Mileage Reporting 6th Week of 2013

I felt so good and my only pain was a slight soreness in my right able that went away when I just relaxed.

I hate it when my able hurts! Especially the right one ;)
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20min swimming, lots of panting and resting, so I called it quits after 4 laps. I noticed that the 2 other swimmers' heads were coming out of the water more than I've seen in those videos, but not as much as the first guy earlier in the week. Of course, those videos were of pros. A few times, I was breathing into the trough on the right, so I know it's possible. On the left, just a mouthful of water. Obviously, I'm not doing something right. Probably worthwhile learning how to do it right, rather than popping out of the water to breathe. It feels almost like when I first started running, and I'd get out of breathe. Maybe I'm not exhaling correctly. Perhaps, I'll hang up the goggles until my next class on Sunday, when I can get some feedback.

I haven't gotten yelled at yet at the pool, so I think I'm learning the etiquette. 2 swimmers in the near 2 lanes. I took the far one, then when the exercising lady came in, I moved over so she could have the far lane.

No runs this week. It's nice not having sore legs! With all the kettlebells and "swimming" this week, I still don't have that "I've got too much energy, II need a run" feeling. We'll see, maybe after work today. Although, I might end up driving across town to the vet to pick up the next 3 months supply of our dog's prescription food, if it's come in.

Don't be discouraged. Sid, I had a day like that at the pool on Tuesday. I thought I was 'getting it' and my breathing was all kinds of off that day, while I watched those around me swim effortlessly back and forth. It comforts me to learn I'm not the only one, as I was feeling so out of shape. I think that when it starts to not go right, I tense up then my breathing gets even more off.
It's just a new activity, I guess. Yesterday for me I mellowed out and it went much better.
Fun to learn new things. Progress then set backs.
five miles indoor track.
10 swim laps. No other exercise today. Only a few hours sleep last night. Tired and going to take it easy for once. Good news was the swim went quite well. Not nearly so short of breath, not nearly the heart rate from Tuesday. Gonna try to hit the early morning swim at 6:30 am tomorrow and see what I"m like after a night's sleep.
Swimming outdoors in February in Idaho. Yeah, the neighbors wonder about me.... :rolleyes: but I estimate, based on my time for regular pool laps, that I swam the equivalent of 15 laps, or 1/3 mile, in one lap increments in about 20 minutes. :D Breathing was not the issue I thought it might be, other than the general tiredness from being sick. I think I swam just the right amount for my current situation, since I feel a bit tired, but inspired! And now, lucky you, I am going to give you

The Swimming Tip of the Day: Make sure that you are breathing out in a controlled, relaxed way the whole time your face (aka breathing apparatus) is under water. If you cannot breath out the whole time, you are not taking a breath often enough OR you are expelling your air too quickly. More next time!
The Swimming Tip of the Day: Make sure that you are breathing out in a controlled, relaxed way the whole time your face (aka breathing apparatus) is under water. If you cannot breath out the whole time, you are not taking a breath often enough OR you are expelling your air too quickly. More next time!

Yep! Got that. One thing I wasn't doing well was that I was lifting my face out of the water and still blowing out for just a fraction second before I would breathe in. The timing today worked out a bit better, as I felt more like I was using the time I had to breathe in more fully.

One thing I wonder about too; should I be swimming as fast as I do? I make it to the other side as quickly or more so than the more experienced swimmers seem to. Should a beginner swim more slowly?
Yep! Got that. One thing I wasn't doing well was that I was lifting my face out of the water and still blowing out for just a fraction second before I would breathe in. The timing today worked out a bit better, as I felt more like I was using the time I had to breathe in more fully.

One thing I wonder about too; should I be swimming as fast as I do? I make it to the other side as quickly or more so than the more experienced swimmers seem to. Should a beginner swim more slowly?
You are probably going to be able to improve your form (catch of the water) and balance more if you are not pushing the speed. Once you make some progress with those, you will swim faster more automatically. The muscle memory for form goes down hill quickly with increased speed for a fairly new swimmer. Did I say that right?
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45 minutes of high intensity intervals on the bike. According to the computer on the bike I burnt about 520 calories. I was a nasty sweaty pig again. Feel good though now that I am done. Ok, off to finish some chores around the house before studying for my midterm this evening.

