Mileage Reporting 47th week 2013

A quick slushy run last night with the dog, about 6 km of stop and go's. This is not helping my pace setting training, unless I want to stop and smell the roses every couple of minutes.
hmm. i seem to be pretty damn fatigued. didn't realize i was posting in last week's. worse, no one told me!

monday, nada.
tuesday,, ran, pistols, one legged squats.
wed, squats on bosu ball, pistols.
I just did an about 50/50 walk run. Same route as yesterday which was 5.9 km.
I have doms in my feet from the longer run I did Tuesday. Just as I expected. But it went well despite the soreness in my feet. Do need to rest them so the soreness goes away before running again. Don't want to risk anything.. :)
Later today I plan going to the gym and do shoulders and triceps.
2.9 miles of up and down cross country running this morning and the first time I've covered those 2.9 miles without using walk breaks on some of the uphills.
8 miles on Wildwood and today I enjoyed it -especially since the unevenness of the trails, realigned my hips. My hips had gone out of alignment during one of my last pavement runs, because of running with a leg length discrepancy on a flat surface - and when they go out of alignment, I get a chain reaction of problems INCLUDING everyone's favorite, plantar fasciitis on my long leg side (it gets t...ired of taking up slack and takes it out on my arch)!!! I can only run on pavement, from now on, WITH huaraches with a thickness difference to account for my leg length difference. Unfortunately, the luna/brancas that I sneak around wearing at work, are too form-fitting to run in (cuz as they shift around, the sole thickness changes and they are unable to effectively balance my leg length discrepancy) - I have tried running with them before, and what happens is, I end up with trigger points all around the inner and outer ankle of my right foot, because the ridge where the shoe has molded to my foot makes that big of a difference. So...that means, unless I can come up with a CHEAP solution to this problem -which would involve cutting up all sorts of "shoes" from Goodwill, glue, sail canvas thread/needle, and time to experiment- I will NOT be running a half ON PAVEMENT (which I have scheduled for December 15th).

Jen, do you find that running on one side or the other of the road (camber) makes a difference? Will the road be closed for your half? So you can route find. Is running some of the course on the side of the road possible? (I found some manageable conditions off the road at Hood 2 Coast). If this is causing you this much grief, then drop the race, no big deal. But then again, at some point you will have to go after your weaknesses. Figure out how to deal with it and in the end you will come away stronger. Show that pavement who's the boss and do it already!
Had a challenging 11-mile run down by the river yesterday afternoon in somewhat icy conditions, 29F/-1.7C, 14-18F windchill, depending on whom you want to believe. Several times I almost buckled and put on my back-up Vapor Gloves. If I wasn't doing the Winter Challenge, I probably would have. So this is the first time the Challenge has influenced my running, something I swore I wouldn't let it do. And now today I've got my kids' head cold. Cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle. Maybe there's some truth to keeping one's feet warm to ward off illness? Nah, I've just gone too many days without proper sleep.

My left shoulder feels 100% this week so I was able to push the bench presses a bit on Monday, but then had to skip my st on Wednesday due to time constraints. I'll try to do some ST today and tomorrow, then run again on Sunday, when temps are supposed to start warming up again, but we probably won't be seeing any more highs above freezing for a while. So that's it for this week's mileage: a little less than 26 miles.

I moved up to 19" on the box jumps in my MINT sessions this week, so I quickly graduated from the initial 14" of a week ago. It was pretty easy, the secret is to swing the arms fully and squat a bit more pre-jump. I may try my new adjustable plyo box’s 24” max adjustment next week, but 19” feels just right right now. Man, I’m really sold on box jumps!

Also got in a nine-mile run (8.92 mi / 14.36 km) down by the river on Tuesday afternoon, in pleasant conditions: 44F / 6.7C, 32F / 0C wc. Legs felt a little heavy, perhaps from the box jumps earlier in the day, but I was able to push the pace a bit on the last mile anyhow. That’s always a good sign—to finish strong. Stopped for a quick stretch on Northern Pacific Bridge Number 9, an old railroad bridge converted into a pedestrian walkway connecting the U of M’s West Bank campus with the East Bank campus. An older lady looking like a humanities prof said “I wish I could do that.” I wasn’t sure if she was referring to my barefootedness on a chilly day, or the fact that my foot was perched up on a chest-high guardrail.

