Running in Kilts

 @saypay - regarding

@saypay - regarding chafing...I wear the 2-in-1 shorts that have the built in compression liner and usually am not bothered with chafing. However, I know 2 people who just ran the SD100 and they said they ended up with painful butt chaffage due to their compression shorts. Now I'm not so certain what I should wear under the kilt if I go ahead with it.
NakedSoleNate wrote: the

NakedSoleNate said:
the swastika was a joke....a bad one....


When my father was growing up in Germany in the '30's, the WWI air aces were his heroes.

He was proud of his country, as well as it's symbols such as the Iron Cross.

My mom who he had'nt yet met also loved her native country, Germany, and all that it stood for.

Escaping from the Nazis BEFORE being forcibly tatooed with numbers saved their lives, your 1/4 Jewish ancester would have recieved no better treatment.

1/4 Jewish was Jewish, and Jewish meant DEATH.

Bent Cross (Swastika) only holds nostalgic meaning for war memorabilia enthusiasts, others embracing it are spewing hate and denial.

There are other ways to cherish your German heritage than displaying the symbol that ended up

becoming synonamous with genocide
 NO, I am a quarter Jewish,

NO, I am a quarter Jewish, not my ancestor...I would have been hauled grandmother was fully Jewish....which, in Jewish law, makes my dad Jewish....but me nothing...except for in the nazi regime, in which case, I would have been Jewish :). Same with the German....I am 1/4 German...My German Grandfather married my Jewish Grandmother, during WWII...this is what I was referring to ;-)..I am well aware of the history, horror, and what the swastika means in today's climate...I would never get a swastika tattoo, or have anything swastika related in my house...even if it was associated with the tibetan buddhist traditions, because every time I would see it, I wouldn't see it's "auspicious" meaning, but instead see the suffering of many relatives that I will never meet.

Just so there's no question about my feelings :). It was merely a joke about my diverse american mutt herritage. And a testament to love, on my grandparents part.
You'll always be cool with me

You'll always be cool with me NSN!

As a son of Holocaust survivors, I just have to put in my

"Never Again" whenever it is even most remotely called for.
 :) I completely get that!

:) I completely get that!
We knew you meant nothing

We knew you meant nothing ugly by it, Nate.

"There are other ways to cherish your German heritage than displaying the symbol that ended up becoming synonamous with genocide." This goes for America too, as far as I am concerned. The Stars & Bars should be laid to rest forever.
Barefoot TJ wrote:We knew

Barefoot TJ said:
We knew you meant nothing ugly by it, Nate.

"There are other ways to cherish your German heritage than displaying the symbol that ended up becoming synonamous with genocide." This goes for America too, as far as I am concerned. The Stars & Bars should be laid to rest forever.

Stars and bars are as symbolic with racism as the swastika is with genocide. As you well know T.J. they are flown all over the south. One of the high schools locally had one for their school flag. The principal just replaced it and said it was outdated and was a bad image for the school. Of course the red necks didn't like it, but I think it was a good move.
Georgia banned the flag

Georgia banned the flag several years back, finally.
 Wendy, I actually did read

Wendy, I actually did read that blog post some time ago :)....and why I probably would wear something under when/if I ever race :-D.
My Sport Kilt Hiking Kilt

My Sport Kilt Hiking Kilt review:

There was absolutely no inner thigh or butt chafing, but there was a little on the base of the junk. I'm not quite sure how to combat this as I plan on wearing it for at least some of the 100 miler in two weeks. Lube is the best option so far. I haven't tested compression shorts much, but it just wouldn't be the same. The freedom is what maks the kilt such a good alternative. :)

 thanks for the write-up

thanks for the write-up :)....mine should be here this week...although I still can't run :-(...I'm a bit shorter than you, and mine will be too long if I wear it that low :)....but if it's too uncomfortable to wear on my waist, I use it for every-day stuff, and get another one for running'll have to let us know how the lube works on longer runs!...I was thinking that the sweat itself would lube the thighs pretty good...
 Just took the plunge with

Just took the plunge with one from Utilikilts. The $30 cost seemed much more reasonable for an experiment then the $80 from the other brands.

although the look of bliss on Jason's face definitely seems worthy of the higher costs.
Are you sure you're not

Are you sure you're not wearing undies under there?
What does that mean...base of

What does that mean...base of the junk?
Nate, sweat doesn't act like

Nate, sweat doesn't act like a lube when you are running. If you are a salty sweater, it can get even worse. The sweat actually irritates the skin when it is rubbed.
 Just haven't run long enough

Just haven't run long enough yet I guess :)...I was thinking how hard it is to grapple when both of you are sweaty, how much you slip off each other :)....the only chaffing I"ve gotten is the butt crack stuff, and I thought it was because my sopping shorts rubbed the I thought, maybe wet skin on wet skin would allow things to "slide" a little easier :-D.
both of who?

both of who?
I think he's referring to

I think he's referring to grappling as in wrestling. Have you ever been flipping through the channels only to find one with two sweaty guys tangled up with one another and grunting? And it's NOT the gay porn channel you usually watch? :)

Well then it's grappling, just one part of mixed martial arts. The sweat changes things a lot.
 @TJ - stop zooming in on

@TJ - stop zooming in on Jason's picture

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