Mileage Reporting 46th week 2013

I did not sleep well last night and I wore too many clothes on my run for this UNREASONABLY HOT November weather. I ran 5 miles on my trail, cutting it short, due to my extreme discomfort.

Lady, that is the one thing I have no patience for on fall/winter runs: being overdressed.
Funny, it used to be that I hated being underdressed, now I would rather be cold as long as it isn't in frostbite/numb fingers territory.
The other morning I ran in a thin tank top, capris, sandals, and thick gloves.
A little jealous OTOH of your unseasonably warm november weather. We gots the cold winteries here a little sooner than I would like.
Lady, that is the one thing I have no patience for on fall/winter runs: being overdressed.
Funny, it used to be that I hated being underdressed, now I would rather be cold as long as it isn't in frostbite/numb fingers territory.
The other morning I ran in a thin tank top, capris, sandals, and thick gloves.
A little jealous OTOH of your unseasonably warm november weather. We gots the cold winteries here a little sooner than I would like.
+1 for how I would rather be a little cold. I am hating this warm weather too. We have not had the heat on in our house for the most part this "winter/fall". Yesterday was nice to run at 45 deg F or whatever it was, today in the mid/high 50's is not very November like though.
The wind had died some, but I did my first winter challenge qualifying run. 4.2 miles, mostly easy paced although I ran the last park loop a bit fast. Feet never really felt cold, but it was 36 degrees and dry so that's not so bad.
30 minute 3.6 mile run after work, 34*f with a "feels like" temp of 26* - A light dusting on the ground this morning was still around in some areas during the afternoon run. Ahhh, winter runs! Have to remember the gloves next time, hands got a bit cold.tempshot.jpg
While running I remembered I recently bought a Non-Contact IR Thermometer (did I need it probably not, but I've been using it to take the temp of everything.) I think I may take it on runs and take surface temps for the heck of it. Got the idea from someone else here on BRS after reading a post. Can't remember who mentioned it but great idea and it gives me another use for it, thanks.
+1 for how I would rather be a little cold. I am hating this warm weather too. We have not had the heat on in our house for the most part this "winter/fall". Yesterday was nice to run at 45 deg F or whatever it was, today in the mid/high 50's is not very November like though.

Nice. We had teens this am. 40s to high 40s are perfect temps. not too hot, not too cold that you have to wear much, so not too much thinking before you leave. oregon stays a lot more humid, too, no?
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Nice. We had teens this am. 40s to high 40s are perfect temps. not too hot, not too cold that you have to wear much, so not too much thinking before you leave. oregon stays a lot more humid, too, no?
Yes Oregon does stay moderately humid. Nothing like the Carolina's, but still pretty humid. Early spring and summer is fairly mild and then late July early August the humidity seems to really climb. This year it was earlier than normal and we are having an unnaturally warm year. Spring came early, summer temps really didn't get as high as it has in the past, but it has been super slow in cooling back off. Just a long long warm period.
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sunday; 6 mi, a few weights afterwards
monday: nothin but french fries and ice cream
tuesday: 5 mi, a few weights, heading to swim

mmm, French fries! I seem to have been craving a lot more salt since I upped my running mileage, even in the cooler weather.
12 miles today in totally bare feet after 4 hours of sleep last night didn't go too badly. Actually, all except the last mile seemed very nice. The last one was hard, but I had to get back to the car and I didn't feel like walking.

Further glass report: it was the same section of greenbelt where I had glass issues on Saturday, so I was watching. I didn't see any, so I was thinking, "wow, they have a good clean-up crew!" Then, my 4th time over the section, I saw it! That meant I had run through it 3 times without seeing it OR cutting myself. It is still strewn all over, so the light must have been just wrong and it blended with the asphalt. I don't know whether to be nervous that I don't always see glass or amazed that I was running through it like I could dance on hot coals. I saw it a few more times (back and forth on a familiar 4 mile stretch) and still didn't get hurt. hmm.

Interestingly, ran into a class of kids out on one stretch for some sort of PE. I have run this path many times and never had this before. The whole class was a mass blocking the path, turned sideways listening to the teacher, not aware I was there. Just as I was getting close enough to have to make a decision about how to proceed, they all turned my way and stampeded at me! I raised my arms well over my head (turquoise blue in my jacket) trying to get their attention. I was pretty sure they weren't going to hear me. They were not doing a good job of looking where they were going and I kept a close eye on them. Funny thing was, many of them took it as me trying to give them all high 5's as they ran past and around. Even after they thinned out and I put my arms down, one of the girls reached out for her turn. Then, the teacher gaped and pointed at my feet, to which I replied, "Almost 9 miles so far." and she said something about being impressed. :D
A lot of TOFP, especially in my left foot. I rolled, massaged, and stretched the Dickens out of my lower legs, got rid of most of it, but didn't get rid of it completely until I massaged my ITB later in the afternoon while stretching out my hammies. I felt immediate relief in my feet as I dug my fingers into the band, wiggling them back and forth vigorously as I worked my way up and down it. The tightest spot was up close to my hip. "The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone's connected to the shin bone, the shin bone's connected to the foot bone, .... " er, something like that, right? Amazing how something half a body up can influence pain in the foot.

I think the tofp might be caused by having switched to more of a forefoot landing in my left foot. The landing's become pretty automatic now, but perhaps the muscles and tendons are still adjusting?

