Rizzo's Log


Sep 17, 2011
So I will be posting some of my race times and then my BF Run/Walk log.

H.S. PRs:

800- 2:08

1600- 4:41

3200- 10:03

5K (XC)- 16:23.7

I did my first mile walking and jogging a little bit with my dogs today. Only did 1 mile around my neighborhood. I fear 1 mile may be to fast however because my feet got a bit sore. Not sure if it is from the fact I did repeats not even an hour before I walked or just because my feet are that bad.

Tomorrows plan:


Distance Run

800m walk on Bike Trail (Gravel)- After the mile walk feeling a bit to much, I don't want to push myself to much especially on gravel.
Running with the dogs isn't a

Running with the dogs isn't a good way to learn proper form, Izzy. (I like Izzy.) Since you were incorporating some walking with that, the mile may be a safe distance for you. It's hard to say. If you were only running, then I would say that's too far for just starting out. Just some things to think about. Keep up the good work...or fun!
Lol Izzy is fine. It's really

Lol Izzy is fine. It's really Rizzo, but Izzy is a new one I will accept :)

I will most likely only take my dogs once a week since they need to be walked or ran and my family is to busy to do it.

I'll probably stick with my gravel plan for the day then see how things go.
I nickname most everyone here

I nickname most everyone here at the BRS. Come to think of it, I've nicknamed almost everyone in my life! Ha.

Gravel is a good teacher for learning how to run (and walk) gently. You'll do fine.
Did a 1 mile walk/run today.

Did a 1 mile walk/run today. Did it pretty well I think.

Did 400m walk on cement, 400m walk on gravel, 400m run on gravel, and 400m run on cement.

Total time was 16:33.

I'm thinking of doing a full mile run tomorrow BF. I have to do 6X400m in shoes tomorrow. I'm going to see if my coach will let me do one BF and see how it feels. My 400s will be around on grass so I hope he says it is fine.
Good luck with the coach. 

Good luck with the coach. Let us know what he says, if he approves.
We couldn't do our 400s today

We couldn't do our 400s today due to our location being used for soccer... Instead we did a Hill workout.

I also think my coach is scared of me running barefoot. I asked him and he said no to me doing all, 1, and even just the cool down barefoot.

I will most likely do some BF running at the local cross country course in my town (UW-Parkside Cross Country Course). I'm planning to do the 1st mile of the course BF (1st mile all grass and some hills) and then switching to my shoes. That won't be till Sunday though.

Tomorrow, I plan on walking 400-800m. Will most likely jog to the bike trail by my house (about 400m) and then walk for a few minutes on the gravel so I can still get some more work on my feet. I will most likely not run BF on the gravel until then end of the month.
Izzy, what would he do if you

Izzy, what would he do if you just did it and didn't ask permission?
We practice with our coaches

We practice with our coaches present. I would most likely be thrown out of my next meet.

I still plan on doing BF running just not during practice.
I was a wild child in high

I was a wild child in high school. Good thing I was also a gymnast. I could be barefoot, and it was considered "normal."
I took the day off. My knee

I took the day off. My knee has been bugging me and now my coach may not run me in 2 days. Kind of a bummer, but I'm icing and everything.

I plan to take the rest of the week off and maybe more into next week to kind of recover. The most I plan on doing next week is 400-800meters at a time and most likely only walk.
Well, my season is done and

Well, my season is done and I'm taking 3 weeks off of running.

I'm not sure yet whether I still wish to pursue BFR during the winter season or not.
On "warm" days, during the

On "warm" days, during the warmest part of the day, when the ground is dry, give it a try; otherwise, try some wool socks and minimalist shoes. Come spring, you'll want to dive right back in, Izzy!

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