Weekly Mileage 12/11-12/17

Good run and pace, just

Good run and pace, just remember that windy days can also be called resistance training. ;-)
Barefooting Bob

Barefooting Bob said:
...windy days can also be called resistance training. ;-)

Thanks for startig it up

Thanks for startig it up Andy! I hope to get some mileage in this week. Shooting for 20~30.
Chaserwilliams wrote:Thanks

Chaserwilliams said:
Thanks for startig it up Andy! I hope to get some mileage in this week. Shooting for 20~30.

Are you crazy? Aren't you just coming back from an injury?
Dama, yes. Im coming back

Dama, yes. Im coming back from an injury. I know what the root cause of the injury is, and Im working on correcting it. In the meantime I will avoid hard surfaces (cement, asphalt, concrete, ect...) and run on dirt and grass and trails and such to eliminate futher aggrivation to the root cause. Which I need to start running on those kinds of surfaces anyways as thats what my 50 miler will be on.

At least thats the thought process going through my head. Ill give it a go today running around my moms land and see how it goes.
@Chaser, please remind me

@Chaser, please remind me again of what's causing your numbing issues and what are you doing to fix it.

If you don't mind.

@Abide, are you still injured and what was your injury(forgot-sorry).

Are you still planning on doing the race?
Thanks for asking Dama, I did

Thanks for asking Dama, I did something to my achilles while back, not sure exactly what, I suspect I hurt it mountain biking. I took off a month from running to make sure it healed properly. It still hurts but it's much better now. No I am not running the race anymore. It's not worth injuring myself again. But my wife decided she is going to run it for me.

This brings up another topic, no more races for me for a while. I am realizing that staying un-injured is more important than running a race. So rather than spending money on things like races I am going to invest in kettlebells and prowlers and build up my home gym. That way my $ never goes to waste from an injury.

How are you feeling?
I didn't know you were

I didn't know you were injured as well Abide. I had some an achilles and a foot issue as well, 2 1/2 months later I can say I am 98% better. Still have slight sorness in foot when running but coming along. I ran a few races while not being 100%, and it definitely was not a good idea, it was just more frustrations and set backs. You are making the right decisions!

Sounds like we are on the same plan with home gyms, doing the same thing right now. I am kind of going for a home cross-fit gym. Bought a 40lb kettlebell a few weeks ago, lots of fun and a great switch up to throw in my workouts. Anyways nice to hear you are on the mend.

As far as mileage for me, I actually got in 20 miles last week it's been 2 months since I've seen that mileage. And I ran my first official trail race on Sunday.
Unfortunately I may be out

Unfortunately I may be out all week, or maybe longer, until I can get this leg pain looked at and taken care of.

This will be the first week I haven't gone out at all since... September? Maybe longer. It's so crazy, I've NEVER been this much into exercise or working out since I started going BF.
Barefoot Dama

Barefoot Dama said:
Chaserwilliams said:
Thanks for startig it up Andy! I hope to get some mileage in this week. Shooting for 20~30.

Are you crazy? Aren't you just coming back from an injury?

Ahhhh...to be young again & bounce back immediately from injury.

Ran 6.34 miles this morning.

I am trying to take it easy coming back from injury, so my plan is to run 4 days this week totalling 15-18 miles. I ran 3 days last week for a total of 11.56 miles. Considering I ran a total of 19.9 miles for all of November, I think I it will be the beginning of January until I am able to average 30-35 mile weeks.
Abide wrote:Thanks for

Abide said:
Thanks for asking Dama, I did something to my achilles while back, not sure exactly what, I suspect I hurt it mountain biking. I took off a month from running to make sure it healed properly. It still hurts but it's much better now. No I am not running the race anymore. It's not worth injuring myself again. But my wife decided she is going to run it for me.

This brings up another topic, no more races for me for a while. I am realizing that staying un-injured is more important than running a race. So rather than spending money on things like races I am going to invest in kettlebells and prowlers and build up my home gym. That way my $ never goes to waste from an injury.

How are you feeling?

Glad to hear that you're on your way to healing. I agree about staying injury free, races are tricky, no matter how many times you tell yourself to just train wihtout pushing yourself too much it just doesn't work. We always want to run faster and farther. Running just for fun, I found that I run better but once I sign for a race..well that's another story.

I am doing well thanks. Just coming back to running after a short break. My back was acting up again but now is back to my normal pain.

7 miles for me today on the indoor track.
3.76 miles yesterday around

3.76 miles yesterday around my moms place through very sharp stiff and hard grass, dried and cracked hard dirt, and lots of briars and stickers.... Why are people against running on man made surfaces again???

On a side note, my leg / foot issue felt to be at about 85%. I say only 85% because part of my right foot is still numb...

Dama, I have "Seismoiditis" in my right foot, causing me to run on the anterior of my foot, which stressed my "Peronous Longus" muscle causing inflamation that I iced down and I think that led to a pinched nerve that led to the numb foot. The seismoiditis was from doing 10 intense minutes of bleachers BF, then I did my back to back 20/20 weekend a few days after that, whih caused the muscle inflamation. Im icing my foot (namely the seismoids area) and rolling the rest of my foot out with a golf ball / tennis ball / can of green beans. Im also avoiding harder surfaces to avoid futher irritation of the seismoids. Hopefully it works out... lol.
Ran a half mile and noticed a

Ran a half mile and noticed a pain in the ball of my right foot under my little toe. A little too much discomfort not to rest it. This was meant to be a low mileage week so I may take even more rest than planned.

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