The Importance of Proprioception

Alexandra Raisman of the U.S. competing on the balance beam in the gymnastic women's team final at the London Olympic Games. Photo: Jamie Squire, Getty Images
The Importance of Proprioception
By Ahcuah

As barefooters, I think we’re all pretty much aware of the importance of proprioception, the awareness of our body position which comes from our sense of touch and our perceived motions. It is sometimes called our “sixth sense”.

Unsurprisingly, shoes limit our proprioceptive sense and that can lead to falls and other difficulties.
And you might just bite off your foot.

Dr. Steven Robbins of McGill University is one of the pioneers in studying how footwear has affected proprioception. In Proprioception and Stability: Foot Position Awareness as a Function of Age and Footwear, published in Age and Aging in 1995, he and fellow researchers found (from the abstract): To continue reading, please visit

Ahcuah is the most enlightened barefooter I know. Check out Ahcuah's site and subscribe to his blog for more informative articles.

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