New York City run


Jun 25, 2010
Bronxville NY
7 people turned up on the morning and we were waiting for one more. 20 minutes later we decided we had to leave and took off round Central Park. As befits New York we were a cosmopolitan bunch: a Filipino, a vacationing Scottish ultra runner, a relocated Californian and me, a Brit - we let a few native New Yorkers tag along too!

Because of a small, 32000 person, bike ride passing through one corner of the park we ran clockwise to reach that portion last. All went well and we saw one other barefoot runner. He normally runs with us but had a lunch date so he couldn't join our fun. A couple of miles before we finished we saw Fred (an American who lives uptown in NYC and works in Lisbon, Portugal) for whom we'd been waiting, running towards us with his 3 kids (aged 4 - 8) - all barefoot! We chatted for a couple of minutes before going our separate ways - everyone was happy. We finished our run back at Columbus Circle having run a little over 6 miles with plenty of good conversation. A good day!

I've got a few pictures - but I have to re-size them yet.

Wonderful. I love that the guy was out running barefoot with his kids on IBRD. Thanks, Chris. Looking forward to the pictures.

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