Secret of Atheleticism

So... it's not just about the glutes...
The Hyperarch Mechanism of the foot helps prevent a myriad of common sports injuries...
When you stand, your feet is in the neutral mode, if you think you can perform sports in this mode without injury you are dead wrong
The sports industry across the globe has known for ages that elite athletes combine their big toe and hip (Gluteus Maximus) predominantly in delivering superior athletic performances.
After extensive review and careful study of Chong Xie's videos, I too have unraveled the Secret of Athleticism*.
This information is priceless! (Or equivalent to $99.95).

However, I will charge nothing for this sagely knowledge, but instead make it available free to all 2014 Platinum level ($100) BRS donors.

Define: Athleticism (in my book)
It is NOT the ability to learn and excel at any sport quickly.
It is NOT hand and eye coordination.
It is NOT the ability to win at any sport.
It IS the ability to jump, land, run, turn and break safely, quickly and optimally with Gluteus Maximus(GM) engaged.
It IS the ability to ENGAGE the Gluteus Maximus(GM)
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no i don't. last argument i saw was deleted. haven't seen any activity from him since.

i'd rather she teach me her secret. she's asstastic.

Lebron's toes are horrid!
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Those are the type of butt cheeks I'm aiming for :)
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Sorry to disappoint.
In 2005, Jaime announced on her official web site that she had retired from the fitness modeling industry in order to focus on her personal life. She models part-time in Canada and is also a full-time personal trainer. For unknown reasons, her official web site has been idle for years. All attempts by her fans and former manager to contact her have gone unanswered.
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Lebron's toes are horrid!
Thankfully, the "secret" does not require one to have horrid toes. Remember that Xie Chong's theories are based on observations of shod athletes. Those horrid toes are due to shoe wearing.
We have been in shoes and orthotics and stable shoes for so long that our flexors and foot intrinsic muscles have become pathologically weak. As the opposing pull of the flexors and extensors across the end of the foot at the metatarsalphalangeal joints becomes so imbalanced our foot has no other choice but to express this imbalance.

Is this why we see bunions, hammer toes, even gentle flexion of our toes even at rest ?

Yup, the mass population of feet we see are slowly going into a coma. ... Here is the most typical pattern (and hence the hammer toes that are taking over the earth):
weak long toe extensors
strong short toe extensors
weak short toe flexors
strong long toe flexors

This combination ends up in a functional/flexible hammer toe, and if left alone to fester, a rigid hammer toe in time.
Xie Chong's lack of observation of the habitually barefoot leads to theories and practices based on disfigured shodden feet. Does this remind you of another field of study?
Parts of Xie Chong's "secret" are based on normal anatomy, others not so much.

Perfectly normal feet of barefoot basketball players. Not horrid at all.
i don't watch bball anymore but the quick vid i saw of Lebron jumping, he doesn't get very vertical. no where near like Mike.
I thought that these videos were quite telling of the “theory” behind Chong Xie’s “secret”.

Where should the foot impact the ground using hyperarch mechanism of the feet?

Exercise to Get the Full Functionality of Your Toes Back

Hyperarch Hop to strengthen the arch, toes, foot muscles,fascia and tendons

Hyperarch Squat for glutes, say good bye to conventional squat
I’m no foot expert, and all this is pure conjecture...

Chong Xie: Where should the foot impact the ground using hyperarch mechanism of the feet?

It seems that from t=1:20 and the photo of Lebron James, that Chong Xie thinks that hammer toes are the “secret”.
Corns typically develop on the top of a hammertoe. The picture … illustrates the development of a corn on top of a hammertoe and at the tip of the toe near the toenail as well as under the ball of the foot.


Chong Xie: Exercise to Get the Full Functionality of Your Toes Back

Chong Xie’s video and logo remind me of something. Perhaps, he (re)”discovered” something.

Short Foot Exercise

Role of Intrinsic Strength in Foot Posture by Dr. Splichal
A 2011 study by Jung et al. compared the levels of muscle activation during the common foot exercises toe-curl with short-foot. ...
Jung et al. found that the short-foot exercise had much higher abductor hallucis muscle activation levels when compared to toe-curl exercise. ...
What if we could improve our client's foot function through an exercise technique that targets both hip, knee and foot alignment - therefore improving movement patterns, reduce knee pain and back pain or improving athletic performance? Pretty cool!

Chong Xie: Hyperarch Hop to strengthen the arch, toes, foot muscles,fascia and tendons

Again, Chong Xie’s videos remind me of something. Yet, another (re)”discovery”.
The flexor hallucis longus is the least known of all the "jumping muscles." Don't get me wrong, this muscle isn't going to improve your vertical jump as much as well-developed hamstrings, glutes, and spinal erectors; but this is an interesting muscle that can make a noticeable improvement in your jumping ability. ...
The best way to train this muscle in the weight room is by performing single leg calf raises while holding a dumbell. (See pictures below.) When performing this exercise, try to keep most of your weight on the big toe of the working leg.
Crunching your toes in your sneakers/shoes while at work or school is another "economical" way of strengthening these muscles. ...
Crunching a towel up in your toes while watching TV or working on the computer is another way to train these muscles without wasting any extra time.

Chong Xie: Hyperarch Squat for glutes, say good bye to conventional squat

Hmm, reminds me of a couple of articles.
4 Easy Progressions of the Short Foot to Provide Knee and Foot Pain Relief
To start we need to learn how to get into a good foot position, known as the “short foot” popularized by the late Dr. Janda. …
Next I’d try body weight squats in the short foot position. …
Next we can load the short foot position with some deadlifts …
Now we’ll progress to a split stance or lunge position. ...
Finally we progress to single leg exercises.

3 Reasons Why You Need to Short Foot by Dr. Splichal
Reason 1: Short foot leads to co-activation of the deep hip and pelvis stabilizers allowing for proper hip joint centration and greater glute engagement. …
Reason 2: Short foot creates a foot (subtalar joint) inversion moment which drives external rotation of the hips and greater glute engagement. ...
Reason 3: Short foot activates the navicular / medial arch sling which includes the posterior tibialis muscle up into the adductors, obturator fascia, pelvic floor and diaphragm - all via the deep myofascial front line.

So, it might seem that Chong Xie's curious observation of the “ideal” foot (Lebron James’s hammertoes) and the “development” of some exercises, incidentally lead to the “re-discovery” of the intrinsic muscles of the foot, err.. “hyper arch mechanism”.
So, what do we think? Is running up on our toes with short feet and glutes engaged the answer to all our prayers?

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