Weekly mileage, w/e 5-15/16


Apr 3, 2010
moving this over from RW too, what did your last week look like for mileage?

26.5mi total

5.5mi bf outside Sunday

2mi adizero at the gym Monday

5mi bf outside Thursday

14mi bf outside Saturday
 I've been working extra the

I've been working extra the last few weeks and mileage is way down plus I started swimming and biking too.

So this last week only 13.25 miles, a ten mile brutal trail run in a pair of marshal arts shoes I was testing plus a barefoot 5k race and that was it plus 2 days of swim/bike.

There is some running magic that happens when you can keep a 25 mile a week running base...Zumba your on the way there!
Had a 32 mile week last week.

Had a 32 mile week last week. It was my last leveling off week before starting to ramp up mileage for my first marathon of the summer in late June

Mon 5k with the kids

Tues 5.5 mile temp trail

Wed 6 mile hill trail

Sat 5k race

Sun 11 mile long run

I've been around 35 to 40 miles per week, but took an extra rest day last week and backed my milage down to rest up for the 5k race on Saturday. Felt really fresh. Two rest days before a race always makes me feel stronger and itching to run
Last week I did 7.5m running

Last week I did 7.5m running and about 1.5m walking, all outdoors, all barefoot.
I have ran only twice since

I have ran only twice since my marathon on May2nd. I did run 4.5 miles barefoot this morning, I had a nice 8:00 pace going until mile 3, then pain. I have an IT BAND issue, but it might something different with my knee. I can't run past 3 miles without pain. I have an MRI scheduled for this sunday, I need to get some answers.

So frustrated right now! I was looking forward to some serious barefoot mileage this summer, I have a half marathon at the end of June, who knows about that right now.

Going from 30+ mpw to nothing is so defeating.
I agree Mokie, sadly it's not

I agree Mokie, sadly it's not possible for me to keep up with it. I'm just too busy these days, I'm lucky if I can get in 3 days worth of runs. It's all a balancing act isn't it. I've been belly dancing twice a week and zumba-ing 2-4times a week, along with some good digging/gardening in addition to the runs, I'm afraid anything more than that and I'll burn out.

Nice job everyone, Adam sorry about the itb issues. Lots of stretching should help, wonder if chia would help with the inflamation..maybe up your chia for a while and see what happens.
Sunday 4K interval session,

Sunday 4K interval session, barefoot

Tuesday, 4K interval session, barefoot

Thursday, 4K interval session, barefoot

Sunday, 42.2K race, VFFs

I walked maybe a smidgeon or

I walked maybe a smidgeon or two. :-(
ooo, getting there TJ, you'll

ooo, getting there TJ, you'll back up and running in no time. Can't wait to hear about how your runs are post surgery, what a relief for you!

Matt, darn rocks!

Nice work Alan!
I did about 12 miles.  Of

I did about 12 miles. Of those, 5 miles barefoot on grass, 1 mile asphalt and the rest in my Nike cushioned shoes. I'm still transtioning to full barefoot and trying to be cautious about it. Usually the following morning lets me know about my progress or degress.
Nice job Miqie, I never liked

Nice job Miqie, I never liked running in the grass until I did it barefoot.