Sick of this Crap!

Karen,What method are you


What method are you using to determine your HR upper aerobic limit?

Maybe your Max HR is much higher than calculated.
I wouldn't get disgusted by

I wouldn't get disgusted by it, just work harder on getting faster and improving form. I run much faster barefoot now than I did shod. I ran a 20k last year at 7:20 pace barefoot, no way I would ever think I would run a race that fast. I would say my average comfortable pace is 8:30 now.
Nyal wrote:...I am not in

Nyal said:
...I am not in the least bit happy about trolls who come in here just to got attention. I bet the only time you are barefoot is when you are in the tub, that is if you even bathe you hippy troll. TJ why do tho mods here allow haters to come and create a hostile environment?

Hee hee hee..... ;)

Don't hate da playa.....hate da game.

That's the way I roll baby!:evil:
Barefoot Gentile

Barefoot Gentile said:
I wouldn't get disgusted by it, just work harder on getting faster and improving form. I run much faster barefoot now than I did shod. I ran a 20k last year at 7:20 pace barefoot, no way I would ever think I would run a race that fast. I would say my average comfortable pace is 8:30 now.

I'm not interested in working hard to get faster. I'm just too lazy for that. But I still get a little tired of fact that the only people who post their times are the fast ones. I read Nyal's intentions as "hey-- slow folks, come out of the closet!" And here I am. (We need a turtle smiley!)
Norm: I totally agree!   But

Norm: I totally agree! But I will say I am definitely not the same person I am last year, I was obsessed with speed and times, I still care about them but they don't rule my running now. I got back to my roots of why I run and that its my outlet and I enjoy it.

I read it like Nyal was frustrated with being slow, if that is case everyone can change that, it takes work, but anyone can increase their speed.
Barefoot Gentile wrote:I got

Barefoot Gentile said:
I got back to my roots of why I run and that its my outlet and I enjoy it. I read it like Nyal was frustrated with being slow, if that is case everyone can change that, it takes work, but anyone can increase their speed.
Gentile - How long have you been running barefoot? I would love to increase my speed, but I've been running into roadblocks everytime I work on speedwork. I'm working with a coach to help me with flexibility and strength training. He seems to think I could run a 7 minute mile at least in minimal shoes (once I get my flexibility and form sorted out.) So far, the speedwork training has only hurt my achilles. But with my slow running pace I don't have any issues. I'm hoping eventually it will all click and I will have a little more speed in the future. I'd even be happy with a comfortable 9min/mile which is where I was shod.
zapmamak wrote:Barefoot

zapmamak said:
Barefoot Gentile said:
I got back to my roots of why I run and that its my outlet and I enjoy it. I read it like Nyal was frustrated with being slow, if that is case everyone can change that, it takes work, but anyone can increase their speed.
Gentile - How long have you been running barefoot? I would love to increase my speed, but I've been running into roadblocks everytime I work on speedwork. I'm working with a coach to help me with flexibility and strength training. He seems to think I could run a 7 minute mile at least in minimal shoes (once I get my flexibility and form sorted out.) So far, the speedwork training has only hurt my achilles. But with my slow running pace I don't have any issues. I'm hoping eventually it will all click and I will have a little more speed in the future. I'd even be happy with a comfortable 9min/mile which is where I was shod.

Since Sept. 09'. When I started I never "worked" on speed, I was mostly concerned about running barefoot correctly, good form, and increasing distance. Then about 5 or 6 months I noticed my speed increasing out of nowhere without even trying. It does happen in time.
Barefoot Gentile wrote:Since

Barefoot Gentile said:
Since Sept. 09'. When I started I never "worked" on speed, I was mostly concerned about running barefoot correctly, good form, and increasing distance. Then about 5 or 6 months I noticed my speed increasing out of nowhere without even trying. It does happen in time.

Same thing for me. Over this winter my comfortable, un-stressed, no pressure, pace has decreased to somewhere around 7.30 minute miles for my 5 - 7 mile runs to and from work. I seem to be slightly faster barefoot than in VFF but I've never consciously worked on speed. I think it is just that my efficiency has increased along with the miles run. 2 loops of Central Park from my apartment is 13.2 miles and I did that a couple of weeks ago, barefoot, in 1:35 - but I'd just gone out for a Sunday morning run with no thought of trying for a PB.

I think the whole secret is in relaxing!
 1:35 for 13.1!  Nice

1:35 for 13.1! Nice time! Relaxing is definitely the key! I think with barefoot running you need to let things come naturally, you can't force things. Plus imho there is way to much over-analyzing when it comes to running barefoot, first and foremost get your form down, then just run and everything else will fall into place, naturally.
"I read it like Nyal was

"I read it like Nyal was frustrated with being slow, if that is case everyone can change that, it takes work, but anyone can increase their speed."

No way, my brotha, I am shaming you. I am bragging here. Some folks rush through a project, cutting corners and not worrying about quality. Others take the time needed to get it done right. Why don't you join us?
I've been seeing drops in my

I've been seeing drops in my times recently and it's gratifying. Always have had a "slow runner" blockage in my brain and lately I've begun to trust in my legs and lungs more, resulting in quicker times. I'm still hovering around an 8:45/mi, sometimes 8:30. I realize that for a lot of us that's fast and I sure ain't complaining, but I like doing triathlons. The race itself is fun, otherwise why do all that work, but I gotta admit getting on/closer to the podium is also fun. Took third in my age group in a sprint distance early last month and I've been using that feeling to help get me through some of the longer training runs. Can't use race success as a primary motivator, but it doesn't hurt every once in a while.

