Mileage Reporting 6th Week 2014

I just "ran" down to the local mall today, where I happened to find a pair of Marmot pipeline jeans, On Sale... BEST JEANS EVER!! Now I'm "running" my mouth about how good they feel. Just so you know, I have never before gotten happy over jeans. They are comfy and have a little stretch, AND... They look good without shoes!!
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I'm still super busy working at the ski resort, and I still really really like it.
I haven't worked out as much as I'd hoped I'd be able to, because I've simply been too exhausted, but I've made a new 3 day split so I'll be able to have more days where I don't have to go the gym. New split: Shoulders, chest, triceps. Back, biceps, abs. Legs.
Did the shoulders, chest, triceps workout yesterday. Will do the Back, biceps, abs today.
Tuesday afternoon, run-commute then "Lift" ST (deadlifts, tipping bird) and "Pull" ST (pulldowns & seated rows with varying grips). I missed the deadlifts on Sunday, so I was making them up. The nice thing about breaking up my ST sessions into seven weekly 20-to-30-minute chunks (Lift, Push, Press, Squat, Pull, Row, Dip) is that it's easy to combine them if I miss a day. With that in mind, I'm already thinking about giving up on the idea of doing strength training first thing in the morning. Just doesn't feel right, although running works well at that time of day. So if something comes up in the afternoon and I miss an ST session, I'll just add it to the following day's workout.

Wednesday, run-commutes and light shoulder presses in the afternoon. Left shoulder felt fine. Will push it more next time.

Thursday morning, 3:45am start,
5.3 miles down to the river and back.
-8F/-16F windchill. Supposedly we have just one more week of unseasonably cold temps.

I felt good and solid on the run. My conditioning is coming back. I wore Drymax socks inside my Sockwa G4s, and a velcro ski mask over my face, in addition to my Icebreaker balaclava and cap. Three layers of Merino wool on top, two on bottom, and I stayed nice and warm. Only my eyes were exposed. This has become my standard get-up on really cold days.

Should've stopped to take a pic of the river, but I'm not sure how well it would've turned out in the darkness, and I didn't want to hassle with taking off my gloves and getting out the phone. It was pretty cool down there though. I wish I would've motivated for early morning runs earlier in the winter. I think I let the Winter Challenge mess with my head. I kept waiting for more bareable conditions in the afternoon, and when they didn't come, I ended up not running much at all outside of my daily run-commutes. The run-commutes are nice, but at just a mile, you don't really get much conditioning in. They're more for maintenance/recovery/volume. Perhaps next winter I'll just give in right away, forget about running bare, and stick to early morning running in shoes.
Don't know when I'll be running again next. We had that heavy wet snow on Monday, then in the overnight hours of Tuesday into Wednesday, we got freezing rain on top of the trees that were still laden with lots of wet snow. Still huge numbers of people without power and I'm guessing with where I live, I'll see power back up tomorrow at the earliest but maybe not til over the weekend. Spring can't get here soon enough. I'm tired of this.
Cooler mid 30'sF weather back today...waited till the afternoon...1/2 mile walk then 30 mins run. feets and hands were cold for first 20 mins then warmed up fine, 1/2 mile cool down walk. Saw 2 teens playing basketball in shorts and T-shirts otherwise deserted outdoors around here.
OH, Lee, it's contagious.
Wed: 2 short swim sessions
Thurs: 40 min swim, then 1 mile sock to track, then some weights, then on to the next thing (chicken pot pie!)

I've started driving with a cushion, then a dryer ball on the right side of my tailbone (ok my right butt cheek). Seems to be helping a LOT. Weird problems, weird solutions? Still hurts to run, but not as much. Lee, I don't know where you heard the bad temps for only one more week. The 10 day forecast still looks the same same same same same same same...............................................

What I hate about this winter is that, as a person who normally needs to be outside every day, even in winter, even just to walk, I no longer even LIKE being outdoors. I haven't even wanted to be outside in weeks. BLECH to this winter. Taking all the fun out of everything.
Yes I did go on a 1 hour trail run in 22 degree weather with 17 mph wind gusts. I found out my my long sleeved tech shirt from the Shamrock run a few years back turns into the perfect "ice shell" to protect my clothes from getting wet and keeping me warm! There were 10 other runners out there, to whom I said, "Hi there crazy person/people". :)
Aargh posted on the wrong week !!! Here again, sorry

10.6km/6.7mi today, a nice pace, and I believe my left ankle problems seem to be fading now.

Next week (15th Feb) there is an 11km trail run in Port Stephens (about 3hrs north of Sydney), and I'll meet with 2 other fellow NSW bf runners (murls and kallipyjama).

It will be a good opportunity to also check on each other's form, we'll be filming it. Hopefully I'll have time for a report !
OH, Lee, it's contagious.
Wed: 2 short swim sessions
Thurs: 40 min swim, then 1 mile sock to track, then some weights, then on to the next thing (chicken pot pie!)

I've started driving with a cushion, then a dryer ball on the right side of my tailbone (ok my right butt cheek). Seems to be helping a LOT. Weird problems, weird solutions? Still hurts to run, but not as much. Lee, I don't know where you heard the bad temps for only one more week. The 10 day forecast still looks the same same same same same same same...............................................

