Mileage Reporting 18th Week 2013

Ran 4km barefoot on the beach this morning, and then walked out on a breakwater and watched a pod of dolphins playing in the water, jumping in the air and flying out of the faces of the waves for fun. Awesome creatures. Great way to finish an enjoyable holiday.

Then I flew home and had a quick surf at my local beach - the water is positively frigid compared to the balmy northern waters. Wetsuits are not optional down here.
Wednesday afternoon
"Middle" ST

Nice, going-through-the-motions, tepid pump, kinda workout.

Are you ok? Feeling well and all that?
Are you ok? Feeling well and all that?
Are you asking that because I wrote so little?!

If the question was serious, yes, I'm OK. I only slept four hours Tuesday night, so by the end of the day Wednesday I was a bit tired. Funny though, yesterday morning and early afternoon my body felt really primed for a good pump, despite being brain-dead for most of the day. But the feeling had dissipated a bit by the end of the afternoon. Still, it was a decent workout. Lately they've been so good, but I knew I would have a mediocre energy day at some point. If out of six weekly runs & st sessions, three go well and three just go, that's good enough for me. We'll see what today's run has in store for me. It's supposed to be a hills run, but I'm spying a new route out in eastern St. Paul where I have an errand to do today. A quasi trail run, which would be nice.

There, a whole paragraph to say yes. That should answer your question in both of its possible intended senses.

P.S., none of the snow we were supposed to get so far. How's things further south?
Are you asking that because I wrote so little?!

If the question was serious, yes, I'm OK. I only slept four hours Tuesday night, so by the end of the day Wednesday I was a bit tired. Funny though, yesterday morning and early afternoon my body felt really primed for a good pump, despite being brain-dead for most of the day. But the feeling had dissipated a bit by the end of the afternoon. Still, it was a decent workout. Lately they've been so good, but I knew I would have a mediocre energy day at some point. If out of six weekly runs & st sessions, three go well and three just go, that's good enough for me. We'll see what today's run has in store for me. It's supposed to be a hills run, but I'm spying a new route out in eastern St. Paul where I have an errand to do today. A quasi trail run, which would be nice.

There, a whole paragraph to say yes. That should answer your question in both of its possible intended senses.

P.S., none of the snow we were supposed to get so far. How's things further south?

Well yes, you answered both of my questions the serious and the not so serious one. I was just a little surprised that you wrote so little is not you so I got a lillte worry but I am ok now. Glad you're back being yourself ha!
The forecast last night said that you guys were going to get about 6 to 8 inches of the white powder I hope it was just false advertising:eek:
For us here in Iowa City the weather is just cold, windy and rainy-depresing really:eek:
when my niece was a baby we knew she wasn't feeling well when she was quiet.

Patrick, welcome back. you must've heard my thoughts of wondering where you were.

i did my long run yesterday. had to get rid of some nerves that i'm feeling now but i have a easy road run planned before noon. it was a decent run. mostly had to walk uphill, which i started on this time. tried to change the route a little. did great on the flatter parts, which is what i wanted and left me with lots of downhill to finish on. i had to walk parts of that too. going to have to carry water this summer for trail runs for me and the dog. be nice to see if it does anything to cool me off and lower the HR.
i did my long run yesterday. had to get rid of some nerves that i'm feeling now but i have a easy road run planned before noon. it was a decent run. mostly had to walk uphill, which i started on this time. tried to change the route a little. did great on the flatter parts, which is what i wanted and left me with lots of downhill to finish on. i had to walk parts of that too. going to have to carry water this summer for trail runs for me and the dog. be nice to see if it does anything to cool me off and lower the HR.
Hope things get better for you Mike and your stress level goes down some. Glad to see you're running more again buddy.
Thursday 2 May
4miles/6.5km or thereabouts. Run to work. Shouldn't have - Achilles now deeply unhappy. 1 May in Berlin is an excuse for a riot and this morning the streets were littered with glass etc. made for very tense running and I think this was the cause of the strain. Lesson learned.
3 miles today and about 4 scattered miles of barefoot walking earlier in the week. More importantly I was off for three days while my 2 year old was between daycares. In this time I brainwashed him to be barefoot like daddy :)

Now when he gets home he says "barefoot, need barefoot!" or my favorite "barefoot - bestfoot!" since we spent a good 40% of his waking hours outside barefoot in the grass. It would have been more but rain and field trips limited outside time a bit.
Ran 4km barefoot on the beach this morning, and then walked out on a breakwater and watched a pod of dolphins playing in the water, jumping in the air and flying out of the faces of the waves for fun. Awesome creatures. Great way to finish an enjoyable holiday.

