Mileage Reporting week 17 of 2016


Aug 25, 2014
Are we in week 17 now (...hope so)?

Managed to get out and about earlier in the week than usual this week. So went back and repeated the 3.7km loop of the lake that I did a few days ago.

Still in the middle of a cold spell here -so more footprints in the light frost covering on a wooden bridge on route! Enjoyable short session & everybody I passed (runners & keep-fit addicts that is) seemed to be happy to say hello today, which was nice -must be something in the air...:)
10 km this evening @ 6:25 min/km.
Warm temperature, fading light, mixed tarmac and sidewalks (as usual).
I saw a lot of people, a lot of buses and a lot of pollution :wtf:
And overtook someone going uphill. BTW, running barefoot has taught me how to be a better climber. I could almost say I enjoy going uphill.
However I don't think I'll be able to run for the rest of the week; I'm going to be busy :/
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5 mile run at 4:45 am, 75 deg. f., 78% Rh.
No sightings to speak of slightly overcast.
Calm smooth run:happy:
Well this is my last week before the ½ this Saturday, and as I've mentioned I got stuck going on a trip for work all week. And besides hours in the car each day I'm in steel toed boots for most of the day. Found some boots just in nick of time that fit - Redwings - not perfect but by far the best i found locally. More on that later in gear section. My calves have been tight and even got foot cramps now and then. And the road here is gravel. But I found the stretch from the house to Smith Mountain Lake to be nicely mowed beside it and runnable. And it is a beautiful run slightly downhill all the way to lake, lined with big cedar trees, some mountains as backdrop, and fields beside road that I've seen deer and turkey every run. Not much time but I've got in around 2mi each morning plus a 1-2 mile walk each evening with my manager. Hopefully that is offsetting the damage of sitting and wearing boots at least. Guess I'll find out on Saturday.
Been an unexpected week. Started out strong with a gentle and very enjoyable 8 miles, but my knee did something odd during the run and then felt particularly odd for a couple days after. I tried not to be depressed. :( I forced myself to rest, which was helped by having a mouth full of canker sores, my version of a cold this time. But I did do a bit a careful gardening (which ironically is the old-lady sport that probably caused the knee thing), and finally some swimming on Friday. I couldn't bring myself to turn down dancing on Friday night, although I spoke sternly to myself before going that if the knee acted up I WOULD restrain myself. However, I am happy to report that dancing was splendid, barefoot, and quite energetic. The band (first time we've heard them) even gave me and my daughter band-logo t-shirts for our efforts. :) My husband danced with me about half the time, but 25 year old daughter and I did impromptu, loosely coordinated dance moves for other songs. Since we were the only ones on the floor, it was hard to avoid getting attention. What can I say? :p I am looking forward to giving running a try again on Monday!
Hope your knee is ok @happysongbird ! Wearing boots last week took its toll on my feet and knee, I could really feel the extra strain around the knee when I went to turn in them especially.

But despite the footwear, lots of sitting in car, limited food and exercise time last week being out of state the whole time, my half today went terrific! A new PR by about 4 minutes. 1:34! I'll do a write up soon, there was free race photos this year (versus in previous years you had to pay like $25 each or $60 for all just for downloads) so I'm waiting till they come out. Yvonne did even better besting her very recent PR only behind me less than 12 minutes!
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Hope your knee is ok @happysongbird ! Wearing boots last week took its toll on my feet and knee, I could really feel the extra strain around the knee when I went to turn in them especially.

But despite the footwear, lots of sitting in car, limited food and exercise time last week being out of state the whole time, my half today went terrific! A new PR by about 4 minutes. 1:34! I'll do a write up soon, there was free race photos this year (versus in previous years you had to pay like $25 each or $60 for all just for downloads) so I'm waiting till they come out. Yvonne did even better besting her very recent PR only behind me less than 12 minutes!
6.7 miles today, beautiful weather with some heat in the sun at last.
Foot ok now, stayed off it for a whole week, no running arrrrgh! Was patient though which is unlike me.:woot:
Kept to 10min pace and thoroughly enjoyed every step. Wore my Vapour gloves, should be back to barefootn' next week.:barefoot:
Well being IBRD I was hoping to get a recovery run in today, but my legs told me no. Definitely sore from yesterdays race, difficult to walk down the stairs and I could feel that pain in my right achilles unless I was real careful not to use it much. I could have walked but decided to go for a ride this evening, cycled an easy 16 miles. While rabbits are a common sight around here, just as I was leaving on the bike there were 3 of them right together at the end of the driveway, must of been a family meeting.

So lets see, total for the week...
24 miles running
8.5 miles walking (a lot more than usual)
16 miles cycling

all running and cycling barefoot like usual, but most of the walking was in my Unshoes or SoftStars since it was on a gravel road and I wanted to walk with and talk with my manager as opposed to the smooth grass way on the other side of the ditch.
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