Running in Kilts

Ok, Ive just got to share

Ok, Ive just got to share this. The ultimate AW kilt:
And the WINNERS is...!

And the WINNERS is...!

TJ, it's one of those things

TJ, it's one of those things that make people forget you're barefoot. 8) I'm seriously considering one but the problem is when it's kilt season around here it's never dark enough to require one.
You actually have a Kilt

You actually have a Kilt Season there? :cool:

Yes, we barefoot runners need all the distraction we can get. Somehow though, I think the combination of bare feet and a brightly yellow, neon kilt yells, "HEY! Look at me! Look at ME!"

Do you remember that photo of that Asian guy running the NYC Marathon barefoot carrying that ginormous flag that had a picture of him carrying that ginormous flag that had a picture of him carrying that ginormous flag that...? At the top, it read something about being a BAREFOOT people needed to see the flag with those words and an image of him running barefoot to tell that he was a BAREFOOT RUNNER! If we had an AW award, he would definitely come in second place, behind Jason. ;-)
Like I said, TJ, the ultimate

Like I said, TJ, the ultimate AW kilt. As far as kilt season goes, to wear it traditionally and still feel like a man it helps if it's not too cold if you know what I mean. ;) I haven't seen that picture, I'd have remembered it.
If anyone is able to remember

If anyone is able to remember anything about that thread I'm talking about from "that other forum," please find the photo and post it here. It's well worth it. ;-)
It's always the husband's

It's always the husband's fault. ;-)
 someone shot this during

someone shot this during today's 1/2 marathon. Course had a couple sketchy areas but overall it was very nice.
Nice skirt, Shacky!  You wear

Nice skirt, Shacky! You wear it well. Do you like the length? I do.
Length is fine.  The only

Length is fine. The only issue I have with it is the velcro on the inside flap. I could see it giving those with sensitive skin a rash.

The comments during today's race blew me away. Wasn't expecting that much attention. Not sure if I was asked more about the bare feet or the kilt but all of it was pretty positive. I even saw a couple wearing matching kilts. I had to run up behind them and snap a picture real fast.
Great pic, Shacky. What brand

Great pic, Shacky. What brand of kilt is that? I can't wait until my sport kilt shows up so I can be as cool as you ;-)
Nathan - mine is the Thrifty

Nathan - mine is the Thrifty made by Stillwater Kilts

Nice video Norm. I saw quite a few women in running skirts and I am a big fan of them. Didn't see any of the guys in the video though.
Found a pic on Facebook of

Found a pic on Facebook of the couple that were running in kilts.

I would LOVE to go back home

I would LOVE to go back home to San Diego and run through Balboa Park. Please don't take it for granted.
Norm Deplume wrote: Another

Norm Deplume said:
Another guy in a plaid skirt here at 0:46

That's Dane Rauschenberg at 0:46. He wrote 'See Dane Run' journaling his 52 marathons during one year after running for only a couple of years. He was 'the other guy in a skirt' at the skirt run I participated in a couple of weeks ago, a bit of a mascot for RunningSkirts and an all-round good guy.
Wow, Between, he sounds like

Wow, Between, he sounds like a fascinating guy! What a remarkable feat!
More like remarkable

More like remarkable 'feet.'

Did I just say that? Must be my dad's humor rubbing off on me ;-)
Yea, I typed "feet" first,

Yea, I typed "feet" first, then said, Na!

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