Mileage Reporting 46th Week of 2014

4.3 easy paced miles today. Much cooler today than yesterday. Legs felt good even with yesterday's 5K up around half-marathon pace, so now it's just a matter of getting to the starting line safe and healthy on the 23rd with legs that aren't over-rested and ready to fly, which for me means mostly easy running with occasional surges and strides.
Chilly bones 7 mile run at 5:00 am.
30 deg. f. wind chill 22
wind 13 to 24 mph
Saw some rabbits.
Feet did good!
5 miles today, mostly easy, just 2 short 30 seconds of strides and 1 quarter mile at what felt like 5k effort. It felt really good except for a 200 yard stretch of road that some farm equipment had dragged a bunch of mud and gravel onto the road. I didn't like discovering that.
a few miles in last evening. about 2 with my daughter when it was 20F and the wind was blowing, then about 2.5 later in the evening when it was down into the teens and the wind was blowing. Why does the wind always have to be blowing?
Icy sidewalk and road...only slipped a few times in my soft star foot bags. Snail pace though. Cuz, hey, I ain't that graceful on bumpy ice.
The antibiotics are kicking in but my body is still fatigued.
I didn't run the first couple of days this week as I was in SoCal and temps were similar to the ones experienced by Peter - just "wrong" for November and now I've just returned from a very gentle 11 mile run with temperatures just above freezing and a fresh NW wind to keep everything cool. 9 m/m pace with AHR of 124.
51 miles for the week.
Managed to get another 2K BF run in at 9 deg C this morning for the Winter Challenge.

My feet didn't suffer so much from the cold but rather the wet grit that stuck to my feet.

Not road grit I hasten to add. It was a cycle path covered in stone grit.

Had to resort to the Sockwa for the remaining 3K.
Woaw, what a week ! I smashed my weekly distance best, running 6 days, with only Thursday off. 69km/44mi !

While most of it was very slow run, and not more than 11km/6.9mi, I tried to concentrate on my breathing.

I ended up forgetting about my form, and started to feel strain in my adductor lungus (right leg).

Today I concentrated on my form and breathing, I think I need to work on that again, I feel a tension in both legs at adductor level

At least the pain is not increasing, and has stabilised, I will monitor that closely

Found some interesting stuff about releasing tension on adductors here
Site was down for me yesterday so just catching up...

Thursday evening at work got a good stair workout in 78 flights up, 92 down.
Friday went out for a jog, 3.7mi slightly below freezing. My phone crashed as I started this workout and hasn't been right since :( going to try a factory reset today if I can't get it working.
Saturday upper body and core workout for about an hour (splitting wood)
Sunday tried to get back to a normal-ish run... 6 miles at 33ºF feels like 29ºF Even though it was slightly warmer than my last couple runs it seems my feet were colder yesterday. Had numbness and a normal cold discomfort on both feet after 1/2 mile. The sensation came fully back in my left foot around 2 miles but on my right foot the center two toes and a couple other areas remained numb for a while. It took until 3.5 miles before sensation was fully back in my right foot.

16.4 miles for the week. Slowly working back up there. My longer run yesterday doesn't seem to have flared up my achilles so maybe I'm good to start getting back to normal mileage and paces.

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