Rain + trails - shoes = BLISS

Blind Boy

Jun 19, 2010
So I hadn't planned on running today, I didn't think my feet would be up to the kind of distance I should have run according to my schedule. Then, when the time came to put my oldest daughter to bed, the 4 year old, I just couldn't resist it. Said and done, once she was asleep I was out the door.

There's a trail around here I've been curious about trying out ever since I started barefooting last summer and I decided that tonight was the night. Seriously, 3 hours of rain, jumping over rocks and taking the shortest way across the muddy sections since I didn't have shoes to worry about and I'm in heaven! Those shod people don't know what they're missing.

A few pictures of the awesomeness, keep in mind I started the run at 9:45 PM so the image quality isn't what it could have been.




And the result:



All in all, it's good to be back.
It's good to have you

It's good to have you back...in our new home.
Wendy, you should be.

Wendy, you should be. :p
 Fantastic! That frozen bit

Fantastic! That frozen bit of Sweden sure is pretty. I love the mud, too! Trail running BF is the best BF. Easiest on the feet, too.