Pain Under my Pinky Toe and mild frostbite from Icing (NO!!!!)


Jun 5, 2010
Just wanted to see if anyone has had this issues with the bottom of their feet. Under my left Pinky Toe, I have pain, but it's about half an inch below the toe joint. It's almost like the pain is on the bone down there, but I am having a hard time pin pointing it's location. It almost feels as though I had a piece of glass stuck in there (which I had a few times in my early months, but haven't in a long time) but I can't see anything.

The skin and area look clean and ok. There isn't any real pain when walking in my VFF's or BF around until I am on some uneven surfaces where the extra pressure hurts.

Also, I think I might have gotten a little ice burn or frostbite from icing too long. The area looks fine now but I just wanted to make sure that I don't need to do anything else except wait for the skin to feel good again before icing. As of tonight, I don't want to ice anymore for fear of more irritation to the skin, but if I have a problem under my foot, I want to solve it.

Thanks for any thoughts!
I have no idea what that

I have no idea what that could be Bruno. There was someone here earlier who said that they couldn't see or find anything in a certain area of their foot either for the longest time, but it kept bothering them. Then one day, it appeared, he squeezed it out, and it turned out to be a minuscule piece of asphalt.

How long ago did you notice there was a problem?

I'd stop icing for now.
When are you feeling the pain

When are you feeling the pain Brun? Is it continuous or intermittent? (like does it hurt only when you are putting extra pressure on it, or do you feel it continually once you've started putting pressure on it?) What about when you prod the area, does it hurt? I've got a nerve that is super sensitive on my left foot, on the pad about an inch below my pinky. When I hit a pepple (that hardly phases the rest of my foot) it sends a serge of sensory feedback through the roof. It usually takes a few min to run it off, but man that one spot always gets me for some reason. Was it you who said a while back that you had the same thing going on? Thought so but can't remember, if this different?
 Hey TJ & Zum!To start, I

Hey TJ & Zum!

To start, I haven't had this pain, or any really for many months. I'm deep into Marathon miles for an oct 31st Marathon and this pain kinda came from no where. It is about an inch below the pinky toe. It hurts when I prod for it a bit and it is loudly talking to me this last week during my runs (no more than 6 miles thankfully) I had a down week last week but I have 14 to run on Wed with a total of about 30 this week and the feeling hasn't really subsided.

I iced but I don't think that is the issue. When I prod around it feel like it's in my skin, not on the bone under there. I can't see anything (the pain is similer to when I've had glass stuck a long time ago) and there no other indicators.

Pain doesn't go away at all during my runs (started about 10 days ago) yet it hasn't quite sidelined me yet. I am kinda wondering if I should go out for the 14 or not. I almost can't feel it when I am walking in my VFF's, but I am not sure I want to run in them because I've logged only a total of 20 running miles in VFF's compared to over 500 BF since January.

Thanks for your insights.
If you've been training

If you've been training barefoot then you must race barefoot. Can you get an x-ray to see if something might show up, like a sliver?
I can I suppose. I do not

I can I suppose. I do not have any insurance (that will cover anything except major stuff) but if it doesn't go away or I can find the actual problem I might have to. I mean, if I can't do my long run this week, I begin flirting with being way under trained for the marathon. And no, I don't think I want to run at all in VFF's. I've been BF this whole time and enjoy it too much.

Maybe I should start proding with a sterilized needle and some tweezers to see what's in there?? I've done it before a long time ago when my feet were just getting started?
You can't see it though. 

You can't see it though. That's scary.
I'm with TJ Bruno, where

I'm with TJ Bruno, where would you start?? Nothing visible at all? Can someone help out with a powerful light, to get a good look at it for you? That's a tough one, if it hurts I'd be apprehensive to run a long run on it. Is the pain dull or sharp? Plantar's wart?
That's a good idea, Zum!  Get

That's a good idea, Zum! Get a powerful flashlight, the kind that would sting if you left it on your skin too long. Go into a dark, dark room, like a closet, and turn it on pressing it to your skin from the opposite side to see if you can see anything. It's like shining the light through you to make you seem translucent. You know, like haven't you ever done that? I know, I'm weird, but it's worth a try.
I'll try the flashlight thing

I'll try the flashlight thing once I can find one. HA. I was also suggested to soak in hot water and Epson Salt to bring something out if it's in there. I've pretty much pin pointed where the "pain" is but I can't see anything in there. I even went in with clippers and tweezers to see if I could get lucky, nothing on the surface so far. I'm setting up an x-ray for thursday if nothing else comes up. Tried to run yesterday and couldn't get .5 miles before the pain was intolorable. I suppose that means it's getting worse because I pulled off 6 miles on Friday.

Darn it all
This is really weird, Bruno. 

This is really weird, Bruno. Let us know what you find out and good luck.
haha TJ, totally know what

haha TJ, totally know what you mean about making yourself translucent. The kids and I could spend hours in the dark, holding our hands over the flashlight to see all of the inner workings:p

Bruno, this doesn't sound good. If you aren't able to get in even .5mi without it being intolerable, definitely want to get it checked asap. If there is something in there, you want to avoid infection. Hang in there m'man, and keep us posted on how your appt goes.
Well here is an

Well here is an update.

Soaked in some Epson Salt, used a flashlight, couldn't find anything in my foot. BUT...

It's been 3 days and the area was feeling better this morning so I decided to head out for a run since it's been 3 days or virtualy nothing but moving out of an apartment. I did 4 miles and it felt ok. I know there is an issue there, but I didn't step on anything and it felt ok and still does 10 hours later. I am assuming it is something in the muscle or tendon, still not on the bone area.

I am still also making an apt for the next 2 weeks for an xray but I think I am going to resume my schedule this weekend and hope that I can make a long run on Wed (my normal long run day). I iced today and that might be something good for me. Not sure.

not sure what my Saturday run will bring, but I am hopeful!
Good luck, Bruno.  Let us

Good luck, Bruno. Let us know what you find out with the x-ray and how you're doing.
I have spots right below my

I have spots right below my pinky toes that are always a bit sensitive for some reason. Doesn't sound like it's as bad as yours, but as Zum said, when I hit a stone just right it's painful. Almost like that bone is in a constant state of bruising.

I hope you heal up well for your marathon! keep us posted, I'm sure you won't be the last with an issue like this.

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