Race to race weight?

I own a scale that measures

I own a scale that measures BF%. Not the most accurate method but it gives me a general idea of how I am progressing.

I weighted myself last night and came up with 152lbs @ 14% BF and will use that as my start. If I can get the BF below 10%, I'll be quite happy.

I have a 50k I'm running this weekend and if it goes as horrible as my last one, I'll be 10lbs lighter by the time I finish. Not a good weight loss method.
OK I'm putting together the

OK I'm putting together the rules now. I don't think we can use the actual body fat % reduction since in Shacky's case it will be like a 31% reduction of BF%. Which is way more than most of us could lose lbs. But I was planning on doing weight loss or bf reduction/2 that seems more reasonable.

I like that table Ram it says I am 12.5% bf! With rudimentary measures.
I used the online body fat %

I used the online body fat % calculator mentioned above, and it put my percentage higher than it should have(I think). This online calculator seems more accurate to me, put me at 9% body fat. I don't know how any of these can work, because I don't see how muscle factors in. Somebody should get theirs tested and then check it against some of these online calculators. :puzzled:

barefoot ramzev wrote: This

barefoot ramzev said:

hmmm, questionable...this says I've got 31% body fat :O, this was just a few days ago

In my experience, bmi/bfi calculators online are VERY inaccurate so I wouldn't go by it if I were to want an accurate measurement. However, for the purpose of % loss it may work..maybe? I wont' be using it.

I go by how my clothes fit, for the most part
Yeah Zum, that one said I was

Yeah Zum, that one said I was nearly 14% which I say is nonsense. But I don't have any stomach shots lying around. :p lol
Barefoot Mary wrote:  I'd

Barefoot Mary said:
I'd like to give it a try. I'm getting all chubby like.

Also need to buy myself a scale...hmmm.

You know, I was just about to say the same thing after I saw Zumba's photo

Eyeballs are way more

Eyeballs are way more accurate.
 yeah, BMI stuff is

yeah, BMI stuff is rediculous for athletes...according to them I'm edging on obese.....

ok....edit...because I actually LOOKED at the link for that one....it seemed it might be a little more accurate ;-)
I weigh 200lbs give or take

I weigh 200lbs give or take and pound or two. I weight what I did senior year of high school, incidentally. I'd like to be 180 by May, so I'm in.
I'm confused, why are all you

I'm confused, why are all you people that are lighter than me trying to lose weight? Am I really that tall? I'm 157 right now, but I'd actually like to GAIN weight and get up into the 170's range. And as for BF %, theres a machine in the mall thats supposed to tell you all that stuff, but it says I don't have enough fat for it to work, haha. Of course I don't want to gain fat, muslce would be nice though, especially upper body. (60%-80% of my body weight is probably in my legs). Can I join your contest but do it backwards and see how much muscle I can put on from doing swim team?
 I'm not in this contest

I'm not in this contest Danjo...just reading the thread...I have no intention of loosing or gaining....but I suspect I will loose some as my mileage increases....when I get into my eventual 30-35 miles per week I'd like to eventually make my "base" I think I'll probably even out around 150-155...and it will probably be the leanest I've ever been....a few years ago I tried to increase bulk, but due to my activity level, I just couldn't eat enough to get much past 165...you have to rest ALOT to build bulking muscle. I'm 5'8 and have been consitently hovering the 160 mark for years. But it's not about the numbers, it's about how you feel!!!
How tall are you, Danjo?

How tall are you, Danjo? Height makes a huge difference. My husband is still a little pudgy for race weight at 130. He's 5'5" and I think if he ran alot he's be comfortable at 125 or even a little less.
I'm 5' 5 1/2" and weigh 160

I'm 5' 5 1/2" and weigh 160 with a very low % body fat. Charts are useless for all but "average" people.

Just got off the phone with Zems, they wanted to verify that I really did'nt want an exchange instead of a refund.

As Jimmy said, they fit MOST barefoot runners, not me!

If they ever come out with a wide and thick short model, I'm in.

Moving to southern Cal might prove easier though.
Danjo wrote:I'm confused, why

Danjo said:
I'm confused, why are all you people that are lighter than me trying to lose weight? Am I really that tall? I'm 157 right now, but I'd actually like to GAIN weight and get up into the 170's range. And as for BF %, theres a machine in the mall thats supposed to tell you all that stuff, but it says I don't have enough fat for it to work, haha. Of course I don't want to gain fat, muslce would be nice though, especially upper body. (60%-80% of my body weight is probably in my legs). Can I join your contest but do it backwards and see how much muscle I can put on from doing swim team?

Sure you can join for gaining weight, but it has to be muscle!

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