Whoa! Midterms already? Good luck!
You are probably going to be able to improve your form (catch of the water) and balance more if you are not pushing the speed. Once you make some progress with those, you will swim faster more automatically. The muscle memory for form goes down hill quickly with increased speed for a fairly new swimmer. Did I say that right?

Yeah, that makes sense. However, I never feel like I'm trying all that hard, and certainly not pushing to go as fast as I can. Since I've also been concentrating on doing slow, controlled, full strokes with my arms, it feels a lot smoother than the first week or two.
In fact, it's only the breathing that prevents me from being able to do continuous laps (or so it feels) without taking breaks.
Can't wait till I get the regular swimming down so I can learn flip turns. Those look soooo cool. I've also been fantasizing about getting good enough to open water swim when summer comes. I've heard the transition to open water from pushing off the wall can be difficult at first, but teaches you to pace yourself in a more relaxed way.
Yeah, that makes sense. However, I never feel like I'm trying all that hard, and certainly not pushing to go as fast as I can. Since I've also been concentrating on doing slow, controlled, full strokes with my arms, it feels a lot smoother than the first week or two.
In fact, it's only the breathing that prevents me from being able to do continuous laps (or so it feels) without taking breaks.
Can't wait till I get the regular swimming down so I can learn flip turns. Those look soooo cool. I've also been fantasizing about getting good enough to open water swim when summer comes. I've heard the transition to open water from pushing off the wall can be difficult at first, but teaches you to pace yourself in a more relaxed way.
If you get the breathing rhythm down, you can swim almost indefinitely. You may need to slow down a bit, if you are feeling breathless at the end of the lap, or you may need to push through, knowing that you have your balance and breathing under control. You'll have to play with that some.
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Yep. Gonna need all the luck I can get tonight. Macroeconomics is no fun. In fact all these business classes are just making me want to go work at Lowes or Home Depot or something as a stock clerk so I don't have to think about business stuff anymore! Lol! :D

That is crazy! My Hubby is taking macroeconomics right now too! He dislikes it greatly. I think it is because he disagrees with what is taught and was outspoken about it... :confused:
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That is crazy! My Hubby is taking macroeconomics right now too! He dislikes it greatly. I think it is because he disagrees with what is taught and was outspoken about it... :confused:
Too funny! I was outspoken in class just asking questions because I was trying to understand a topic and some of the students looked like they were going to kill me after class. In fact some of them raised their voices at me. I ended up making sure to walk with a couple of other people who thought I had asked intelligent and reasonable questions after class out to the parking lot. The topic, taxes... I learned a very important lesson that night, don't talk and ask questions about taxes to gain a better understanding if you are in a big classroom, people will get upset and think you are a jerk, wait till after class or break and talk to the teacher one on one. :D
Don't be discouraged. Sid, I had a day like that at the pool on Tuesday.
Oh no worries, here. It's only Day 3 after all. I've been at the pool 4 days so far this week, and did kettlebells 5 days in a row. I called it quits after 20min as I figured, just as one can't expect to go out and run a 5K on day 3, I'm guessing it's the same thing here. Plus, I did find the trough to breathe in on my right side. Left side was just a mouthful of water. Gotta work on that.
Too funny! I was outspoken in class just asking questions because I was trying to understand a topic and some of the students looked like they were going to kill me after class. In fact some of them raised their voices at me. I ended up making sure to walk with a couple of other people who thought I had asked intelligent and reasonable questions after class out to the parking lot. The topic, taxes... I learned a very important lesson that night, don't talk and ask questions about taxes to gain a better understanding if you are in a big classroom, people will get upset and think you are a jerk, wait till after class or break and talk to the teacher one on one. :D

Hubby disagreed with which models were being taught. He agrees with the Austrian Model.
For some reason, I dreamt about being on the beach in Australia last night (never been there, but my husband wants to visit) and there were pretty pink, but stinging little jelly fish all through the wet sand. What do you have to say about that?

It's the pretty ones that sting you the worst? :)

Actually, as far as I know we rarely get stinging ones down my way (bottom right hand corner), but in the north it is a different story - some really nasty ones. The ones we get are either small, clear bean shaped ones, little blue ones, or big ugly blobby things that might occasionally have a little bit of brown or pink in them. I like the clear ones best, because my wife always squeals like a five year old whenever she steps on one without seeing it. :)

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