Mileage reporting 17th week 2014

13.2 barefoot miles this morning at a comfortable 8 minute/mile pace. My first barefoot run in a couple days as I scored one of those pesky pieces of glass in my right first met head on Wednesday so my Luna Originals got a workout for a couple of days. 64+ miles for the week.
Nice mileage Chris! Always lagging behind - 63 miles for me.

Wednesday - 6 easy barefoot miles.
Thursday - 6 easy sandal miles.
Friday - 11 miles (3 barefoot, 8 sandals). 9:30 pace for the first 4 miles then I started intervals to break up the long, straight, flat road ahead of me. 8mm, then 10mm, 7:30, 10, 7:30, 10, finished with a 7:30. Kind of cheated though with a nice tailwind. Normally I would not have gone below 8mm. Really starting to like my Unshoes Wokova's with a cork top for the rough conditions. Haven't used them much before because of the extra weight from the cork and the extra pull between the toes from that weight, but getting toughened up between the toes has helped. Thinking a trail Ultra in them is in the future.
Saturday - 4 easy barefoot miles. First rain in 2 months softened the ground to a pleasant condition. Toes were a little cold with a windchill of 32F. Lost that cold weather conditioning fast.
walked the dogs wearing my new watch i almost didn't get thanks to paypal. 2nd time they overrode my address with an old one. lucky it went to management office instead of a doorstep.
Thursday - 1 hour yard work

Friday - 30 minutes local trail run

Today - Finished up the week with an estimated 2.5+ hour 12.5+ mile trail run at Ft Yargo state park. One lap
around the outer loop plus a 1-2 mile side watch ran by feel. Walked all the was kind of
early season heat training in the low 80's...feets told me to stop about half mile before the parking lot so
walked it in from there.

Saw lots of mountain bikers today but only 2 other was wearing Huaraches...had me wondering if it was someone on BRS.
14.3km/8.9mi today, I was drenched after 5', I came home to the despair of my wife, dripping down....This is Autumn, for sure !

I went to Bronte beach, I know a really nice little hill to do some uphill/downhill drills, but had to go for planB, the downhill I wanted to take was far too dangerous (about 20% steep, and with that much rain, very slippery). I still did it uphill about 4 times (it's only about 50m long) and found a nicer and gentler place to go back downhill...Fun !!!
1.8 miles uphill trail walk in Luna Venados yesterday - being new around here I wasn't sure if these miles counted with not being totally barefoot...
:barefoot: 1.6 mile run today, followed by a nice paddle in the sea to wash the cow, sheep and rabbit poo off :)

I run in sandals almost exclusively(I'm a sissy for imperfect conditions on my delicate tender foot skin...oh dear.....), unshoes or xeroes, and no one has kicked me off yet. Yet..... ;)
friday: lunch: 30 min swim
evening: weights
morning: 2.5 mi, thighs still sore from squats. EEeeeek
midday: weights, abs
afternoon: swim, about an hour
evening: hike w kids to beach, maybe 3 mi total, bf at lakeshore, sandals for the wooded trails. forgot how those squishy sand dunes work the legs.
Feeling tired but all over gooooood good.
Joined my BIL for his weekly long run this morning - 18km on footpaths and roads at a leisurely pace.The first 8km was fine BF, but to stretch out to 9 km we had to run a bit further on a rough road with sharp gravel edges to a town called Koolkahn. Interesting name, but a horrible stretch of road. Youch! We had a bit of oncoming traffic, so I had to swap sides on the road or take to the edge and stop a couple of times and then catch up when I could get back on the road. Once we got back to the concrete footpath it was all OK again. No leg soreness, and my feet are intact and have that nice tender burny feel that makes you feel like they are toughening up after some mild punishment. I wore my vivos around all afternoon to help things settle down. Rest day tomorrow, leaving the in-laws behind and heading to Coffs Harbour for a few days of family holiday time.
Good week for ST; added 20lbs to both my squat and deadlift, for new PRs. But after a good beginning of the week, my running fell off in the second half, and I got to a little under 19miles total on the week. Hopefully this (next) week I'll finally get back up to 30mpw again. CAMP work was nonexistent.

