Mileage Reporting 33rd week of 2013

Lol and I think Wendler's has too much volume... I am of the anti-volume philosophy and 3 reps is pretty excessive for me.
Yah, I love the 3-5 rep range, although it depends on the exercise. Lately I've been single rep-ing the bench press and deadlifts, then pyramiding down, and I like doing landmines, for example, more in the 8-10 rep range.
I always keep up with your plans. You've got a great mix of stuff. I haven't been to Ferruggia's site in a while, let me look around and I will get back to you.

One problem I have with the whole weight training internet guru is that most of them are really focused on bigger weights and are ok with gaining weight to get there. It's hard to find advice that blends long distance running and heavy lifting, with a focus on weight maintenance. And I also have issues trusting internet advice because most of those guys are taking supplements. I do believe there is a huge difference between training on and off drugs. So we are really left with piecing it together and expirimenting. Which is fine because I do it because I enjoy it, I am however becoming more skeptical though of any advice I read.
Thanks, you've really helped me refine the mix. I think it's pretty good now, and the three times a week/three body zone approach, with an optional plyo/mobility day if I have time on Sundays, seems to be working well for me. 48 hours twice, and 72 hours once a week gives me plenty of recovery time, and lately I've been making some good gains.

But you're absolutely right about the internet lifting gurus, even worse than the barefoot running and Paleo gurus! I think another problem is that these folks are just projecting from their own experience, or what they've read, and haven't really trained a lot of different folks over a period of years.

I liked Ferruggia's simple focus on low rep maxes, but he does emphasize always getting stronger, and at some point I'll be happy with maintenance. And as you say, if you want to run long distance endurance, it does you no good to have extra upper body weight/strength. At some point you have to choose. Since my goals are just general fitness, I'm enjoying adding a little mass (Plus as Nick has noted, the extra mass keeps your metabolism high and so helps burn calories). If it means I can never run more than two hours at a time, I'm OK with that. Mostly I just want to get faster anyways. My weekend long runs are kind of the highlight of the week, but they're still in the service of improving my overall running fitness so that my weekday hour-long runs come down to a faster pace. I do the hill repeats and sprints for the same reason.

And there seems to be some kind of ratio whereby you shouldn't really run aerobically past a certain distance until you can run tempo at a lesser distance. I don't know what the ratio is, and it's probably non-linear, so that you can progressively run longer the faster you can go at the shorter distance, but my sense is that two hours, or 11-12 miles is my upper limit right now for my LSD until I can get my tempo pace during an hour's run down to about 8mm.

For you, I would think at some point you'd want to switch over to more of a circuit training or HIIT routine, and only do the heavy weights once in a while for maintenance. It's almost impossible to just do heavy weights and not get stronger and bigger, even without supplements. I've never consistently done weights for more than three years at a time (I tend to move around too much), but that's been my experience every time I have. Even with my current lackadaisical approach, now that my left shoulder is solid, my strength is really starting to take off.
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Lee and Abide, you all are getting me all excited about possibly having enough space in my new place for a home gym. Started looking on Craigs List today though and what I found was a little disheartening. Seems a lot of folks out here seem to not believe that gym equipment depreciates very fast. Saw some 20+ year old equipment for close to what I could buy brand new... I really am not looking for anything too complicated either because I don't think I will have a ton of room. I haven't done an actual bench press with a bar in 7-8 years or so. Only dumbbells for me the last 7 years that I've lived in this condo.
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Thanks for the encouragement - I needed it. I have done weight training for several years, but just at my own wimpy level. I was very consistent up until last year when I gave up my gym membership for my own pool and started running outside all the time. I already have a TRX available at home, but I've have a lot to learn about it. My girls have gotten into it a lot more than me, but some of what they do "scares" me. I'm afraid of hurting myself!
Forget about feeling like a wimp Laura! We're all wimps compared to the pro power-lifters. Just as we're all incredibly slow compared to the Kenyans. I'm somewhat big for an academic type, but if I were to walk into a real power-lifter gym, I would feel like a famine refugee.