Monday afternoon
One-mile run-commute

Then Bottom/Top Strength training. Felt a little electric twinge in my right knee cap at 285lbs with the trap bar deadlifts. Shut it down. Dang. Wanted to take the trap bar DLs up over 300 for the first time. The rest of my lower body felt primed. I blew off most of the rest of my workout, as it included a lot of what I did in Friday's Top/Front session. This is because I refined the new two-zone workout schedule from last week. Now the four workouts are Bottom/Top, Front/Back, Top/Bottom, and Back/Front. Each zone has two different sets of exercises, so that no one exercise is done more than once a week, and each zone set has a slightly different point of emphasis from the other set in that same zone, based on the set's initial heavy lift.

Tuesday morning
One-mile run-commute
3F/-16.11C wc

Brrr. A new windchill low for the season. Invigorating! A little later I did my new conditioning routine, which is undergoing constant tweaking in these initial stages of deployment. My adjustable plyo box came on Monday. I had to stare at it for a moment before I got up the courage to jump 14". I didn't want to be an jacka$$ and break something on this aging body. But I jumped up just fine, and again, and again, . . . . Wow, what a great lower body exercise! Then I did a few versions of step-ups and moved on to the other stuff.

As a corruption of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), I'm calling my new conditioning routine MINT, or "Medium Intensity Non-interval Training," or maybe it should just be MIC, for "Medium Intensity Conditioning." Still not sure if this is going to be an everyday thing or an every-other-day thing, but it's definitely a good thing.

I now have a full set of conditioning gear--medicine ball, adjustable plyo box, decline sit-up bench, ankle weights, "power wheel" (which is an ab wheel with foot pedals), and wobble board--in my office for doing 10-20 minutes of MINT as soon as I arrive in the morning. That, together with the 9-to-10-minute run-commute I have getting here, gives me about 20-30 minutes of fasted cardio first thing in the morning. I've always meant to do more of this stuff, but could never motivate to do it as part of my lifting routines, nor before or after a run. Separating it from my running and lifting workouts and doing it first thing in the morning seems to be the way to go.

Tuesday afternoon
One-mile run-commute.
20F/-6.7C wc

Then Front/Back ST. My left shoulder is still a little gimpy, so went low weight, high reps on the bench, then did a lot of cable pulldowns (wide, neutral, and chin-up grips) and biceps curls, which didn't bother my shoulder at all. I tried inverted rows. Damn, those puppies are hard. It's going to take some time to get proficient at those.

Then I did one mile of 100-meter sprints down on the jhs track on my way heading out to pick up the kids. I was looking forward to doing my sprints now that the field has dried out from last week's snow-sogginess. I had forgotten that since then, we've had a lot of sub-freezing lows. The ground had become very hard and bumpy, made worse by the teeming dirt-turds created when the field was aerated two weeks or so ago. I had to reduce speed a bit to make sure I wouldn't twist an ankle, and the cold grass provoked a pretty rapid numb-plunge. One mile's worth of that pleasant abuse was all I was good for. That'll probably be it for track work I guess, until next spring. Will have to start doing my sprints up in the fairgrounds. I'm convinced doing sprints once a week is a must now.

Later I realized that my electric massager could be used on other parts of my body besides the legs. Doh! That seemed to help the shoulder a lot.

Wednesday morning
One-mile run-commute
13F/-10.5C wc

My soles feel a little beat up from the sprints yesterday. Still, managed a decent pace cuz I wanted to get back inside as soon as possible.
4.01 miles at avg 8:54 pace. I think my fastest mile was an 8:31. Also did ST of shoulders and triceps in my home gym. Loving and hating having the home gym. It will get better though when my wife goes back to work in January... She creates lot's of distractions for me in there, so in that case I can see why some folks prefer going to an actual gym facility...

So Sunday I went to McNaughton Park in Pekin IL to check out the trail. They run the Potowatomi Trail Ultramarathons there in April. I wanted to see how BF friendly it is.... all in all, pretty mild... except 2 1/2 miles in I stepped on a thorn....perfectly right in the fat part of my left foot pad. So I threw on the VFF to go the remaining 5.5. Neat place. Steep hills. 8 miles.

So I've been limping since, but felt Ok enough to slip in 3 miles today.

Its incredible how much faster my body heals as a nonsmoker.
little more easy st today. i then got a bruising massage from a co-student. he beat my legs up. said i'm more supple than most runners he's dealt with and he beat me up more than anyone. trying to retrain my muscles since they are so imbalance. i stood and we watched my inner left ankle drop to the floor. going to take a bit of work.
quick 3 miler between classes today. had more work done by intern and it feels good. my calves are looser but still need more work. run was def better from the massage.
1 mile and some walking on Tuesday night. And that should be it for me until the New years. Got grounded by my doctor, my foot got sore again so to my doctor I went today. According to the xrays that were taken 3 weeks ago there was no sign of a fracture but there was a bone chip in my ankle that looked as if it had been there for a while and the verdict at that time was a peroneus tendon tear. My foot was still swelling at night and the discomfort was in a pin point location on my foot. So today more xrays and my gp told me no running for 6 weeks as he also believes it is ligament or a tendon tear as well. :( Also found he is not very barefoot friendly, as a matter of fact he seemed a little ticked that I would even contemplate running barefoot. So, off to the pool I go and see if I can still swim and if I can turn into a fish like some members here. :D
5 miles on pavement in wool socks. I was supposed to do strength training this week, but that's not going to happen. I have been having major sleep issues, so I spend all driving and gym hours in bed "resting" trying to make up for quality sleep hours.

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