Mileage Reporting 48th Week of 2014


Jul 9, 2013
I don't think that I'll run today. Legs are pretty sore, but I will try to walk around some. They don't seem as bad as the one other time I ran a half-marathon to my utmost in 2007, but then I still haven't tried stairs or any sort of downhill yet. That could be painful.

I wrote a longer report about yesterday's race and put it in the Races forum,

I hope that tomorrow I can get out and run a few easy miles. Easy mile might be all that I'm capable of for a bit here. Usually this year when I've woken up I would be thinking about the excitement of going for a run. Not today, not now, although last evening I began thinking about what has gone well this year and what went wrong and how hopefully I can improve more again.

Tristan, oh yes, I understand the big city events will be crowded some, but I suppose the crowded nature of it yesterday took me by surprise because I was used to how the crowds seemed from 2007 to 2010. In 2007 when I raced it hard, there were around 11000 total runners. Yesterday's had about 30,000. That, combined with how I ran purposefully without giving up on the effort, meant that the experience was a whole new level.

Still, it's a wonderful course and a fine event, but I do fear that it has gotten a bit too large. It was so crowded that this year it was hard to take notice of the crowd support, but maybe that was also because of how focused I was on the goal and how that meant I had to focus on navigating the crowd.

Good runs to all.
Sunday aft
6 mi.
44F/40F Windchill. Wet pavement.
Fairgrounds back-n-forth.

Two days of above freezing temps over the weekend so the compacted snow melted on most of the streets and left a nice refreshing sheen of moisture. It felt good to run after almost two weeks of putting off the morning run until the afternoon, in hopes of getting some bare running in, only to blow off the afternoon run when the thought of driving down to the river in sunlight and traffic put me off. What a baby. I did get in one day of one-mile run-commutes I guess.

So, anyhow, I think I've resolved to try every other day running again this week, for maybe six miles a crack, and see how that feels. Getting all the cold weather gear on first thing in the morning is a hassle, so it might be easier to motivate if I don't have to do it every day. We'll see . . .

There's a six-mile bridge circuit down on the Mississippi that shares one bridge with the 3.5-mile route I had been doing. It's along a flat, smooth bike/pedestrian path, and it's always nice to take in the expansive riverine geography first thing in the morning. I might go Dutchie and divide the run, remove my Sockwas the last mile or so for a bare portion, in order to maintain some semblance of callus. Make a mad dash for the warmth of the car at the end of each run.

On the ST front, the six lifts per workout protocol has really solidified nicely, and I'm making decent progress. My right knee and hammie seem to be fully recovered from the strain of almost two months ago, so it's time to focus on getting the running back up to speed.
3.26 recovery miles and there was pretty much no way I could run faster than that unless a bear were to show up and chase me. But it felt good to run again, if slowly, after yesterday when I only walked around some and spent time with that medieval torture device known today as the foam roller.

It felt so weird compared to the race on Sunday. I felt like a totally different runner almost. Weather might make it impossible to run tomorrow, but hopefully I can get out on Thanksgiving and run a few more miles to see how the legs are recovering.
5 miles Tuesday 37 deg. very nice run.
feet are still good!
Tuesday, I rode the spin bike 75 minutes.
Wednesday, I ran barefoot for 6 miles in 54 mildly overcast degrees. Almost every other runner I saw was horribly over dressed, still seeming to be dressing for last week's deep freeze. I mentioned it to one older fellow and he humorously, but resignedly agreed. I do hope he at least took off his beanie!
Laura... I might go for the short sleeve T-shirt instead of sleeveless (maybe) at 54º but that's it (beside shorts). Some people do still believe in the method of sweating yourself to death running though.

Wednesday did 8mi in the 30's. It was solid grey out all morning, not very enticing for a run but by afternoon when I decided to finally get some miles in the sky opened right up. Probably will be my only run this week... working dayshift Thur-Sun. At least they are catering in a Thanksgiving dinner for us today.
5 mile run at 5:30 am 66 deg. f. 72%rh.
I saw one opossum scurry along. I have not seen any rabbits in the last few runs.
Semi clear skies lots of stars and some low clouds moving quickly across the skies. (I tried to imagine I was moving along in the same flowing movement)
Any way lots of fun!
Managed to get another 2.25km in at 10deg C this weekend. Can't really say I'm enjoying running barefoot in the cold yet, but I'm gonna keep trying. Looking forward to having a go on snow though :)
Besides some of the normal runs and alternate exercise this week, I walked with my sister for a Thanksgiving Day 5 K, the first time we've done that together, and I think her first race. It was great! It was just cold enough to make me need my Sockwas. Then, Saturday, I had one of the most excellent runs ever. 8 miles barefoot that just seemed to glide by at a faster easier pace by almost 30 seconds than I have done with that level of comfort before! Followed it with a 20 minute swim, too, in spite of various dinners and parties all week.

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