What I hate about this winter is that, as a person who normally needs to be outside every day, even in winter, even just to walk, I no longer even LIKE being outdoors. I haven't even wanted to be outside in weeks. BLECH to this winter. Taking all the fun out of everything.
Well, I've been out of the Midwest for the majority of my adult life, but I simply cannot remember a winter like this. (Edit: OK, just looked it up, this is the coldest winter since 81-82, and apparently the 70s had a lot of cold winters, so my memory has been distorted by the more recent hyper hiber-reasonableness.) Last week when it got up to around freezing I had to remind myself that this is what a normal winter feels like. I think our average temp in January is supposed to be 19F. This year most days in December and January have been in the single digits or worse. I was chatting with the Discovery Club (after-school program) director yesterday, and she was complaining about how hard it's been to deal with the kids' pent-up energy. Normally they go outside to play for at least an hour when it's 20F or above, but this year they've been cooped up inside most of the time.

This was in this morning's paper:

I don't know about Michigan, but the accuweather forecast is for a slight warm-up today and tomorrow, then three more days of bitter cold, but then close to freezing on Wednesday, and even 40s the following week! I'm going to try to get in a little bare running tomorrow afternoon in the fairgrounds, either back-n-forths on Underwood or short loops near the parking lot/bus stop, but hopefully by next week sometime I'll be able to bare it all pretty regularly again on out-n-backs.

Nonetheless, I can't get over how great the Sockwa G4s are. They really make shod running bearable. In fact, I don't mind running in them at all. I don't really notice I have them on. I love how I can feel every crevice and bump of the compacted snow with just a slight chill (with socks on) or slight numbness (without socks). The perfect winter shoe!

Anyway, yesterday run-commutes and then Squats. I used to hate back squats, now I love 'em. And those overhead squats are killer for your obliques! Today I'll do my MINT and rows and then tomorrow dips and other pec/tricep stuff, along with my third proper run of the week. I'm really back in the groove. I love feeling a little sore every day. I think next week I'll start trying to do my maxes again. Right now I have a tremendous urge to get my squat and deadlift maxes up into the 1.5BW range. I notice the strength work while running. I feel so much stronger and smoother and solid (how I look running is another story). I've also figured out how to stretch out my hammies on a window sill with my sit-stand desk in standing position. So I get a leg up on my work a couple of times a day. Having the hammies nice and loose really helps me keep my energy-flow going while sitting. Also just standing periodically really helps.

Hopefully, by the end of next week, I'll be ready for my first long run in ages.
I'm so happy to say that the power came back on for me last night about 8:30. Considering there are still currently almost 100000 customers without power in my county, it must have been a remarkable stroke of luck that the source of my outage was affecting not just my tiny road, but some larger population center or otherwise important infrastructure.

The storm did delay a book I ordered from arriving yesterday, it would have made for good reading last night while I had the propane lantern burning as I sat by the woodstove to keep warm. The book is Why We Run by Bernd Heinrich and you can learn a little about him from the following Youtube video:

I've certainly been thinking a lot about that question of why we run. Or at least why I run. Write about it some on my blog. What's been especially interesting for me is the difference that barefoot or minimalist footwear has made to fully connect me to what might be thought of as running spirit in the human being. I had experienced brief connections back in my running shoe days, but nothing like I experience now with nearly every time I go out. And run. And run. Just run.

I may only have time this evening to slip in a 15 to 20 minute run, but if it's there, I'm taking it.
Normally they go outside to play for at least an hour when it's 20F or above, but this year they've been cooped up inside most of the time.
Cabin fever has been awful. I'm glad that mine are in the middle of swim season. They already don't get enough time for recess, but with the temps they aren't spending nearly as much time playing in all this snow we have.

Nonetheless, I can't get over how great the Sockwa G4s are. They really make shod running bearable. In fact, I don't mind running in them at all. I don't really notice I have them on. I love how I can feel every crevice and bump of the compacted snow with just a slight chill (with socks on) or slight numbness (without socks). The perfect winter shoe!
I'm so glad you found something that works for you!
For me, last year, it was the socks and sandals, but when the temps got really low (teens and below), it was tending to be dry.
One of the reasons it's been hard to motivate is the cold+wind+unplowed or half plowed roads. I end up in the suede soft stars, which are good and warm, but not my favorite.
Running just isn't fun when it's like this day after day.
I don't see anything in my ten day forecast over the mid 20s for highs.
Its too bad most women aren't as helpless as you!

I'm not sure I'm getting much sympathy from you for the stress I endured. :p At least my husband gave me credit for being the most brave because I was the most terrified.
13.2 mile long run today, very easy paced with an average heart rate of 133 bpm. Legs still got tired some towards the end, since that's the longest I've run since November 2010 and on this current cycle of running again, 1.8 miles longer than the 11.4 miler I did back in early November.

Scary thing about it was I completed today's run in 2:13.26. My half-marathon record is 2:16:25.
13.2 mile long run today, very easy paced with an average heart rate of 133 bpm. Legs still got tired some towards the end, since that's the longest I've run since November 2010 and on this current cycle of running again, 1.8 miles longer than the 11.4 miler I did back in early November.

Scary thing about it was I completed today's run in 2:13.26. My half-marathon record is 2:16:25.

Very nice!
First trail run of the year, it warmed up nicely today in the low 50's. Ran at Tribble Mill park around the smaller lake...walked for a bit then ran 30 mins then cool down walk. The ground temp difference from wet shady woods to open sunny dry path was amazing...from near freezing cold to very toasty warm. There happened to be a mountain bike race going on some of the trails...had to give encouraging words to the racers that looked half dead and struggling along.

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