I've noticed that the less I think and worry about form, the easier my runs are getting. 'Course, then I think about not thinking about thinking about what my feet are doing which makes me wonder what my feet are doing when I'm not thinking about them so I look down at my feet and then I run in to things, which is also a good distraction from thinking about form.
Dirtbag wrote:I've been

Dirtbag said:
I've been seeing drops in my times recently and it's gratifying. Always have had a "slow runner" blockage in my brain and lately I've begun to trust in my legs and lungs more, resulting in quicker times. I'm still hovering around an 8:45/mi, sometimes 8:30. I realize that for a lot of us that's fast and I sure ain't complaining, but I like doing triathlons. The race itself is fun, otherwise why do all that work, but I gotta admit getting on/closer to the podium is also fun. Took third in my age group in a sprint distance early last month and I've been using that feeling to help get me through some of the longer training runs. Can't use race success as a primary motivator, but it doesn't hurt every once in a while.I've noticed that the less I think and worry about form, the easier my runs are getting. 'Course, then I think about not thinking about thinking about what my feet are doing which makes me wonder what my feet are doing when I'm not thinking about them so I look down at my feet and then I run in to things, which is also a good distraction from thinking about form.
Doug - OW! I admit I think WAY too much. I've really got to stop that.
I post all my turtle PR's

I post all my turtle PR's over on the RWOL "other BF" forum so I'm pretty open about being slow. I do think I am kind of fast for my weight, though, so I don't like to be braggy because I think it can be frustrating for other people, especially if they blame being slow on their weight and I am muchheavier and still faster.

I am faster barefoot, I think, and water shoes drag me downa bit, but life isn't all a smooth surface so it's a necessity. I was more fit a couple years ago and was running sub 10:00 pace for tempos and 5K's, but that's all done now and 10mm seems to be my lower limit for speed right now. I am pretty lazy about timing runs, though, so I was surprised to be hitting effortless 10:00's without really trying when I have timed. I have to be careful because of my perma-injury.
Longboard wrote:Karen,What

Longboard said:

What method are you using to determine your HR upper aerobic limit?

Maybe your Max HR is much higher than calculated.

Good point. That's certainly possible. I'm using the Maffetone method to calculate my target HR. At the time I first calculated it I had been slacking on working out so I used a more conservative estimate (180-age-5). I've been exercising more consistently for the last couple of months, so I can probably increase the upper limit by 5 beats.


Right on! Thanks for this

Right on! :)

Thanks for this post. :)

My preferred pace is around 11:30 and when I'm really fast I can do the mile around 10:30.

But in previous years I suffered injuries almost every other month, so my priority now is on staying healthy and injury-free. I'd rather run slow than not at all. :)
I read it in BTR and so have

I read it in BTR and so have many of you but may have forgetton the mantra

" work on making it easy first. once you got that down work on making it smooth. get that and the fast will come. if you don't get faster then atleast hyou've got easy and smooth and that's not a bad way to run." Caballo Blanco.

Not a direct quote but a good paraphrase. Like i said earlier i'm slow and my talented daughter made fun of me for it when she was a bit younger. i have gotten faster but that was after working on form. i guess i got tired of the time for the distance so i just picked up the pace and it's been working well for me. i focus on form all the time, have to with my bum ankle causing my limp and i allow my body to tell me when it's time to pick up the pace and open the throttle.

migangelo wrote:I read it in

migangelo said:
I read it in BTR and so have many of you but may have forgetton the mantra " work on making it easy first. once you got that down work on making it smooth. get that and the fast will come. if you don't get faster then atleast hyou've got easy and smooth and that's not a bad way to run." Caballo Blanco. Mike

yeah that's my struggle . I'm a ....what's slower than turtle? Slug? I'm still building milage and distance but my best recently was a 5k in 43:00 ... And I'm fine running my pace and enjoying the ride but untimately I hope to meet up with other people and do some group runs and I feel like I need to be in the 10-11MM for a 5k to not be too far behind the group to have fun.

Of course, I'm also still 260 lbs... so the fact I attempt to run 5K at all is just silly to start with
It's not silly at all, WG. 

It's not silly at all, WG. Did you see that post about a guy who weighs (?) 450 pounds and just completed a marathon. It took over 9 hours, but who cares. He FINISHED a marathon! That's what's important. You can do it too, but you've got to start somewhere, and a 5K is perfect. You'll do fine.
True story about form first,

True story about form first, then distance and then speed! That's my mantra dammit.

Some ultrarunners came up behind me a while ago and one of them had already guessed that I was running bare just by watching my form. I laughed at how slow I am as they passed me, but hey, I was 6 into 10.5 miles- caring more to start and finish bare than the fact that it took me over 2 hours.
migangelo wrote:" work on

migangelo said:
" work on making it easy first. once you got that down work on making it smooth. get that and the fast will come. if you don't get faster then atleast hyou've got easy and smooth and that's not a bad way to run." Caballo Blanco.

I don't care what anyone says. Running is not easy for me, nor do I think it will ever be. It's like the hogwash that pose coaches are infamous for when they say let the lean and gravity do all the work. A bunch of BS I tell you.