Mileage Reporting 9th Week of 2013

So here it is about 6 hours after I ran my longest run in probably a month or two and I feel the best I have felt in a long time, other than the muscle pain from just being out of shape. I am able to walk around with very minor pain in my foot! Holy cow, I might actually get past this injury finally! The astym thingy the PT did on my foot hurt but felt so good and now I feel great. He did say I was making progress really fast, although at the time I looked at him funny when he said that because it doesn't feel like I am making very much progress. Fingers and toes are still crossed!

Sounds good Nick. Maybe I'll get over my stubbornness and go get some therapy.
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Sounds good Nick. Maybe I'll get over my stubbornness and go get some therapy.
Well, I had stupid goals last year which kept me from going in. Pretty stupid if you ask me. If I would have gone in earlier and gotten a second opinion I'd have probably hit my goals pretty easily. Better to take the time now Rick than to keep putting it off. He told me originally that he would probably have to see me for 8 weeks because I had waited so long to go in, but now that treatment seems to be helping and working pretty fast he is revisiting that idea and he thinks it could be much shorter now.
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Thanks Nick,

I haven't been following the threads closely, but that seems like really good progression for you. How is your pain (if any) after your running? My problem is the soreness after. I have been making progress, I got over 20 miles last week with about 1/4 of that slow jogging miles, but the soreness after keeps reminding me not to try to go too fast. I did an experiment by wearing shoes for the first time in 2 months for 4 of those miles. The shoes didn't seem to make a difference, so I will continue to rehab barefoot. Walking in gravel really feels good.
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Rick, last week was the first week of PT for me and I went Monday and Wednesday and then also went in yesterday and will go in again this Wednesday. I was fine during running too like you Rick, but would be dying in pain a couple hours afterwards. Today my pain level is really low, nearly non-existent.
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Had a relatively uneventful running event. A little under 25km in a little under 2:45 with a little under 400m climb. Really easy pace most of the way, picked it up over the last five km. Didn't have a plan, just knew that I wanted to be out between 2.5 and 3 hours, came up on the shorter side, but whatever. I made decisions on the fly as to direction/route to take. Got a few BF kilometers done, too, which felt like HEAVEN. Most of the way was over slush-covered icy dirt and gravel paths, with a few paved kilometers in there as well.

Leni was leading the way, of course!

I want to try uploading the .kml file for google earth, would appreciate feedback on it (I mean, does it load for you? I'm wondering about the technological side. I need to know because I might organize a little run later in the year, thx).

Ok, that didn't woik. File extension not recognized ...

Of course I have a cool pic to share, too, lol. This is a red sweater hanging on a hunter's stand in the middle of nowhere. If you're ever in Germany and come across something like this (could be a hat or one glove, or any article of clothing) it's been put there by someone who found it in the area and hung it up to make it easier for the owner to found if s/he comes looking for it. You might also notice the occassional hubcap leaning against a fence or street sign. Same thing. When people find them, they put them someplace that stands out, in case the owner drives by looking for it. That was one of the earliest things I noticed over here and something that always impressed the hell out of me. In NY? Yeah right, good luck widdat.

So now I'm wondering ... who was taking off his/her sweater up here, and why? :stop:

2 mile run, unplugged as the conditions are really getting messy. -3 but the solar heating thing has the snow melting making for interesting runs in the KIGO's as the traction with these shoes in those conditions are challenging. I thought i would lightly step on a slushy patch but it turned to be a puddle that went over the top of the shoe. Refreshing, the smartwool socks did their job and got me home with a wrinkly foot. :)
Monday afternoon
very lite st, and .3 mi micro run in the slush
33 F / .5 C
26 F / -3.3 C windchil

Tuesday afternoon
tried to finish Monday's st, then
6.39 mi / 10. 28 km
35 F / 2 C
25 F / -4 C windchill
bare without incident

Monday's micro-run in the slush was a bit much. My toes were tingly for 10-15 minutes afterwards. My st was a bit lax. Ran out of time at the end of the day, and just wasn't feeling it. I really gotta switch the st to earlier in the day, when I feel primed for a pump.

Next day, today, I tried to finish the st workout. My left shoulder is still a bit sore, so I did high reps, lower weights, to get the blood circulating in that area. That seemed to help.