Here's my exercise journal entry for the week:

SU 4/20/2014
Am: 4.5 miles, a little rainy, 42F, so nice not to worry about moisture, or bring backup footwear. Tempo pace last half mile, but still trying to take it easy for the most part on the everyday running. I want the weekday 5Ks to become completely effortless before I start pushing pace and distance again.

M 4/21/2014
Am: 1 mi, a little rainy.
Pm: 1 mi;
Key ST: Bottom Push (Squat) & Mid Push/Pull (Bench Press & Rows). I found myself doing my squat max with relative ease, three reps, so I added on 20Lbs and did two reps, a new PR! Although I nearly stalled out on the second rep. Then pyramided down. Nothing like Sced's squat fest.
Aux ST: Biceps Curls

TU 4/22/2014
Am: 3.1 mi/5K, 3:30am start, 35F windchill, a little chilly, beautiful half-moon.
Pm: 1 mi; FLEX (Flexibility--stretching, massaging, pseudo yoga).

W 4/23/2014
Am: 3.1 mi/5K, 3am start, 43F/39F windchill. Legs felt a little stiff, should’ve done my CAMP workout yesterday afternoon to loosen them up. Still form just feels amazingly smooth these days. I’m pretty sure it’s the squats and deadlifts. For anyone interested in the logic of how lo rep/hi weight training can help one’s running, read:
Pm: 1 mi;
Key ST: legs felt a little stiff, didn’t do my Deadlifts, just Pulldowns then skipped Overhead Presses, then realized my three-big-lifts per workout plan wasn’t going to work, after less than two weeks into it. So it’s back to a more flexible plan, one that simply tries to get in the six basic lifts once per week.

TH 4/24/2014
Am: 1 mi, soles felt a little sensitive for some reason. Must be all the winter grit. So just ran straight to the office, blowing yet another 5K-everyday streak. Hopefully next week I’ll put it all together.
Pm: 1 mi; Deadlift felt good so added 20 lbs, three sets of 1 rep, then back to my old max for 2 sets of 2 reps, then down another 40lbs for a set of five reps, then my wife started asking a lot of questions about ST so that was the end of that.

F 4/25/2014
Am: 1 mi
Pm: 1 mi;

SA 4/26/2014
Woke up early, was going to run out to Como Lake and back, but slept in instead.
Great 8 mile run at 6:00 am. 73 deg. f. 78% rh. 14 to 25mile winds. Heard a rooster crow. Saw 4 ducks flying in formation, parrots flying like jet fighters, rabbits and some squirrels.
Last run of the week for me. Total miles 26.

When I woke up I felt a little like someone beat me with a hammer but I feel a lot better after the run.
Great 8 mile run at 6:00 am. 73 deg. f. 78% rh. 14 to 25mile winds. Heard a rooster crow. Saw 4 ducks flying in formation, parrots flying like jet fighters, rabbits and some squirrels.
Last run of the week for me. Total miles 26.

When I woke up I felt a little like someone beat me with a hammer but I feel a lot better after the run.

Friday - Was going to go dancing, and so gave up on fitting my swim in to a hectic day, then dancing was postponed. But I did carry heavy buckets around my acre for a couple of hours again. Arms definitely feeling it.

Saturday - Had such a pleasant 3.1 mile/5K run around my pond loop at an exhilarating, but manageable pace. Was told I was awesome by some fisherman. ;) Had a short break at home attending to things, then a pleasant 20 minute swim.

Then, finally, went dancing that night! Three other people were inspired to ditch their shoes and dance barefoot, two of whom I know, but one a lady I've never met who told me multiple times that "if she could, she'd be me." My friends and I told her to just be herself, but I did give her my blog address so she could learn about being actively barefoot without hurting herself. Did love the handful of songs when my husband and I had the dance floor to ourselves and could really play with the music on a different level than when watching for other bodies. Everyone else just seemed content to watch us deal with the faster tempos. :) Dancing time probably around 2 hours total, but not all at once. 90% barefoot.

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