Ontario Triathletes


Chapter Presidents
Sep 6, 2010
Whitby, Ontario

If there are any triathletes from Ontario, I just thought I would let you know that I have an email response from TriCan and they are intending on still DQing athletes who run barefoot in triathlons. I tried to explain there is no safety issue, but they would not relent. They are stating that minimalist shoes can be used in all races. I'm trying to get more of an idea of their definition of what a "shoe" actually is. I've also emailed the various triathlon races individually to see if they will be enforcing the rule (some are electing to "look the other way" so to speak). When I get the full report in a few days I'll let everyone know.

Is it just me or does anyone else find it dumb that I can run up to half marathon distances barefoot safely, but still get DQ'd for running 2.5km in a tri-a-tri?
ITU, the international governing body, states that you can't be barefoot outside the transition zones so I wouldn't blame TriCan too much. It's still dumb but it's the rules. It's on page 24 of this document:

Yes you're right in my haste it's actually ITU who post the rules, my mistake. However if you check the 2012 rules you'll see although they state an athlete must not run barefoot, there is no penalty for doing so as long as an athlete has shoes with them. If you read #31 Apendix K the only listed penalty is for a DSQ (disqualification) for

Running without shoes during any part of
the running segment"
The full document can be found here again as posted above...
So I suggest any athetes who are racing triathlons carry with them a pair of Zems or some such shoes so they may appeal the ruling if they are disqualified.
Sounds like the organization is afraid of lawyers ... thinking barefoot = injury

Yeah but as we all know Rob there is no evidence that running barefoot is unsafe, or safe. In fact there is no evidence that running in regular foot coffin running shoes is safe, or unsafe. Funny that the ITU doesn't ban people from running in shoes as well.
Exactly. Just think of all the injury law suits if people who were injured while running in their shoes chose to sue? Ken Bob finished his first marathon (shod) with bloody feet. He should have sued.
I would suggest annaweltman to choose races from the Sommersault series. They seem to be a little leery in allowing barefoot runners, but they stated they wouldn't disqualify.

If the race is santioned by OAT they use ITU rules. Personally I would run the race barefoot and carry shoes with me (bring Zems or something light). There is no disqualification rule for barefoot running in the apendix of the 2012 ITU rules, only for being without shoes. If you get a DSQ, make sure you challenge it after the race.

In short it does state an athlete may not run barefoot, but it doesn't adequately state what the penalty is.

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