As I finished up my stretch on the other leg, I had flashbacks about watching my first Jean Claude Van Damme movie, “Bloodsport,” in Thailand while vacationing from Japan, where I was training karate and learning how to do the splits for the first time. I think JCVD’s Volvo commercial posted on another thread brought it all back to me. After returning to Japan, I spent the next several months torturing myself with ropes and hot baths until I could finally do the splits too, albeit not suspended in air like Jean Claude.

More stretching/yoga is on the agenda now, along with my conditioning push. Got a Bikram Yoga for Beginners book coming next week. Like everything else, I’ll try to pick and choose the stuff that works best for me and work a bastardized version of it into my morning MINT routine. Time to up the Bozo activity.

On the early morning run commutes I'm running closer and closer to tempo pace. As motivation to get warm again increases, so does the pace. Good practice perhaps, in a greasing the groove sorta way. Today I drove though.
2.25 mile 65lb pulk pull last night in my luna's (needed traction). Lots of effort and resistance used as I went from snow to bare concrete. Temps were hovering around -20 with the W/C. I don't know who had more or my 65lb kid who was giggling all the way and yelling out "Mush, mush Daddy"
2.25 mile 65lb pulk pull last night in my luna's (needed traction). Lots of effort and resistance used as I went from snow to bare concrete. Temps were hovering around -20 with the W/C. I don't know who had more or my 65lb kid who was giggling all the way and yelling out "Mush, mush Daddy"

Only .88 of a mile today. Legs felt beat up after rolling them again yesterday on the softball. I've never had shin problems before until I started rolling with the softball, so I think I may need to switch back to the tennis ball when rolling my calves and then use the softball for the big muscles like the hamstrings. We'll see if that cures my problem.
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Had a challenging 11-mile run down by the river yesterday afternoon in somewhat icy conditions, 29F/-1.7C, 14-18F windchill, depending on whom you want to believe. Several times I almost buckled and put on my back-up Vapor Gloves. If I wasn't doing the Winter Challenge, I probably would have. So this is the first time the Challenge has influenced my running, something I swore I wouldn't let it do. And now today I've got my kids' head cold. Cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle. Maybe there's some truth to keeping one's feet warm to ward off illness? Nah, I've just gone too many days without proper sleep.

My left shoulder feels 100% this week so I was able to push the bench presses a bit on Monday, but then had to skip my st on Wednesday due to time constraints. I'll try to do some ST today and tomorrow, then run again on Sunday, when temps are supposed to start warming up again, but we probably won't be seeing any more highs above freezing for a while. So that's it for this week's mileage: a little less than 26 miles.

I moved up to 19" on the box jumps in my MINT sessions this week, so I quickly graduated from the initial 14" of a week ago. It was pretty easy, the secret is to swing the arms fully and squat a bit more pre-jump. I may try my new adjustable plyo box’s 24” max adjustment next week, but 19” feels just right right now. Man, I’m really sold on box jumps!

Also got in a nine-mile run (8.92 mi / 14.36 km) down by the river on Tuesday afternoon, in pleasant conditions: 44F / 6.7C, 32F / 0C wc. Legs felt a little heavy, perhaps from the box jumps earlier in the day, but I was able to push the pace a bit on the last mile anyhow. That’s always a good sign—to finish strong. Stopped for a quick stretch on Northern Pacific Bridge Number 9, an old railroad bridge converted into a pedestrian walkway connecting the U of M’s West Bank campus with the East Bank campus. An older lady looking like a humanities prof said “I wish I could do that.” I wasn’t sure if she was referring to my barefootedness on a chilly day, or the fact that my foot was perched up on a chest-high guardrail.

As I finished up my stretch on the other leg, I had flashbacks about watching my first Jean Claude Van Damme movie, “Bloodsport,” in Thailand while vacationing from Japan, where I was training karate and learning how to do the splits for the first time. I think JCVD’s Volvo commercial posted on another thread brought it all back to me. After returning to Japan, I spent the next several months torturing myself with ropes and hot baths until I could finally do the splits too, albeit not suspended in air like Jean Claude.

More stretching/yoga is on the agenda now, along with my conditioning push. Got a Bikram Yoga for Beginners book coming next week. Like everything else, I’ll try to pick and choose the stuff that works best for me and work a bastardized version of it into my morning MINT routine. Time to up the Bozo activity.

