Tips for trail running barefoot

Thanks Joseph - I'm taking it little by little and building up as my body feels up for it. I learned how to run this year starting in mid-February doing the couch to 5k program (wore Soft Star's DASH RunAmoc shoes), had never had the desire to try running in the past and remember just how painful and horrible middle school was as running was all about speed and remember how long my strides used to be thinking being tall that would be my advantage :) - glad my friend suggested that we should give it a shot because I love it now.

By April/May I was at a point where I could run what felt like forever. Transitioned to my old pair of Bedrock Sandals in June (bought them for walking around when I lived in Hawaii) and then in July I decided to give barefoot a try. I've always liked the idea of minimalism shoes ever since I saw a friend wearing a pair of VFFs back when I lived in LA - so even though barefoot running is new to me I've been in Vibrams and other minimalistic shoes for about 5 years now. I started barefoot on a high school track near my apartment and then was so amazed at the much more forgiving nature of asphalt and how much smoother that surface is than the track.

I average anywhere from 9 to 12 minute miles depending on the day and terrain. RunKeeper on my iPhone has me pretty consistent at around 180 steps per minute, with peaks at around 220 or so depending on the route I take. I have noticed my soles are toughening up and that living leather thing is starting to happen, hope that will make trails more manageable soon. I do have a brand spanking new pair of KSO Trek's that I bought when they were being discontinued loved how amazing the leather felt when I wore shoes just for walking that I wanted to make sure to have a fresh pair.

Thanks for the tips again of little by little - may devise some kind of belt to attach my Bedrock Sandals to for trail emergencies :) - I do think I've come across the first 50 mile race that appears to be very barefoot friendly as far as terrain - - hope to build up to that after I've got a marathon under my belt :)

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