My first mile!


Jan 21, 2012
;) Just completed my first mile as a barefooter. 1.02 to be precise but who's counting anyway? Pace 9:40/mi. Before every one jumps on the TMTS bandwagon...alittle background. I've been running in minimalist footwear for two years(huaraches & VFF). I have been walking my dog for the past 3 weeks(2xday 1mile per) on streets with naked soles. During my run I had very little discomfort. Actually I felt like I could have gone for miles but I am going build slowly from here. My feet currently have a nice tingle to them. No raw feeling or bruising...just a blissful tingle! I just thought, I would make it official and announce the beginning of my barefoot journey...
Congrats!  I run/walk a total

Congrats! I run/walk a total of 2 miles a day, 3 times a week, but currently I'm only running for 0.2 of each 1 mile lap. I can barely go on after that. Can't wait until I'm able to actually RUN a full mile nonstop.

Congratulations James!

Patrick, you'll get there. You can run almost a quarter mile now. I remember not so long ago you posted you were barely able to run 30 seconds. That's amazing and keep working on it, you are doing great!
Congrats! So when are you

Congrats! So when are you going to schedule your first 100 mile ultra? Lol! Totally joking by the way, I remember how excited I was with my first barefoot mile. It only gets better from here!
Jcataway wrote:My feet

Jcataway said:
My feet currently have a nice tingle to them. No raw feeling or bruising...just a blissful tingle! I just thought, I would make it official and announce the beginning of my barefoot journey...

Congratulations Jcataway ! You are on the right track. The tingling is a good sign you are not doing TMTS. I remember myself having the same tingling after runs during my first months of BFR. Keep it up and Happy running !
Congrats (and a bit jealous;

Congrats (and a bit jealous; still in recovery mode). It's nice to run vicariously through the reports of others; keep 'em coming!
Congratulations.It sounds


It sounds like you've done a lot to prepare for BF Running. If you've alread been walking BF, I know you'll have continued success (I find walking harder on my soles than running.) It won't be long before you are addicted to the stimulous of your bare feet on the ground and your soles will protest when they deprived of that sensation.
Yay you!  That's the way I

Yay you! That's the way I built up to barefoot too, and I also went straight to one mile with no problems. In fact, I am currently doing extra walking on extra rough road, barefoot, in preparation for my first 5k barefoot run -which is on a nasty road (at least by my stadards).
My first barefoot run was a

My first barefoot run was a mile too, and I felt like I could go on and on. I live a zero-drop lifestyle like you, so that could be why we are able to go just a little more than we recommend shod-living runners.

The nice little tingle is believed to come from new blood capillaries being formed, as shoes, even zero-drop, prevent our feet from receiving the maximum amount of blood flow they should be receiving.

Welcome, JCat!
paraganek wrote:Jcataway

paraganek said:
Jcataway said:
My feet currently have a nice tingle to them. No raw feeling or bruising...just a blissful tingle! I just thought, I would make it official and announce the beginning of my barefoot journey...
Congratulations Jcataway ! You are on the right track. The tingling is a good sign you are not doing TMTS. I remember myself having the same tingling after runs during my first months of BFR. Keep it up and Happy running !

And wait till you get here :bigsmile: that is when the fun begins :crazy:
Listening to my skin not my

Listening to my skin not my feet today. My Feet say run; and my skin says fight another day! Nothing bad just minor raw feeling on my soles. So I'll spend my spare time working on honing my huaraches.
Your skin will build

Your skin will build up/condition the more you do it. Taking a day or two off in between runs helps.
Mile 2 & mile 3 down. After

Mile 2 & mile 3 down. After my first mile run on Wednesday I took a day off and got mile 2 down on Friday not a bad outing but it felt forced and a bit choppy. As evidenced by slight knee pain and some extra tenderness on my forefoot. After going over my mental check list I realized I was crossing my gait a tad. So today my feet felt very good and solid so I ventured out for another gallop...this time paying attention to keeping my flutes engaged!!! Bingo Bangor jammo...that was the ticket completely in sync and not a sign of tenderness underfoot. Then I logged that mile 3. So far so good. When this barefoot stuff clicks it is effortless.

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