WARNING: Rated R - May not be suitable for all audiences -- Hottest Female Athlete?

I guess I'm a video Luddite

I guess I'm a video Luddite or something. Pictures of little girls (or even not so little!) just make me feel pretty old. I think I'm wired to appreciate models with a little more milage on them.

Maybe it has something to do with knowing that my 2 daughters are going to be the objects of such appreciation one of these days...grrrrr...
What made this rated R? PG, maybe PG-13 at a stretch.
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You know? I can't even remember now. It's been so long ago. Perhaps I got a complaint. Yea, that's the ticket.
What made this rated R? PG, maybe PG-13 at a stretch.
Agreed. If this is R, then most of you will not want to read my autobiography when I I finally write it. I'm still waiting on some of the stories to be released for publishing by the police in foreign countries....
ill put my vote in for Alana Blanchard


calf muscles like whoa!
How about Annie Thorisdottir? I'd hit fight that.

I'm sorry, but man bodies on a woman are not pretty. They're manly.
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Well, I'm gay, but I still like womens' parts....
Hey, we all like what we like, and I like Lolo.

To be honest, though, it was a bit of a toss up between Lolo and Mary Lou, but I decided that Mary Lou was more of a nostalgic childhood crush that refuses to die.

Mary Lou was one of my heros growing up. I was a gymnast too. She was consistently solid and strong as a gymnast. Wouldn't think guys would think she was hot though. Hmmmm.

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