On the early morning run commutes I'm running closer and closer to tempo pace. As motivation to get warm again increases, so does the pace. Good practice perhaps, in a greasing the groove sorta way. Today I drove though.

Damn Bare, my slim lead will be gone, if it is not already. Running conditions have not been good here since Saturday night (either to slushy or just not able to get out at lunch or I would have to run at night barefoot which I don't mind but I run my dog at night so that makes barefoot impossible due to the stop and sniffs that my Husky likes to do, or the occasional rabbit or dog that she spots that she wants to investigate). I am really challenged to find good barefoot running opportunities at all, I might be hard pressed to get my 300 km goal in this year. Bleech.......... :nailbiting:
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Fun run with my running club this morning, a bike-run race. Teams of two, one on a bike and one running. The race is 12km, with four 3km sections and a changeover point at each section. I showed up with my wife's bike with a teddy bear strapped into the baby seat on the back for a giggle. It was lots of fun.

I found it quite strange, because I never really do any fast 3km training, so I had no idea how to pace myself. I also found it really hard to switch between riding and running, it surprised me how hard it was to get off the bike and run the last leg.

Worse still, it was my first run in shoes since July - the course was all gravel and stones so I decided to run in my Merrell Road Gloves. They're quite flat, but quite hard on the sole, and they felt very strange to run in. I was conscious of how much I was slapping along on the road, and i just couldn't work out a rhythm at all. Very strange feeling.
5 mile trail run on Wildwood in the FREEZING (yay!) weather. It was crystal clear out! I had to cut it shorter then I wanted though cuz of digestive issues. :( I ate beef the day before, I may as well have eaten a damn brick! I knew better!
5 mile trail run on Wildwood in the FREEZING (yay!) weather. It was crystal clear out! I had to cut it shorter then I wanted though cuz of digestive issues. :( I ate beef the day before, I may as well have eaten a damn brick! I knew better!
you need to eat more beef :),your body needs to adjust:plol
About 4.1 miles this morning, rather windy so I elected to keep the run shorter and can mull the option of doing another short run this afternoon, with hope of less wind and somewhat warmer temps. Wore the Xeros as well to give the soles a bit of a break.
Holy Cow, I only reported once this week!!!!
Ok... let's play catch up then...
Tues, 3.2 miles with 2 miles of speedwork (OMG! Haven't done that in 18 years.)
Wed, 4.25 All laid back
Thurs, 3.2 miles... maintainence run.
This morning, CRAP it's cold.... 7.1 miles. Ran the first .5 bf, then threw on the VFF... I won't factor much in the Winter Challenge as temps approach Zero....
Participated in a funny "race" this morning with hubby and 2 of the kids (age 19 and 27) where the team had to predict its time to complete the 8 mile course. It was 20°F when we started, so it was Moc's and socks for me. I might have tried my Lunas, but my wool toe socks haven't come yet. Anyway, I ran the first 2 mile leg, then just kept going around after passing off the baton with the timing chip in it. I put in 10 miles well before the last of the teams finished. Judging by the reactions, I was the only person who did that. :)

Then, at home I had to chase some escapee chickens and barreled right into a wood pile when I made a sudden turn. My feet (in leather RunAMocs) got tangled and fell part way down into it, resulting in my left thigh, just above the knee, hitting something hard. It feels very bruised, but I can't see anything and there is no obvious swelling. However, I can't do stairs normally or squat down without nearly coming to tears. I think that is enough excitement for the day.
Well, I said I'd have to wake up early for the runs during the week, but it turned out to be too early for me.

My journey to work was 2hrs one way, so I had to be up at 4:45 every day, and that meant no time for running in the morning

One will say 'no excuses you can go in the evening !', but I simply hate running in the evening, it just doesn't work for me

Anyway, yesterday did an hour MovNat, where we did learn to walk like monkeys, run like rabbit (literally), crawl like caterpillars, and also walk on small 10cm diameter beams, so working on balance. It was great fun, and really makes your core work in ways that you never thought.....

Today I did a 14km/8.7mi run, and while I did not push at all, I still managed to do it in less than 5'30"/km (about 8'45"/mi) without feeling tired, I could have done a few more km's without any problems

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