

May 13, 2010
Been looking for a new multivitamin to take. Any brand suggestions? I use to get the Equate brand at Wal-Mart (similar to Centrum) but when my bottle ran out a few months ago, I never got more. After getting my second cold in 2 months (rare for me) I thinking I need to get back to a multivitamin. Wondering if there are better alternatives to the discount store brands.
My wife does the heavy

My wife does the heavy lifting of reading in the nutritional arena, but as I understand it, recent research indiccates that generally vitamins are somewhere between worthless to mildly harmful unless you have some rare deficiency.

...but don't let me spoil them for you.
I don't like taking vitamins

I don't like taking vitamins everyday. Once in a while, generally in the winter, I will take a supplement for a couple of weeks to get a little boost. Maybe it's all in my head but i like to be able to take something when I feel low energy.

This past year I used Amazing Grass Green Superfood capsules, usually for 2 weeks at a time. I think it's much better than multivitamins, it's 'real' food and has pre and pro-biotics. I buy mine at Whole Foods. I tried their powder mixed with smoothies but I don't like the taste. So I prefer the capsules.
JosephTree wrote: My wife

JosephTree said:
My wife does the heavy lifting of reading in the nutritional arena, but as I understand it, recent research indiccates that generally vitamins are somewhere between worthless to mildly harmful unless you have some rare deficiency. ...but don't let me spoil them for you.

+1- The american cancer society is currently suggesting not to take them
Vitamin D has been shown to

Vitamin D has been shown to improve immune system function. Also, it prevents stress fractures. I am currently taking 5,000 IU per day of the D. Although I have yet to do this, it is recommended that you get a blood test to determine your current levels, and from that baseline then you can take the appropriate amount. FYI, too much D can be toxic. I also take a cal/mag pill mostly to prevent muscle spasms (the mag is supposed to do this). While not a multivitamin, I am also currently taking a fermented cod liver oil. Those are the only "vitamins" that I take and recommend.
Vitamin D helps with Calcium

Vitamin D helps with Calcium absorbsion and if you have an issue with this then it probably does help with stress fractures by helping your body build bones. Be really carefull though, death by vitamin seems like a pretty silly inscription on your tombstone =)

So far I've learned in life that everything in moderation is normally ok. I eat lots of fruit, vegitables, whole grain and meat and dont worry about a multivitamin. My Dr is happy with my bloodwork and general health so I think I'm onto something.
interesting points you guys

interesting points you guys have made so far. I have certifications in sports nutrition and supplementation and here's what I "know"

The average multi vitamin is over dosed and your body does not absorb all of those nutrients. In fact it cannot absorb all of the nutrients in most multis because a lot of them block each others absoprtion. The multi makers have you take them in such large doses so some can be absorbed and the hope is that in the end you get the amount of each nutrient through a more is more approach.

The reason the ACS is recommending against them at the moment is for that very reason. They have a tendency to lump up in your stomach and take a long time to push through if ever. Some cadavers that were being used in med schools many years ago were being found with these strange lumps of goop in the stomachs and the testing showed it was years of left over multi vitamins. The companies have since changed tactics to avoid such happenings but they still over dose the things. With that said there have no substantial studies to prove against multis or that they cause cancer. The studies have shown excess of certain nutrients possibly being an aid in cancer production but on a large scale it's all estimations at this time. It is cancer though so I understand being cautious.

General rules of thumb for a multi vitamin (which I do recommend people take) are to know how they are bonded. If the tablet is bright colored stay away from it as it's typically bonded with some form of paint. They can also be bonded with glue, and high pressure/heated saw dust as well as other crazy things you don't want in your body. Most people in the nutrition world recommend a capsule instead of a tablet to avoid bonding agents as well as aid in better absorption.

In the past year or so I have found Herbalife brand supplements and love everything about them. In my past I have had allergic reactions to multis and never took them. I've had nothing but feeling great since starting the Herbalife multis and now recommend them to anyone who asks but sticking to the basic rules I mentioned will help you find a good multi. The truth is that our food is watered down, we don't eat balanced meals, and our bodies need more nutrition than our typical diets can offer so we should find the extra somewhere and multis can help with that.

In terms of dosing I say go with a portion of what they recommend. If they say one tablet three times a day then you will probably be fine taking one tablet once a day. You can also take them at different times based on your needs. I've often taken my multis before bed so that my body has a supply of nutrients to use for recovery and repair while I sleep. Others will take them in the morning to help give them a start of the day boost. I recommend you find what works for you and go with it.
Jimmy Hart wrote: General

Jimmy Hart said:
General rules of thumb for a multi vitamin (which I do recommend people take) are to know how they are bonded. If the tablet is bright colored stay away from it as it's typically bonded with some form of paint. They can also be bonded with glue, and high pressure/heated saw dust as well as other crazy things you don't want in your body. Most people in the nutrition world recommend a capsule instead of a tablet to avoid bonding agents as well as aid in better absorption.

I'm curious what you think about the vitamins that come in powder form that you mix with water. Such as (other than the fact that there is splenda in it which alot of people have enormous issues with). I've always heard the same issue with vitamins not breaking up so when I do take them if my diet has been especially horrendous I have that.

Jimmy Hart said:
I've often taken my multis before bed so that my body has a supply of nutrients to use for recovery and repair while I sleep.

I don't know how you can do that. If I take a vitamin before bed it takes forever for me to sleep. I think its all the B vitamins in them.
Jimmy Hart wrote:...In the

Jimmy Hart said:
...In the past year or so I have found Herbalife brand supplements and love everything about them...

