Mileage Reporting 48th Week of 2012

Yesterday's running paid off; I was finally able to sleep a complete night. Still, woke up with the same cough, now with complimentary green mucus. Took a brief nap late morning then pushed on through the rest of the day. Just did my Back ST workout, and am heading out the door for a nice mile-and-a-half barefoot walk to pick up our toddler. Managed to do 225 on my deadlift, the first time I've gone beyond 175 since the MCL injury. Stayed at 75 on the squats, but they definitely felt better than last week when I did them for the first time in a long while. So things continue to improve. Hopefully this bug won't get any worse so I can continue with the track intervals tomorrow. I want to get in as many track workouts as possible before it snows.

You know Sid, it's funny about having signed up for the half-marathon in August. I actually feel less pressure to improve my mileage now that the goal of running 10-plus miles is more remote. Maybe it will start to mess with my head more when I get closer to the date. In any case, sounds like your marathon is going to be a good time. All the best with it! I look forward to hearing about your training.
0 miles since Sundays run. That damned Barefooting Bob gave me his cold. I did try to drown this bug with beer last but was not successful. Drank beer until my vision blurred and my memory as to what beers I was trying faded to nothing. All I got out off it was almost missing my flight this morning because of the cold I have, yeah that's it, had nothing to do with the beer consumption. ;)
Careful Bare Lee, with symptoms of a cold above the neck like nasal congestion it should be O.K to run, symptoms like a chesty cough and green mucus, not such a good idea, I know because I did some research into it last year and that seemed to be the general consensus on the interweb.
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Total of 5 miles barefoot at a dry ground, starting to turn foggy chilly 37 degrees. First 4 miles were an 8:20 pace, then I felt like I was doing well for the last mile, but the watch said 9 min pace. I was "chasing" my 16 year old XC running daughter for the first half, then she took a detour. The feet were a bit cold, but I didn't think they were really getting numb until I got back where it was warm and noticed them tingling and hurting a little. The soles seem fine other than one pin prick bloody spot. My body core stayed warm during the run, but I'm needing to take measures to get warmed up now. I'll chalk it up as a satisfactory effort.
You know Sid, it's funny about having signed up for the half-marathon in August. I actually feel less pressure to improve my mileage now that the goal of running 10-plus miles is more remote. Maybe it will start to mess with my head more when I get closer to the date. In any case, sounds like your marathon is going to be a good time. All the best with it! I look forward to hearing about your training.
Oh, it's just the opposite for me. Since you pointed out the warmer weather coming my way, I've realized that I need to get my mileage up before it gets hot again. The humidity gets wicked, too, since sweat doesn't evaporate, and that leads to more chafing. (I bought some bodyglide today!)

By the way, the $320 covers both days, so it seems in the ballpark for an event sponsored by Disney. I mean c'mon, they charge $60 for cookies and hot cocoa!
Yesterday's running paid off; I was finally able to sleep a complete night. Still, woke up with the same cough, now with complimentary green mucus. Took a brief nap late morning then pushed on through the rest of the day..

I hate fall/winter cooties. And they are child provoked.
I always debate about the merits of complete rest when sick w/ virus cooties vs. just trying to push through at least a light workout.
Glad you got a nap. Naps are great for recovery from anything. This would be a better world if we all napped more.
Ack, cooties! I think that I caught something from you! Tummy is feeling a bit grumbly. Hopefully, it'll settle down, since I'm feeling hungry while also being slightly nauseous. (Maybe it was a bad protein bar...)

Oh, and $60 includes "magical snow fall". That must be it. Magical snow can't come cheap.

Edit: Strangely enough, I could go for a cookie now. Darn power of suggestion!
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Careful Bare Lee, with symptoms of a cold above the neck like nasal congestion it should be O.K to run, symptoms like a chesty cough and green mucus, not such a good idea, I know because I did some research into it last year and that seemed to be the general consensus on the interweb.
Thanks Skedaddle. The green mucus was light and only in the morning when I woke up. I felt draggy all day and wasn't going to work out but then around 3 pm I started to feel a bit better. My strength training was lite for the most part, and my barefoot walk was good for me I think. It's about 32 / 27 windchill, but I think the exercise will help me sleep. And it's sleep I need most. This bug never would've amounted to anything if I had been able to sleep it off. A few nights over the Thanksgiving weekend I tried Dutchie's remedy but, perhaps predictably, it didn't help. The head cold started more than a week ago, but has only started taking its toll on me since yesterday. And I've never had a fever or anything. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be on its way out. If it gets worse, I'll definitely avoid running tomorrow. I've had pneumonia that lasted 7 weeks once, so if the green goo continues I'll think about more serious measures. Thanks again for voicing your concern.

