Mileage w/e Nov. 21

You're doing awesome

You're doing awesome barefooting into lower temps Adam, any foot numbness at all in the cold? I wish I didn't have any toes/foot numbness though it appears 40 is my limit for barefoot. However, taking TJ's advice on the socks, I've been able to run in 30 degrees sans shoes in my socks. Felt pretty great! Keep up the excellent runs!
Thanks Zumba,   I do have

Thanks Zumba, I do have numbness from time to time, just the toes. Short distances between 5 -7 miles I am fine, anything longer I do start to exprience some numbness, I don't get numbess on my pads, so I keep going even if my toes become numb.

It hasnt been that cold yet, we still haven't got into the 20's but it will soon be here. This is my second winter attempting to run barefoot, and it seems easier this time around. I started running barefoot in september 09', so I think the experience is working for me.

You won't see my running 15 miles barefoot at 32 degrees, i know my limits. My long runs, when it gets to cold I will use my vibrams. I will still run short barefoot runs from time to time, even if it's in the 20's. Hopefully in a few years I can condition myself to run barefoot all year long. It's work in progress.
2 barefoot miles today, 35

2 barefoot miles today, 35 degrees and fog. Nothing like ice cold asphalt from freezing temps all night to make you lift your feet. I found I had run my first mile in 7:38 and freaked myself out(still paranoid about TMTS)even though nothing hurt. So I ran the second mile at 9:00 but found my feet got much colder at the slower pace. Only my toes actually go numb though, I can still feel the pads of my feet like Adam.
Sunday: 8.75mi run in

Sunday: 8.75mi run in adizeros

Monday: 1hr zumba, 3.75mi barefoot

Tuesday: 1hr zumba

Wednesday rest

Thursday 1hr zumba, 10.5mi socks, 30 degrees

Friday 1hr zumba

Saturday belly dance, 5.25mi run in socks (24 degrees, feels like 17 with windchill)
total: 28.25 (plus, that gives me good miles this week :p)
sorry guys, I just do better keeping track of my weeks Sun-Sat.

Adam I hear ya. It's good to hear you are listening to your body and know your limits. Keep it up!
I just got a 5 mile PR! 

I just got a 5 mile PR! 38:24 (or so - official time not out yet). Last year, 2 months into barefoot running, I ran a 5 mile turkey trot in 44:45 (I think). And I was impressed with myself for that!

It was Slattery's Turkey Trot in Fitchburg, MA. You'll never guess who chatted me up about barefoot running! The race winner - an elite runner from Ethiopia whose mile PR is 3:55.

Other than that, my weekly has been on the low side - 19.7.

My toes on my right foot have been bothering me a bit. Not a lot, but it sounds like it might be a bit of metatarsalgia. Really not a big deal, but it seemed just foolish to me to not do two easy weeks after my marathon.
Tuesday 8.5Thursday 3Friday

Tuesday 8.5

Thursday 3

Friday 4

Saturday 6.5

I wore Vffs - for all.

I'll be in Maryland next week at Chesapeake Beach ( thanksgiving with my son and grands yayaayyy ) so I am hoping to run on the boardwalk BF.

awesome job silly! Thats

awesome job silly! Thats really a good race.

i got in 52 miles this week myself...I had to chill out, started to get crazier than usual.
I'm jealous of your speed

I'm jealous of your speed SillyC- I've never run that fast!

In Ohio for the holiday, and after sitting on the plane all day yesterday, knocked out 5 miles this morning- my farthest- about 38 degrees. Felt downright balmy after Tuesday's 30 degree run. Glad I'm here though-there's snow at home.

Only 9.6 for the week- but all BF.
twinkletoes wrote:I'm

twinkletoes said:
I'm jealous of your speed SillyC- I've never run that fast!


Haha! I've never run that fast before, either. Though, this has been a real process. Fifteen months ago, before I found barefoot running, I was pluggin' around the neighborhood doing 11 minute miles. After I ditched the shoes, running was so much more comfortable and so much more fun. I want to run more. And I'm stronger, so I can run more.

You'll get faster, too, twinkletoes!
Awesome race Silly,

Awesome race Silly, congratulations on the PR!!! Awesome time!

Nice mileage Peanut, Twinkle and Oso!
 just 18 this

just 18 this schedule got a head of me ;-)....but since I did my first run in VFF's I guess I now have to qualify which miles were which.....still assume all miles are barefoot unless I specify otherwise :)

7 of those miles were VFF....
10 miler - barefoot.Midday

10 miler - barefoot.

Midday run - 40 degrees and sunny, very warm barefoot run.

Time: 1:18:59

Pace: 7:52

I recieved a garmin forerunner 205 as a birthday gift yesterday, I am hooked! This thing rules, it was great just leaving the house without followed a pre-planned running route, which I usually do.
I haven't seen this Mileage

I haven't seen this Mileage thread before, but I'd like to join the fun:

Sunday, 5 miles on my favorite paved loop at 38 degrees in VFFs.

Tuesday, 44 minutes barefoot, on a new trail. (I don't do milage on strange terrain.)

Thursday, 15 minutes BF, 24 minutes in VFFs (the 1st time I carried shoes on a run)

Sunday, 5 mile paved loop, BF at 46 degrees.

I'm signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot Run Thanksgiving morning - my first non-trail race. I hope to run it BF if 1. it's not raining or too wet, and 2. if the course isn't too nasty for my feet. I am looking forward to it because I really have only a vague idea of how fast I can run. Speed isn't the goal for me these days. I run to run. The pure joy of the experience, you know. But since I'll be there with the timing and all...
ran a 50k today.  Beautiful

ran a 50k today. Beautiful day for a run and I smashed my previous PR by almost 3hrs (6:47) while wearing a kilt and Vibram Treks (trails too muddy for the Luna sandals)

Ended up with 48 miles on the week.
Wow, Shacky, that's

Wow, Shacky, that's intense!

For me, 14 mostly hilly trail miles barefoot for the week, plus 2 hrs grappling. Mostly the running conditions have been about 40 degrees & rain. I'm finding that water is really the thing that sucks the heat out of my feet. On pavement my feet get warmer.

I feel like I'm getting faster but haven't timed myself in months. This thursday at the Turkey Trot I'll finally see what my speeds are like now.
Thanks Zum- I'm stoked about

Thanks Zum- I'm stoked about the distance increase- ironically it's the ankles/PT holding me back rather than the soles.

Mike- ya it's nice- I always freeze when here but this year is great, especially because I wanted dry roads to run on. Also, I love traveling without boat shoes in the luggage!

SillyC- appreciate the encouragement because I'm plodding along at 11:45/mi. The confusing thing is that when running BF I always feel like I'm running faster than I am.

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