Possible type 1 diabetes or thyroid issues - advice please

I don't want to complicate things for you while you are still getting your head round it, but at some point you may want to find out about different ways of managing this. There is a guy called Dr Bernstein whose book is well worth reading, in my non-medical opinion, who advocates a low-carb diet to reduce the necessary amounts of insulin. Some people believe that can possibly extend the 'honeymoon' period by putting less strain on the remaining cells, as well, but not having a type 1 in the family I wouldn't know about that. There is a great forum with loads of help on both sides of the various controversies at Diabetes.co.uk, (also on Tapatalk) and a good explanation at Bloodsugar101.com. but in both countries the official line is very one sided. Interestingly Sweden recently changed its official position to recognise the validity of the 'alternative' - which like barefoot running would once have been the only and obvious method!
But take it all slowly and listen to your body, same as always.
Thanks Spinn'

I fully intend to talk about low GI and reduced carb diets eventually with my diabetes team as I believe that should be a healthier alternative for anyone and was what I was trying to do before this sprang up anyway. I also need to get them to help me with working out a better eating plan than three meals a day as I hate the idea of three massive insulin spikes that that implies. Longer term I'll be doing the DAFNE course and thinking about pump vs injections as the best option for me.

What do you know about that Bernstein's books? A little research shows that he seems to be a bot controversial with his dietary plans for the overweight, taking them down below 1000cal/day and has almost an absence of any carbs whether refined or not, including unrefined grains. I don't need to lose weight, just regulate blood sugar effectively.


Low carb is better than no carb. The brain requires carbs in order to function properly, I understand, so carbs are very important.

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