Yah Sid, I don't envy your South Florida humidity, as much as I hate winter. Are you native?
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Yah Sid, I don't envy your South Florida humidity, as much as I hate winter. Are you native?
No, I grew up in South Jersey. However, Florida is a nice change from Pittsburgh, where I lived for 5 years before moving here. The only significant inconvenience with Florida is running in the summer. Though, maybe I can keep training if I run early, stay around the neighborhood, come home every 5 miles or so to hydrate and change shirts/shorts...

I lived in NC for 10 years. I think that it had a nice balance.
0 miles since Sundays run. That damned Barefooting Bob gave me his cold. I did try to drown this bug with beer last but was not successful. Drank beer until my vision blurred and my memory as to what beers I was trying faded to nothing. All I got out off it was almost missing my flight this morning because of the cold I have, yeah that's it, had nothing to do with the beer consumption. ;)

It wasn't me honestly, my sneezes would never have reached you way down in the south of the city. Hope you feel better Dutchie.

Ran 5.25 miles at lunch today thru Transcona, 2.5 miles barefoot at a wind whipping -16 degrees C. Was feeling barefoot deprived with no bare soles since last week. Felt good.
It wasn't me honestly, my sneezes would never have reached you way down in the south of the city. Hope you feel better Dutchie.

Ran 5.25 miles at lunch today thru Transcona, 2.5 miles barefoot at a wind whipping -16 degrees C. Was feeling barefoot deprived with no bare soles since last week. Felt good.
I know what you mean. It's funny. Sometimes I hate the cold, sometimes I indulge in it. Today I walked barefoot in 27 F windchill, and it just wasn't satisfying until the end, after about two miles, when my feet started to get really cold. Ahh. If I had been running, that's the point at which they would've been nice and toasty.
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A little over 4 miles today. Not sure the exact distance as my Garmin crapped out on me when I was walking on my warm up, but I think it was somewhere between 4.1-4.25. I tried to stay on a route that I knew the exact distance of, but at the 2 mile point I was brain dead for a moment just enjoying the run and kept running for a bit. Oh well, great fast paced run I think. Felt fast and the ground looked like it was going by faster (ya, because perception really does mean that you are going faster right?;)) .

Also, I think I am mostly a shod runner now who runs with as much a barefoot form as I can while in shoes. I've learned a lot from you all over the last nearly two years (I was a lurker for months before I actually became a member). No extending the legs out in front of the body, landing with a pretty flat footstrike, maybe even slightly more of a forefoot strike, having a higher cadence (not necessarily 180 as my friend Lee likes to point out, we are all different), and shoe fit (this is very important to me, much more so than the all shoes are evil schtick we hear so much around here). I will still do some training barefoot, but I think for the most part I will be in shoes. I like it, my body likes it, and I feel like I can enjoy my run more. Anyhow, I hope you all (Mike) can accept me as a shod runner who occasionally trains barefoot.
A little over 4 miles today. Not sure the exact distance as my Garmin crapped out on me when I was walking on my warm up, but I think it was somewhere between 4.1-4.25. I tried to stay on a route that I knew the exact distance of, but at the 2 mile point I was brain dead for a moment just enjoying the run and kept running for a bit. Oh well, great fast paced run I think. Felt fast and the ground looked like it was going by faster (ya, because perception really does mean that you are going faster right?;)) .

Also, I think I am mostly a shod runner now who runs with as much a barefoot form as I can while in shoes. I've learned a lot from you all over the last nearly two years (I was a lurker for months before I actually became a member). No extending the legs out in front of the body, landing with a pretty flat footstrike, maybe even slightly more of a forefoot strike, having a higher cadence (not necessarily 180 as my friend Lee likes to point out, we are all different), and shoe fit (this is very important to me, much more so than the all shoes are evil schtick we hear so much around here). I will still do some training barefoot, but I think for the most part I will be in shoes. I like it, my body likes it, and I feel like I can enjoy my run more. Anyhow, I hope you all (Mike) can accept me as a shod runner who occasionally trains barefoot.
I would be disappointed if you did something that wasn't working for you, like barefoot running purism. I tend towards the purist side, but only because it works for me. Great to hear your running is going well. That's all that counts.
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Woke up feeling better, after more than seven hours of sleep. I still have a dry cough, but feel a little less draggy, and no green goo is coming up. So looks like I avoided having this thing travel down into the lungs. Still, I thought it best to take Skedaddle’s counsel and avoid running outside for another day. So I did my TOP ST (Shoulder, Lats, Neck, Forearm) workout today, along with some nice stretching and rolling. I’m finally getting good about making that part of the daily routine.
I snoozed the alarm and had the worst time convincing myself to wake up, and by the time I did it was late.
I used to have two of these on opposite sides of the room when I was working long shifts. Just one is sufficient now. You know it's a serious alarm clock when it has a separate 9V battery for the buzzer.

I would also use a digital timer that switched on the 300W halogen. Good morning!

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