm sure if they gave us half hour lunch or something they would dock our pay by a half hour... I'd rather have the pay and eat at my desk. Atleast on nightshift when there is only our group in the building things are more lax (depending on the supervisor) and normally we can send a runner out to pick us up something to eat. But on dayshift even running across the street quick to a fast food joint has got a few in trouble.
Two things: 1. Sorry, Lee, you missed my smartassedness. I was absolutely referencing the less of more of less than the other thread. If you claim you hadn't yet had your wine or beer when reading that post all will be forgiven and understood completely.:)
Lomad, this is disappointing; I thought my crypto-clarification at the end would've given me away, I'll have to use an emoticon next time. I was referencing B&A insistence on my defining plodding on that thread. I'm sure if you could've seen my facial expression as I wrote that you would've gotten it.

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