Running/Jogging robots are programmed to heel strike...


Jul 26, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Here is an interesting news clip that shows a running robot heel striking shod.

It is at the end of the video 8:55, also robot walking at 3:30 into the video.

Could the robot run more efficient if they programmed it to emulate barefoot running?

Also does a robot really need to be running shod? My answer is yes to this question, because I think when people see us without shoes in public they get very uneasy about the situation and it makes them disturbed that they see this happening. Remember that we are not the disturbed ones, it’s everyone else....So I think it would put people at ease to see a robot running shod heel striking, at least the shoe companies would want to have a robot heel striking shod.

I wonder if the development

I wonder if the development of these robots would make progress if the researcher tried to program them for a midfoot strike, with a very flexible foot.
Great observation, Rach.  Now

Great observation, Rach. Now that was a fascinating segmentr. I watched that whole thing. It made me remember that the first assignment I turned into my computer class (back in the late 80s) was about Artificial Intelligence. Boy, have we come so far in the past 25 - 30 years.

I think it was sad when they were kicking Big Dog, and he was slipping...but he caught himself each time from falling.

I wonder why they chose those shoes to put on it. I wonder what those shoes were. They didn't look overly built-up. What do you guys think.
The other interesting segment

The other interesting segment on the video was how the 6 legged robots really mimicked an insects movement down to the T, where it was kind of creepy looking...yea I thought the robot abuse was amazing on how quickly it regained balanced and remained on course.
It's a bit freaky.  At some

It's a bit freaky. At some points the robot with four legs looked like it had four separate-functioning, human legs.
Thanks, DMC.  Deleted

Thanks, DMC. Deleted apparent spam attempt to push boat anchors on us. Like we can be brainwashed a second time! Ha! -TJ

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