As for TRX stuff, I experimented with it, and found a lot of it to be poor substitutes for equivalent exercises with weights or cables, but it's a good place to start.
Lee and Abide, you all are getting me all excited about possibly having enough space in my new place for a home gym. Started looking on Craigs List today though and what I found was a little disheartening. Seems a lot of folks out here seem to not believe that gym equipment depreciates very fast. Saw some 20+ year old equipment for close to what I could buy brand new... I really am not looking for anything too complicated either because I don't think I will have a ton of room. I haven't done an actual bench press with a bar in 7-8 years or so. Only dumbbells for me the last 7 years that I've lived in this condo.
Nick, you gotta be patient, and keep track of people. A lot of them start with inflated senses of what their equipment is worth, but they may come down after a month of not selling. Try to find the ones that are 2-6 weeks old and then offer them the price you want to pay, or 20-50% less than you're prepared to pay. Here's a useful service: Just put in the item you're looking for, and it will alert you when it appears on Craigslist. Sometimes they send multiple emails per day, which is annoying, but it beats constantly checking.
Nick, you gotta be patient, and keep track of people. A lot of them start with inflated senses of what their equipment is worth, but they may come down after a month of not selling. Try to find the ones that are 2-6 weeks old and then offer them the price you want to pay, or 20-50% less than you're prepared to pay. Here's a useful service: Just put in the item you're looking for, and it will alert you when it appears on Craigslist. Sometimes they send multiple emails per day, which is annoying, but it beats constantly checking.
Ya I'm kinda new to the whole craigs list thing. Thanks for the tips Lee.
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just over 4 miles this morning with the big girl and the puppy. the puppy pulled most of the way and laid down in a sprinkler so i dropped her at home and took fatboy out for my cool down walk. it was 80 F at 630am and way more dogs out than when we went at 7am yesterday.
Oh man, I forgot one of my big exercises during the winter months that I kind of fell in love with -- farmer's walks. I worked up to carrying around 100 lbs in each hand. I think they rank right up with deadlifts for teaching a good sort of strength, carrying something heavy and moving with it.
I went out thinking to do about 1.5 miles, but it was rather hot and humid and I'm not acclimated to running in the heat, so after about .75 miles I realized I wasn't really enjoying the run and decided it was smarter just to call it good with a mile.
"Kniggle" I likes it! If it's on the outside of your knee, it might be mild ITBS, which could quickly become major. And the fact that it commutes between your legs suggests to me that it's not an acute injury, like you say, but you may nonetheless have something cumulative going on. In addition to massaging, try a ITB stretch and a hammie stretch to see if that helps.

Fortunately (I think), it's on the other side. ITBS is probably next year's kniggle. :)
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30 minutes in my pool, 5 -8 minute intervals mostly, increasing the water flow speed incrementally. Kept getting weird views of a large bird flying overhead, but I also was able to zone out some. Until I just started getting a bit of motion sickness right at the end. I really think it is because I have worked up to a higher speed and will have to adjust again. I expect to work back up to 60 minutes of swimming.

Then, I had my 17 year old show me some of what she has been doing for strength training with a couple of older siblings. Suffice to say, I will not be doing the same exact routine. Too much hopping or hanging by the ankles from the TRX. I did a modified routine and it feels good to have gotten back to it.
1 hour run at Rabbit Hill park, did a mini Maff test then one mile tempo pace and the rest was warm up/down. Nicer today in the mid 70's and was 7.2 miles.

My aerobic base building is over for now so its time to get going on some speedier running...seems its as much about mental training as physical when holding a steady faster pace.
5 miles this morning. Mornings are hard- I've been getting up at 5:30-6:00 for 10 weeks now and I thought I would be used to it but every morning getting dressed I'm like EFFFFF THISSSS. I feel great once I'm running, but its a struggle to get out the door. I used to be exclusively an evening runner... but races are all in the morning and group runs are usually in the mornings, too so it was too hard to run well in those situations if I always trained in the evening.
did some intervals today. 5x3' around 830-8m/m pace. mine didn't feel effortless. got in almost 3m and finished with just over 4m. dogs loved running fast and are all passed out now. they haven't been moving until around 3. close to dinner time. one more day and they will be on their own again.
morning: 55 min swim. lifeguard late so it kept me under my usual time. Lots of 100 yd intervals, with a few longer ones and kick laps sprinkled in.

midmorning: 6 mi run. brrrrrrrr. it was in the 40s last night, and though it was clear and sunny when I went, the trail was shaded and my hands were quite cold. Arms in tank top, legs, feet all plenty warm, but my hands grew nearly numb.

late lunch: another swim, 30 min, washed off the run grit.

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