Mileage reporting 51st week 2013

I went out for a 5 k run today and it went ok. Didn't hurt that much in my feet. Do feel it now afterwords. Not happy with it.
Then I also did a chest and abs workout in the gym. Hit a new PR. Incline db presses with 25 kg dumbbells 3 reps without a spotter.
That I'm very happy with :D
Backed up yesterday's 11 with 7km on the beach today. It turned into a fast-ish run because I found myself 20m or so behind a young chick who was running well and I didn't want to look like a stalker. :)

I had to stop twice to pick up big, sharp bits of broken glass - I always pick them up and run them to the nearest bin if I find one of those. I definitely see more glass on the beach during the summer tourist season.
Ran 3 miles this evening after work. Beautiful evening with a high this afternoon of 55F. Legs were stiffer than I would like but after some stretches and 1 mile of running they were fine. Did seem to run out of steam around the 3rd mile so decided to do more walking than planned. Planning on a 6 mile run tomorrow evening.

Wife and I grilled some steaks for supper tonight. Good stuff! Also had a sweet potatoe, spinach, and some fruit. Have had that new Britney Spears song "Perfume" playing in my head for the last three days I think.
I wanna run!
my right foot is doing better, and did not mind me running yesterday. My left foot is not a happy foot today. Hurt even when I just walk. Damn!
I begin to think I have a real problem here. The tendon under the foot (actually both feet, just not as much under the right as the left anymore) is tight and hurts. When I try to make a fist with me feet (really don't know the expression, but I guess you get the picture) it hurts a lot. It feels like there's resistance when I do it. I can't stretch that area either, as that hurts too.
You've all said to me that I'm tight, and need to massage. Yes.. I get that. That's the problem is up in the lower leg.
This started over a month ago after that half marathon that went really good. I got tight and then I rested, but I guess I didn't rest enough. Now I can't seem to get started again. Whenever I try to run it comes back and or get worse. Should I take this to the "ask the doctors"? Anything they can do other than just tell me to massage and rest and start up again slower, again?
Frustrated. I just want to run...
Great 5 mile run at 4:45am., 39 deg. f.. Awesome clear skies with big bright moon.

Feet good
Legs good
Got some flow!!
I understand that thoughts are powerful and that it is the thought that counts. I have gone from running 20-40 miles a week to nothing but core work outs and weights. All I have been doing is thinking about running. Foot to the earth and going however fast or slow just going some where. However the excuses keep piling up. Ill continue thinking about it and hope for temps to get above 19 degrees and the snow to melt a little and the pollution to decline with the inversion we are having. Well I guess I am writing about it so it has brought me to some movement. Until then thanks for listening, only a barefoot-er would understand. :) I just cant bring myself to run shod :( until then I will run vicariously thru yall.
Sunday I swam for 20 minutes.
Monday I rode the spin bike for 90 minutes.
Monday night I could tell I was getting sick. Lungs hurt. Body aches. Sensitive to light. Looks like I will be off of running for a few days. I hardly feel up to walking from bed to chair, and my husband has indicated in his quiet way that I had better not.
1mi yesterday and front crawl

2mi today and backstroke, breaststroke. I'm not particularly fond of the backstroke, but I immensely enjoy coming off the wall after a flipturn and getting in a few dolphin kicks before surfacing.

I like having two modes of cardio. I can do a light swim after a longer run, or a longer swim after a shorter run.

Discovered that I was wearing out the lining of my Vivobarefoot Dharmas underneath the 5th met head, same spot where I have calluses. Took care of the calluses with a Dremel on low speed. Taking care to land more evenly across mets 2-5 when running and walking to see if this helps.

Also did a some jumps in the my bin of drainage rock before running, to practice soft bouncy landings. Found it a bit easier to run on the concrete sidewalk afterwards, as the drainage rocks reminded me to not land so stiffly, in addition to spreading the landing across more of my forefoot.
4 miles on the treadmill. I am a trail runner and yet I have developed a serious affinity for the treadmill!!! I feel like there is something wrong with me! Lol! And some weights and the climber thingy. I have decided I am going to add on one hour of working out for every night I continue to have insomnia.
3.53 miles today at avg 9:26 pace. 39 deg F. Felt pretty good although now I have a few aches in my one ankle. Also, right after I finished my run I was walking and cooling down and got a call to come interview for a position I applied for over the weekend. It's not the gov't job I really wanted, but I would still be a very happy man to get this. My fingers and toes are crossed!
Hang in there rik.

Get well soon happysongbird.

Took care of the calluses with a Dremel on low speed.


At work today, playing 9 holes of golf at 4, and then a game of basketball at 8:30. I'll probably play golf barefoot - I enjoy doing that for my practice rounds, but I haven't quite got the nerve to go barefoot at my club competition rounds yet.
3.53 miles today at avg 9:26 pace. 39 deg F. Felt pretty good although now I have a few aches in my one ankle. Also, right after I finished my run I was walking and cooling down and got a call to come interview for a position I applied for over the weekend. It's not the gov't job I really wanted, but I would still be a very happy man to get this. My fingers and toes are crossed!

You've only got one ankle? :p

Good luck with the interview!
ha! try being my age. there's students there even older than me too.

m-squats, deadlifts, pistols, pushups
t- lessons on how to deadlift properly. one student is a really good pt. he brought in olympic size training plates and forced the ASB to buy some new gym equipment. he corrected my form.
ran for an hour after that. freaked people out that i was running in shorts bf. i don't see the problem. i had a long sleeve shirt and gloves on. :cool:
Ran a descent 6 miles after work yesterday. Started off with calf muscles feeling slighlty tight but seemed to go away after the first mile. The best thing was that my right knee had absolutety no signs of tightness even during the last mile of the run. Yip, Yip, Yipee!

Todays temps are to reach 57F. Wow thats crazy! May run after work as tonight temps drop to more like January like highs.
Sunday - 7.5 miles shod. Wanted it to be a run, but impossible. Started off at a ski resort on a snowmobile track (elevation 9,800 ft). Not too bad, but the vertical climb and altitude force hiking. The next section of the trail was a summer road to the peak (11,307 ft) only had 2 snowmobile tracks on it. Firm in spots, but then post holing to my shins in others. Very slow jogging with the unpredictable footing. Kids called when I was nearing the peak wanting to know what was taking so long, they were anxious to go skiing. Topped out on the peak (it's a nice spot when the wind isn't blowing, great views) and picked a different route down. It was dry on the exposed ridge but then back to the soft snow. Only ended up on my face twice. Got back to the pavement and felt the road with my hand -warm, maybe should have done a barefoot run instead. Back to the packed snowmobile track to the starting point. 2.5 hours, no speed award today! Downhill skiing with my daughter the rest of the day.

Monday - back to my cold valley home. Colder than the mountains in these winter inversions. 1 hour of xc skiing in 5 degree temps.

Tuesday - finally some barefoot miles - 17, my longest of the year. A win win as it was also a shopping day. I get a run in and my wife does the bulk of the shopping. She likes it better when I'm not in the stores rushing her. Left home and the 15 deg temp behind for the warmer south. 30 minutes away the temp is 50 and I'm in short sleeves, shorts, and bare feet. First 12 miles were great, through Snow Canyon State Park and then on a nice bike path. Then conditions got rough as I made my way through an industrial area to meet my wife at the shopping center. Rough pavement, gravel chips, traffic and fumes, stares at the intersections, and enjoying every minute of it. Unfortunately the running ended and yet another 5 hours of shopping! Next time I stay on the bike paths and run longer.

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