Ollerton man Shaun is part of barefoot relay challenge


Ollerton man Shaun is part of barefoot relay challenge
By John Smith, Chad.co.uk

An Ollerton resident was part of a team of 125 volunteers helping complete a 700-mile barefoot challenge.

Shaun Keightley, 49, a firefighter based at Edwinstowe Fire Station, put himself forward to run the 84th leg of a 122-leg journey from Land’s End to Edinburgh.

Every leg of the relay is being completed barefoot, come rain, shine or storm.

All the volunteers were inspired by the successful achievement of Major Chris Brannigan, also known as the barefoot solider, who completed the same challenge in 30 days in full military kit, over the summer to raise money to fund pioneering research into treatments for rare disease Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS), which his young daughterHasti, was diagnosed with in 2018 and for which there are no treatment options. To continue reading, please visit: https://www.chad.co.uk/news/people/ollerton-man-shaun-part-barefoot-relay-challenge-3031272

Ollerton man Shaun is part of barefoot relay challenge
Mansfield and Ashfield Chad
Shaun Keightley, 49, a firefighter based at Edwinstowe Fire Station, put himself forward to run the 84th leg of a 122-leg journey from Land's End to ...