Racing barefoot vs. w/ the minimals? Help need advice :-)

Love my Run Amocs. Just basic

Love my Run Amocs. Just basic 2mm vibram sole with a leather covering the foot with little holes so your foot can still breathe. It has a shoe lace that goes around the leg instead of the up and down the top of the foot. But maybe the newer Moc 3 without the lace might be more comfortable if you don't like the pressure of laces.

Thought about threading my fuel belt through the loops but I don't really like the idea of the shoes bouncing against my legs/butt for 42km:) I bought a water belt but took out the bottle and the straps to hold it in place and really it's a cylinder that I can just barely slide my shoes through and that was ok but i do have to wear it high on my waist and quite tight to stop it from bouncing up and down everytime I lift my legs but I took it on a 20km run and it was good but it was getting tight but it kept my dates to munch on during the run so I shouldn't complain.

I'll try threading my fuel belt through the loops on the shoes and see if it annoys me or not on some runs this week.

Thanks for the ideas everyone.

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