My in-laws/husband are mega Herbalife folks and they really are the best vitamins ever. I used to get sick from vitamins ALL THE TIME but Herbalife has been very good to me. They're meant to be taken 3x a day...not megadosed at all obviously, but meant to be used over the long haul. High quality & pure, so different from Walmart crap.

Herbalife is probably the highest quality nutrition out there...they're pricey but worth it. Big fan of the company here!
miqie wrote:After getting

miqie said:
After getting my second cold in 2 months (rare for me) I thinking I need to get back to a multivitamin.


Is this the only reason you're thinking of taking a Multi? We really don't need them if we have a well balanced diet. If you are worried about getting too many colds, I suggest getting an annual flu shot. I've got one every year for the last four years and have been flu free. There may be nay-sayers out there - there may also be side effects - I dunno, it just works for me - lots of fresh food, exercise, sunshine, coffee and take what the world throws at you with a smile.
Aj I'm cool with powdered

Aj I'm cool with powdered stuff because it's easier to digest but like the other folks you mentioned I get leary of products that throw stuff in there that shouldn't be. I also know what you're talking about with energy from the vitamins before bed but I get vitamins that are low in B's for nighttime use if that's the way I'm wanting to go.

Fito I like your attitude but I completely disagree with you. Perhaps the food is more pure in Australia but here our fruits and veggies are seriously lacking in nutrients due to things like pesticides, preservative tactics, and over farming of soils. Studies have shown there is no way for the average American to consume enough food in a day to get the proper amount of nutrients so eating "right" just isn't enough. If I recall correctly the studies I've read include the rest of the world in this situation but I can't say quote me on that. I do know in America the idea of getting all the stuff your body needs through diet alone is a long gone dream.
Wow - I'm sorry to hear about

Wow - I'm sorry to hear about that Jimmy - We grow a lot of our own fruit and veggies in our back yard - normal size house block - and have for years, so maybe I'm out of touch with current trends.

The additives that the companies add to supposedly 'healthy' suppliments sound scary. I'd source the 'closest to nature' vitamins around, if that's the case.

You're all welcome to move down here if you want.
Jimmy, can you get Herblife

Jimmy, can you get Herblife in stores or do you have to buy from a local distributer? I just want to get my product and go. I'm not into listening to a big sales speech on the whole product line. The product looks good, but I'll find something else if I can't purchase it on my terms.
Rainbow Light multis are

Rainbow Light multis are good. I am not a big fan of multis, though, but rather targeting deficiencies, and getting tested for deficiencies if you can. Last Spring I was low in D and B12. The B12 one was funny since I eat half raw steak all the time, but there you go. I targeted my nutrition to these deficiencies and my supplements and now I feel great. The problem is sometimes the nutritional issue is that you are eating things that are blocking absorption of a certain nutrient, and sometimes it's the case that you need to supplement, but different things cannot be easily abosrbed in the same way. B12 is commonly given under the tongue because it does not absorb well through the stomach lining, magnesium is best through the skin (hence, epsom salt baths), and vitamin D is considered to not be well absorbed without being accompanied by fat (lots of people take cod liver oil with their D for that reason). I resisted for a long time, but I finally have to admit that being smart about really thinking about supplementing and what I cn get from food and what I need from a pill has made a tremendous difference. My B12 and D levels are good now, and I feel great.
miqie wrote:Jimmy, can you

miqie said:
Jimmy, can you get Herblife in stores or do you have to buy from a local distributer? I just want to get my product and go. I'm not into listening to a big sales speech on the whole product line. The product looks good, but I'll find something else if I can't purchase it on my terms.

I feel ya on the sales pitch stuff. That's actually why I became a distributor :) that way I skip dealing with anyone and can get what I want when I want. If you want to just get stuff I have a link on my site that will take you to my personal set up and you can use that. I'm not trying to sell stuff because I'm not out to earn a living from Herbalife. I share with people when they wanna know so if you want to go that route you can go through my site with no stress :) I know in my area there are "stores" set up as nutrition clubs that serve, use, and sell Herbalife products so you may have one in your area but without knowing someone who sells it I'm not sure how you would find them...kind of sucks that they are a MLM company but they are legit so I over look it. if you want the Herbalife link
My wife and I have had good

My wife and I have had good luck for a few years now on a program called "Nutri-Spec". Our Nutritionist does a few tests to determine your metabolic-type, and adjusts supplements accordingly.

He has also spoken about how other products have "additives" in them to help them with shelf-life (things that you do not want), as well as what is used to bond the pills together, as Jimmy Hart previously mentioned. When I used to take over the counter multi's, my urine would glow.... with these, it does not come out in weird colors. I feel great and to me, that is what matters.
Boosted333 wrote:  When I

Boosted333 said:
When I used to take over the counter multi's, my urine would glow.... with these, it does not come out in weird colors. I feel great and to me, that is what matters.

Assuming by glow you mean neon yellow, that just means you were taking in more B vitamins than you can absorb. If you take in too much of them they just go straight through since they are water soluble. The concentrated B vitamins are extra yellow and make you a bit neon.
In most cases muti vitamins

In most cases muti vitamins are not personalized enough. They either give you something your not deficient in, or they don't give you enough of something.

I take vitamin D, B complex, and selenium. Those are the only things I am deficient in. I don't need to take anything else. Obviuosly each person will vary, and ya need to be tested to know what each person's case calls for.
I'm currently taking Vitamin

I'm currently taking Vitamin D, but that will only be until the sun comes back, so that I can get it the natural way again. Living as far north as I do, the sun is useless in terms of Vitamin D production for the months of November through February.

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