Mileage Reporting 5th Week 2014

Whew, finally motivated for a early morning run--2.8 miles. It helped that it was about 27F when I set out a little before 4am. Then it began to snow. Very pleasant--this is the kind of winter I can deal with. Just say no to polar vortices. I especially enjoyed running past the unshoveled walks of lazy students' houses by the U. The bumpy compacted snow under my G4s felt trail-like.

Got in early morning deadlifts yesterday. Kind of a hard sell, but I got through them. So hopefully the first-thing-in-the-morning routine will stick, almost a month after I intended to get it going. Tomorrow I'll try for weights and running first thing. If I can manage that combo, I'm golden.

Also ran 5.37 barefoot miles yesterday afternoon, back and forth up on Underwood Street in the fairgrounds. I got in the car a couple of times to warm up the footsies. It was in the 20s, but parts of the asphalt were still pretty wet, and it got pretty windy at times--7F windchill I think.

Overall, feeling hopeful that I've re-established my hour-a-day exercise routine after nearly two months of sporadic motivation and minor injury (stubbed toe and sore shoulder). Participating in this forum definitely helps mobilize Catholic-like guilt when the slacking goes too far.

Will try to get in some MINT later today, and maybe some late afternoon weights. 24" box jumps felt easy Tuesday afternoon. Amazing how quickly I've adapted. I'm becoming a box jump zealot. I recommend everyone give it a try. Probably right up there with squats as a top cross-training exercise for runners, it seems to me.
8 miles and kicking it at an 11.25 m/m -which is fast for me. Longest run in over 2 months. The water exercises really helped! Mikey's manifesto on his gait analysis, reminded me to make sure I was "falling forward" so as to help engage the spring mechanism and to keep from pushing off -LIKE MIKE HAD BEEN DOING!!! :D Part of my problem was my legs had grown too weak to support my own spring-loaded fall. But the ST I have done for the past week paid off. That was an excellent, easy, spring-loaded run!
Fun chilly 8 mile run at 4:45 am., 32 deg. f. 22 deg. wind chill. back to bare foot (lovin it).
I do not see to many others out in the cool.
45 min trail run. did some hill sprints to help dial in my form. some of the time was standing around waiting to recover. the rest was warm up and cool down. had a massage after. felt great. then i started walking and felt muscles tighten up again.
Finally. Yesterday was my first minimalist or barefoot run in 10 days. Just 3.15 miles, but damn it felt good to have light-feeling feet that could actually sense the ground and today we're supposed to climb above freezing (yay!), tomorrow into the mid 40s and maybe 50 on Sunday which will be nice when I meet someone for a first kinda date at the Delaware Art Museum. Got the idea for that date thanks to the Icicle 10-Miler I ran a few weeks ago, because until I had run by the museum, I hadn't known that there was a Delaware Art Museum. So when the prospective date put it to me to think of an idea or ideas for a first meetup, and with how she runs so we had been talking some about running, it popped into my head for an idea as a good place where we could walk around, talk and enjoy some art and how it expresses and reflects humanity.
Active rest day so I did 5 minutes on the rowing machine. Low back was shaking from 90 degrees and beyond. I was expecting that. Now I know why my MT instructor used to sit on a table with her legs straight and at a 90 degree angle with no back support. I wish I had room for a Roman Chair. Meanwhile, only 5 minutes until the shaking stops and only every other day. I am able to find ways to do reverse hyper-extensions throughout the week - on other people's furniture. Lol! Even at the dentist. :)
After shoveling six and half inches of snow, and having my left shoulder get sore again, I finally figured it out. The soreness is from shoveling. Duh! It has nothing to do with my previous issues with my left shoulder, and did in fact feel different. The shoveling soreness was more on the outside, in the muscles, on the delts, whereas before it felt like it was more inside the shoulder joint. I guess it's all the lateral raises involved in shoveling. I'm right-handed, so the left arm does all the lifting.

So anyway, now instead of avoiding shoulder exercises, I'll do more of them in my st to strengthen the joint. Gettin' old . . .

Anyhow-anyway, 5.5 miles down by the river, 16.75 miles on the week. Did semi-Fartlek running for the first half, then just coasted. Lovely to be back down by the river.

Will try to get in some rows later . . .
I only got a little over 70 miles in January, although if the time I spent x-country skiing had been running, I would have had something more like 85 to 87 miles. Winter's been making it tough some. But with the nice weather today, I decided to do a portion of my run on a road that sees no winter maintenance.


I was wearing Xeros and toe socks. It was slippery some on the downhills and a bit sloppy in places. But the great thing about running that road as part of a lollipop route is that after 3.5 miles, the last 2.5 are almost all downhill.
Great 10 mile run at 5:30 am. Had a few surprises on this run.
It started out 64 deg. f. (shorts and a thin long sleeve tee). At about 1.5 miles (running along with a south warm wind at my back) a north wind hit me and lasted for the rest of the run. By the time I got home it was 48 deg.
The other surprise was at about 2.5 miles (running on a nature trail I spotted something moving about in the grass to the left) it was dark so my initial thought was some kind of domesticated rabbit (large fluffy). After watching I determined it was a skunk. Most of its back and almost all of the tail were white (more than any other I have seen).
This was the last run day for me this week. total miles 21.

feet good

Legs good
3.54. I was wearing my Unshoes for most of the run because my feet aren't used to be running barefoot. I did take my shoes off at 2.64 miles and went a little less than a mile barefoot.
I kinda dropped off the forum for a couple of weeks through laziness, but I've been lurking. I've had a bit of a lazy January after my fun run on the 4th, found myself in that strange "Nothing to run for" void and the other day I realised that I'm slowly slipping below my ideal idea of 4 runs per week minimum. I've also stagnated on the long runs - last year I was pushing the distance towards 15km, this year I seem to have gotten comfortable at 11km and stayed there for 3 weeks.

So, this week I'm trying to get back on the horse a little. Friday I did 8km, Saturday I ran 7.5km with the local Harriers running club and this morning I got up early and did 13.3km, so a little over 8 miles on the beach. It was a foggy morning, so it was fun to see people emerging from the fog up ahead. A little white dog with black patches on its eyes chased me along the beach, and I heard the owner saying "Come here Panda". I had to turn around and congratulate him on the name. I also saw two people pushing a pram with no baby - I laughed out loud when I realised that it was for the two little dogs they were walking. Dog owners are funny.

My new experiment is to try and teach myself to run my long runs slower - on Friday I ran into a guy on the beach who does ironman tiathlons and settled in next to him for a chat. I realised how little effort I was expending to run about 30 seconds per km slower than usual, and remarked to him that maybe that was the pace I should be running if I ever do a half or a marathon. So, today I tried it - I suck at pacing, so I just tried to keep reminding myself to jog along and make no effort at all. It seemed to work - I shuffled along happily and I felt like I had a bit left at the end, even though that was probably my longest run since October last year. My troublesome second and third toes also behaved themselves a lot more than usual. I think I'm onto something.
How do you recognise the feet of a happy barefooter ? By their colour ! :cool:


Did a 12.8km/8mi trail run in Sydney's Centennial Park. Lots of sand, some gravel sections, and also some tricky areas with trees roots. Most important, lots of fun !
f-weights and then a "run" bf.
hard to keep my hr low so i started running and then walking when it goes high. almost found a pace i could keep but i realized i wasn't running the same. for some reason, likely my mind, i run different on the road than a smooth concrete path. gotta work on that.

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