People's reactions when you run

Just ran by a little guy today (probably 5 or 6).....he looked at me and was so startled by the fact that I didn't have shoes on that he could barley blubber out....", no shoes?"
hahaha....I chuckled for a good few minutes after. His parents thought it was pretty funny too.
I made a poor lady jump out of her skin yesterday - I was running along a grassy path behind her, and I never know whether to make a little bit of noise or just run past. Her dog crouched down behind her to unload something unspeakable as I was running past, so I jokingly said "Don't turn around". She nearly screamed.
I bet she would have jumped either way. I never understood why people seem to think they are they only people who could possibly be using a path or sidewalk at that very moment. I have scared many a people because I always let people know I am coming up behind them. For some reason they almost always jump the direction I had just told them I was coming on...
Running up 5th Avenue tonight I saw 4 or 5 guys giving out CDs, as they have been for the last couple of weeks but there must have been a new guy there as I heard "He's got no shoes on" - one of the regulars turned, saw me and said, quite nonchalant, "Oh yeah, he's always doing that." :)
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We had no shoes at a gathering - A 4 year old saw us and asked his dad if he could go barefoot too. The dad took him aside and lectured on the dangers - then the kid came back with no shoes on. Its contagious! Be bold kids!
I think I just found my tatoo design! Your profile pic!
I was walking, not running today on a crowded street when a family came out of a semi-public building and started getting into their car. The youngest kid, a girl maybe 4 looked at me with delight and started following me,
exclaiming "You're walking with your feet! You're walking with your feet!" I nodded and said "Yep, works real good". Her family tried to get her to come back when she repeated it again to them. The dad said "well so are you, you just have flip flops on, same thing". The little girl said " No, he's REALLY walking with his feet!
Smart girl!
I was walking, not running today on a crowded street when a family came out of a semi-public building and started getting into their car. The youngest kid, a girl maybe 4 looked at me with delight and started following me,
exclaiming "You're walking with your feet! You're walking with your feet!" I nodded and said "Yep, works real good". Her family tried to get her to come back when she repeated it again to them. The dad said "well so are you, you just have flip flops on, same thing". The little girl said " No, he's REALLY walking with his feet!
Smart girl!
I love this!!
Had a unexpected comment from my buddies SO while golfing yesterday. I was showing her some pictures from the Dirty Donkey Mud Run from last weekend. As she looked through them she said " Oh, you're wearing shoes", I wore my vff's for that run as certain sections of the course were not doable barefooted. Yup, she sounded disappointed in me. :rolleyes:
me too. :really playful:

the other day i was running around a park where i let the dogs off leash to play. there was 4 kids hanging around a tree. i ran by and they yelled "put a shirt on!". i replied with "no".

they did it again. the third time the two smaller ones were walking towards me so i put my hand up with a well come on gesture. they looked at me confused so i told them "i'm waiting". the yells came. the other two kids said it "it sounded like you said "take your shorts off". that became the next and last call from them. oh, the two small ones chased me and i teased them about being so slow. i almost told them i bet i could climb a tree better than they could too but i didn't.
This was a little different...Yesterday I went with some shod out of shape friends to Stone Mountain park just for a walk up to the mountain top and back. On the way down two younger woman called out to me...they were on the side of the trail resting and watching people walk down the mountain.

They said they noticed I walked in a natural way then saw a bit later that I was barefoot...and put 2 and 2 together. They wanted to know how long I had been barefooting and how long it takes to do what I was doing...I could almost see the wheels turning in their heads.:cool:

One of my friends told them I had been barefoot for several years and since they weren't runners I told them to stay barefoot as much as possible in their everyday lifestyle then add a bit more barefoot time here and there for walking and hiking and the rest would take care of itself.

My friends and I were surprised that someone could notice a difference in walking barefoot like that...none of us ever noticed anything like that.
This was a little different...Yesterday I went with some shod out of shape friends to Stone Mountain park just for a walk up to the mountain top and back. On the way down two younger woman called out to me...they were on the side of the trail resting and watching people walk down the mountain.

They said they noticed I walked in a natural way then saw a bit later that I was barefoot...and put 2 and 2 together. They wanted to know how long I had been barefooting and how long it takes to do what I was doing...I could almost see the wheels turning in their heads.:cool:

One of my friends told them I had been barefoot for several years and since they weren't runners I told them to stay barefoot as much as possible in their everyday lifestyle then add a bit more barefoot time here and there for walking and hiking and the rest would take care of itself.

My friends and I were surprised that someone could notice a difference in walking barefoot like that...none of us ever noticed anything like that.
Since I started running bare,I have been looking at others peoples form a lot.You can tell the people apart that run often and try to learn about it.I've noticed more and more people are running front to midfoot landing...that's around here offcourse :)
Since I started running bare,I have been looking at others peoples form a lot.You can tell the people apart that run often and try to learn about it.I've noticed more and more people are running front to midfoot landing...that's around here offcourse :)
Since reading up on running last summer, I've noticing others' form a lot too. I can't say if it's changing since I didn't really notice it before, but a fair amount of shod runners do seem to land well. On the other hand, I've always been amazed at how many people don't even seem to know how to walk.
I went in to go partly blonde today, and near the end of my appointment, my long time hairdresser told me, "(while you were under the dryer) another customer asked 'where are that lady's shoes?' I told her 'she is a barefoot runner and probably didn't wear any.'" I guess that was the end of it!
A lady and man, approx my age were walking in opposite direction. I had passed them once already. Second time she asked very seriously, "What is the purpose of running barefoot?" I was able to quickly reply, "It's fun, it feels good, and it better for my joints." Third time around she gave me a big smile.

Later, another elderly gentleman was keeping his excited little dog off to the side while I passed, and he asked, "Isn't that hard on your feet?" I said, "No, my feet are used to it and they like it." He gave a thoughtful look, like it just might make sense.

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