Then I drove again to the fairgrounds for my run, in order to avoid the wet spots, so to speak. There was a big state high school hockey double-header at the Fairgrounds' Colosseum, so the guys directing cars in the parking area had fun with me when they saw I was barefoot. When I reappeared an hour later the oldest guy congratulated me. The younger guy, still older than me, told me I was crazy. I told him "use it or lose it" which I guess cut too close to the blubber-covered bone because his jovial manner fell quiet after that.

The actual meso-run went well. More back and forth on the dry section of road up there. There seemed to be more moist sections traversing the road from the thawing run-off, which really numbed my feet down, more so that at any other time since my frostnip mishap two months ago. I guess that's why I didn't notice that the road was chewing up my soles a bit. When I got home, the soles felt pretty sore. I guess I'm overdoing it somewhat, running higher mileage today and two days ago than my nascent calluses are good for. Perhaps on Thursday's run the prudent thing would be to run shod, but it will be hard to cover up now that I'm having so much fun again, and the conditions are so bareable. As casual barefooter but mediocre runner, it's funny to think of my soles holding me back instead of my running fitness.

Funny, too, that I didn't feel so plodding, like I usually do at slower paces. My form actually felt fairly smooth and effortless. Perhaps the numb feet are forcing me to be hyper efficient in my running economy. Or perhaps being so attentive to preventing another running injury, I'm subconsciously regulating my gait better. I dunno. But every time I consciously tuned in, I felt my feet landing exactly flat and my hips felt incredibly relaxed and sturdy.

Today my pain level is really low, nearly non-existent.
Great to hear of your progress Nick! Our synchronicity really is amazing, as my running has been going pretty well for the last week or two.
Seriously, that one's going to be tough. Just the kicking. let alone coordinating the 4 steps. Video. Yeah. still. easier to watch than do.
It's a slow one too. Who invented this stroke? Makes me want to think up a new one. Isn't it time for a new one?
And yes, I was impressed that after expressing my utter confusion at the whole endeavor at the pool yesterday, my 9 yr old daughter proceeded to do one full out and back lap with the breast stroke, proper breathing as well, declaring how easy it was. Kids.
Dare I try to encourage you by suggesting you not overthink it? I find it to be a very relaxing stroke....
Monday: swam 35 minutes. Feel like I am making progress with my pool current and getting stronger
then, a bit later, 75 minutes on the spinning bike with some medium effort power intervals
Tuesday: I RAN 8 MILES COMPLETELY BAREFOOT!! My last mile was one of the fastest for the day, at an 8:42 mm pace. Most of the others were closer to 9 mm. It was the fairly nice asphalt of one of my courses, so I'm not sure I could do it on rougher pavement again yet, but it was great! I am encouraged.:playful:
Oh, I forgot to mention that I got to be the barefoot ambassador to 4 people today, 3 of whom were teammates of my daughters high school track team. They were asking me a bunch of questions and seemed genuinly interested. The other person is a friend who has suffered seriuos injury due to highly cushioned shoes.
I had a quiet week last week - felt like I had to let my calves settle. This week I'm getting back to normal, fingers crossed.

Sunday was a repeat of my horrible mid-morning curse. If I run after 9am on an empty stomach, I'm only good for 4km or so before I bail. Stopped for a drink and then walked a bit, then ran 2.5km barefoot to finish.
Monday - 14km on the bike. Starting to realise that I don't really like bike riding as much as running, so I think once a week might be the most I do.
Tuesday - 3km barefoot. So far, so good with the transition. I feel like I could go further, but I'm going to be conservative.
Today - 6.2km in shoes. A bit of a plod, couldn't find a good rhythm. I'm wondering if my BF distances are starting to become significant enough that I might start to find it a bit weird in the shoes, or I was just sleepy.
Of course I have a cool pic to share, too, lol. This is a red sweater hanging on a hunter's stand in the middle of nowhere. If you're ever in Germany and come across something like this (could be a hat or one glove, or any article of clothing) it's been put there by someone who found it in the area and hung it up to make it easier for the owner to found if s/he comes looking for it. You might also notice the occassional hubcap leaning against a fence or street sign. Same thing. When people find them, they put them someplace that stands out, in case the owner drives by looking for it. That was one of the earliest things I noticed over here and something that always impressed the hell out of me. In NY? Yeah right, good luck widdat.

So now I'm wondering ... who was taking off his/her sweater up here, and why? :stop:

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That happens around here too---guess we can claim to be nicer than NY?
I've done it for others.
I've also done it when shedding layers on the run. Easiest way to find it on the way back.

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