Mileage week ending 8/17, Whatchya up to this week?

Thank's for checking in, Cuz!

Thank's for checking in, Cuz!
 :-D Been Lurking about TJ

:-D Been Lurking about TJ :)...and I'm always around FB LOL
I think I know where I put

I think I know where I put Ms. Sarah's photo. It's in a tricky spot. When I get some time, I will locate it and scan it to show you.
Yesterday I did my first

Yesterday I did my first group run since college freshman PE. It was a 3.8mi trail run. I met a bunch of new runners and answered a lot of questions about BFR. They made me feel very welcome and all of the BFR comments were positive.

I'm still keeping at least 2 rest days between runs while I make sure that there are no signs of returning tendonitis (TOFP). So including Wednesday's 3.5mi run that brings this week's total to 7.3mi BF.

I'm expecting to go ride my new bike later today. :) I got a Trek 7.5 FX yesterday. Can't wait to take it for a long spin!

Great job, everyone!

"Wow!" on the burpee pull-ups, Abide!

Good luck in today's race, Shaky!

Hope the foot is feeling better, Wendy.


I got my VFFs in the mail on

I got my VFFs in the mail on Tuesday, so all my runs this week were in those

Tuesday: 2.5 miles (never taking two days off in a row again)

Wedensday: an easy 4 miles (one of those days where it would have been harder to stop then to keep going)

Thursday: 1.75...not sure if it was the heat, or the dry heaving from the Belgian dudes in banana hammocks suntanning...but I could not continue running

Saturday: 6.5 miles ...10.5 hour late start at the Kabul sister race of the Falmouth 10k...ran it by myself at 5pm...(did an extra 1/4 mile to make it an even 6.5). Enjoyed the Afghan feast afterwards as well...

total for this week was 14.75 miles...I am however, going to scale back next week because I don't want to overdo it in my first couple of weeks
Sunday: 2 mi walk in

Sunday: 2 mi walk in VFF

Monday: 3 mi walk in VFF

Tues: 1.5 mi walk BF on gravel

Wed: 1.5 mi walk BF on gravel

Thurs: 2 mi walk BF on gravel

Fri: Rest

Sat: 5 mi run/jog/walk BF on trail

I'm trying to get to where I can walk on gravel, as per Ken Bob. It's hard to go so slow, thus my trail run/jog/walk.
So what kind of VFFs did you

So what kind of VFFs did you get, Rand? How'd they feel? Did you enjoy them? What did you run in before those VFFs?
So I may have done something

So I may have done something stupid tonight. I ran 15 miles which is a lot farther than I usually run but it brings my total for the week up to 28-ish miles. Also, it seems fall is on it's way, I was freezing most of the time and when I got home I figured out why. The temperature was in the low 50's and I was only wearing compression shorts and a matching t-shirt.
total miles last week, 15 all

total miles last week, 15 all bare

Welcome back Cube!

Wendy, a pop?? what was it do you think? bummer you're injured.

Shack, how'd the half go? Awesome job on getting 50+ in last week!

nice consistency Mike

Rand, great mileage...though I don't blame you for scaling back a bit. It wouldn't hurt, smart way to transition.

keep up the nice work everyone! It's going to be in the 70s all week here, cant wait to get out for some nice weather runs!
Blind Boy wrote:I was only

Blind Boy said:
I was only wearing compression shorts and a matching t-shirt.

Well, at least you were wearing a matching tee shirt. :cool:
Is this thread supposed to be

Is this thread supposed to be titled Week Ending 8/17? Who ends their week on a Tuesday? ;-)

I had 22.2 barefoot miles this past week. Not my best miles per week, but I'm getting there. I can now say 4-1/2 months after the surgery that I am no better than I was before the surgery, and if anything, I am worse. Yet I hang on.
Wendy - I don't want to alarm

Wendy - I don't want to alarm you but a "pop" was the initial symptom of my first metatarsal break. I stepped out of my car, heard/felt a small pop, and ended up limping around the rest of the night. The worst part was that I was on a date. I ignored it for the most part and a few weeks later ran a marathon. On mile 18 it popped again only louder and this time I knew something was seriously wrong.
Nice to read about everyone's

Nice to read about everyone's progress, though distressing to hear about Wendy and TJ :( I hope you guys can figure that stuff out soon.

I rested this week because I was on vacation and because I had a race planned for Saturday. I always rest for the week before a race to take care of little microtears and soreness. I did end up breaking my plan of no running and just easy striding the day before, though. I decided to run a 5K Thursday night (posted about in the main forum). I did it last minute because it looked like a cool 5K and I wanted to establish a goal time for my Saturday race - a one miler. Friday I had a session with a trainer who put me through a great gentle prerace routine (on the fly - awesome guy!)

My 5K race put me at a goal mile time of 9:31, but I ended up running 9:01 (I think it was actually 8:57 and they got it wrong but who's quibbling?). I'm worn out and my ankles are sore on the inside from the mile of hurt. 5K was barefoot and the 1 miler was in water shoes (bad, bad road surface).
Barefoot TJ wrote: Well, at

Barefoot TJ said:
Well, at least you were wearing a matching tee shirt. :cool:

TJ, you know me, appearance is everything. ;)
OK, so I didn't end my week

OK, so I didn't end my week on Tuesday, I ended it yesterday like most people ;)

Mon 8/9/2010 7.21 BF

Wed 8/11/2010 8.03 BF

Fri 8/13/2010 5.03 BF

Sun 8/15/2010 11.02 VFF

Total 31.29

Best Mileage week yet
Whoo -hoo, Lava!Congrats on

Whoo -hoo, Lava!

Congrats on a nice finish in your 5K, JSchwab!
haha TJ, my weeks are all a

haha TJ, my weeks are all a blur...I don't think I can ever really know where the beginning or end really is. I must have been pwi and randomly selected a date that sounded good for the thread. At any rate, Lava seems to be right on track. Who the hell decided that the week had to start on Sunday anyway. Or wait, is it Monday? :p

Schwab, great video! You kicked that guy's butt! Nice job surpassing your goal time.

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