Then flew home and had a surf at my local beach - the water is positively frigid compared to the balmy northern waters. Wetsuits are not optional down here.

Wow, quite a workout you had! ;)
3 miles today and about 4 scattered miles of barefoot walking earlier in the week. More importantly I was off for three days while my 2 year old was between daycares. In this time I brainwashed him to be barefoot like daddy :)

Now when he gets home he says "barefoot, need barefoot!" or my favorite "barefoot - bestfoot!" since we spent a good 40% of his waking hours outside barefoot in the grass. It would have been more but rain and field trips limited outside time a bit.

That's so cute.
No exercise today. Son had a pediatrician appointment and then I somehow broke out my crown and so have been trying to get a dentist appointment all set up. I also have had a few errands and things to do beside this and now my son is napping... :( Tomorrow I will get a run in before my mri.
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I made it 8 miles today with my pace being on either side of 9 minute miles, depending on the wind. The right leg began to tighten again around mile 7 (I was running a little faster today, so it was about the same time frame). My husband is trying to encourage me, says I can run in shorter segments this evening and tomorrow morning to get the mileage in, if nothing gets too tight too fast again. Then, with even just biking until the race, he thinks I would still be able to do it. I am frustrated. I really want to be able to run this first half marathon!
No exercise today. Son had a pediatrician appointment and then I somehow broke out my crown and so have been trying to get a dentist appointment all set up. I also have had a few errands and things to do beside this and now my son is napping... :( Tomorrow I will get a run in before my mri.
seems several of us have our own sad stories...
seems several of us have our own sad stories...
Ya, today is just one of those days I think. I am with your husband though, you'll be good by the time you race. When is this half marathon? Also, is it the pace that's causing the leg problem? Maybe slow it down just a touch? Sometimes just slowing down ever so slightly takes just enough stress off to eliminate cramping or tightness issues.
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Ya, today is just one of those days I think. I am with your husband though, you'll be good by the time you race. When is this half marathon? Also, is it the pace that's causing the leg problem? Maybe slow it down just a touch? Sometimes just slowing down ever so slightly takes just enough stress off to eliminate cramping or tightness issues.
Actually, I find that I have more trouble when I run slowly. Kind of weird, maybe. But, for example, I ran the last mile and a half about 20 seconds per mile faster and that felt better. It's just hard to keep it up for that distance! Plus, I was under orders not to push it if it was doing this. For the first time since I started running barefoot, it feels like my iliotibial band. :mad: My husband thinks my system is just stressed to it's limit right now. He says he's been at a point like this many times in his running career... since he is still being sympathetic while his arm is in a sling and quite painful from surgery on his rotator cuff a week ago, I can't complain too much. He does understand the potential disappointment.
Edit: the half is May 18th
Ok well you still have a little over a couple weeks to go. I think you will do well and will surprise yourself. Maybe after tonights run, as your husband suggested, you should bike until the race. That should hopefully let the legs recoup a bit. Are you following a running plan or something to get you up to the half marathon distance or are you just winging it? Sometimes I don't think those plans work for everybody, and that they try to push people too fast to get up to distance which can cause burnout or injury.
Ok well you still have a little over a couple weeks to go. I think you will do well and will surprise yourself. Maybe after tonights run, as your husband suggested, you should bike until the race. That should hopefully let the legs recoup a bit. Are you following a running plan or something to get you up to the half marathon distance or are you just winging it? Sometimes I don't think those plans work for everybody, and that they try to push people too fast to get up to distance which can cause burnout or injury.
I mostly follow my husband's coaching. I couldn't do it without him, but sometimes I'm just my own idiot. Nothing like a personal coach that really knows your limits and is sincerely concerned for your well being!
Forgot to mention yesterday's interval run (7x800m) for a total of 10.8km (6.7mi) and today's supposed recovery run was 10km, but the steep hill in the middle (about 17% on 340m !!) made it very hard work !! Tomorrow is rest day before IBRD (unfortunately running on my own)

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