Mileage report 29th week of 2014

Did a pretty intense circuit strength training with a fair amount of core training today...did a lot of big power lifting type movements.

3 sets of squats with 300 lbs, on the squats I would do about 10 reps then drop down to about 60 degree leg bend and 'bounce' about and inch throughout the range of motion to kinda mimic a running with bent knee 'bounce'...felt good.

Then I grabbed two each of the 55, 50, and 40 pound dumbbells and picked the dumbells off the floor into an overhead press until failure, then went down to the next lower weight, wash rinse repeat....three of those digressive failure between I did core exersizes, rows, pull downs, etc....kept the heart rate above 90 % for a good 20-30 minutes, for the most part I alternated each set between a pushing movement and pulling movement, and when possible, alternated upper body to lower body on each set, with about 20 seconds between sets ...was killer.

After I finished, I ran about a mile of strides with about 40-50 meter walk between each 80-120 meter stride.

Strength training the legs and core really does seem to help my form a lot.

Have a great week everyone!
3 or more miles. for the last mile I was getting faster, felt like I was going sub 10, by the last 1/2 mile I felt like I was running sub 9. I'm still running without gadget and can't see myself going back to them, so distance and speed is a bit of a guess for me. When I start running fast I really have to pay attention to my feet to make sure I don't feel myself pushing too hard, I actually can feel my feet scuffing like they are slipping when running fast. I agree with Lee where speed equals blisters for me. If I get the urge for speed I put on my KIGO's, but that's not to often as I really enjoy running barefoot.
3 or more miles. for the last mile I was getting faster, felt like I was going sub 10, by the last 1/2 mile I felt like I was running sub 9. I'm still running without gadget and can't see myself going back to them, so distance and speed is a bit of a guess for me. When I start running fast I really have to pay attention to my feet to make sure I don't feel myself pushing too hard, I actually can feel my feet scuffing like they are slipping when running fast. I agree with Lee where speed equals blisters for me. If I get the urge for speed I put on my KIGO's, but that's not to often as I really enjoy running barefoot.

Try running with the abs and hip flexors, instead of the quads and calves when running at speed (lifting the knees higher and faster with loose feet)....fixed that 'scuffing' problem for me.

With some form adjustments, Barefoot sprinting has become a real joy for me, I hope it does for you too :)

PS, I'm over 40 years old with lots of damage to the knees, and I weigh over 240 pounds, if I can learn to sprint barefoot abrasion and pain free, just about anyone reasonably healthy and ambulatory can :)
And with the help of my youngest daughter, Idaho pulls back into 4th! I ran 16 miles barefoot today. Yesterday, I was on the spin bike 60 minutes, then swam later for 30.

Well...something tells me that when all us SoCal folks get around to posting there, that we might collectively have some decent numbers :)

I'm really impressed with your mileage totals HSB!

Your a Barefoot running machine!!!
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5 miles skin to ground, up and down the mountain trail.

Was eerily quiet out there today, a rarely overcast day here, no breeze, and no one out on the trail...was spooky quiet but kinda fun like that in a weird way.

Saw a whole bunch of rabbits, one ran along beside me for a while, and I saw two Redheaded Woodpeckers

HududududUdUh hududududuDUHDUH...huhuhuhuhu :)
I'm really impressed with your mileage totals HSB!

Your a Barefoot running machine!!!
ha ha - Don't be too impressed. Some days I feel like I'm walking the line between enjoying my running and working on the marathon training. I am having fun, but the last couple of weeks I have been tired with the increased mileage. I get a lot of personal guidance, too. Besides all of the great encouragement I have received on this forum, I also have the advantage of my husband being a very experienced runner and he is an excellent coach. He discusses things with me as much as I need, and also is a great encourager about it! And a few of my children run, as well, so we all encourage each other. It can hardly be "fair" to live with a "running team." ;)
Tuesday 5 miles at 5:00 am 79 deg. f. 79% rh...
Today 6 miles at 4:45am 72 deg. f. 56% rh...

Still like running in the moon light barefoot!
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Short 30 min run with 10 minutes barefoot. That's now my longest barefoot without any problems and quite happy with my progress.

What really interests me is that I've been having slight calf pain in my left leg when running which disappears when running barefoot and also disappears when I put my shoes back on to finish the run.
About 3 miles yesterday, slow and easy, but broken up...Dunno why but I got all finnicky yesterday.

I went to the gym to run on the treadmill with shoes on to be with wife who was there, but I could not tolerate the treadmill, so I went outside...

Outside I could not bear the sound of the metronome cadence setter, nor my music 'soundtrack'...I also just plain could not run in the shoes, like at all, and I have had some decent runs in the new Topo's.

Dunno why but the shoes, and electronics, and all that "stuff" was just unbearable for me last I turned everything off and hid my shoes in a bush for retrieval later.

I forgot about cadence, and pace, and gps tracking, and beeping and buzzing and music and all that, it all just became so unbearably annoying and a weight.

Had a really enjoyable nice comfortable run after getting rid of the "stuff".
Wednesday - 45 minutes on the spin bike. 30 minutes swimming non-stop in the evening, which I am very pleased with.

Thursday (today as I write) - 10 miles barefoot, all extremes of asphalt, including 1/10th mile that was only bearable by gingerly walking. Sharpest chip seal ever. But a couple long stretches of very smooth asphalt made up for it and I put in a couple of nicely faster paced miles for #7 and #9. Husband and youngest daughter around for companionship and the run felt really great, finally, after feeling like I was struggling for a couple of weeks.
.6 mile run in bottomless Moc3s -lol. My hips are in PERFECT alignment. Pulldowns, 20#/85 reps, rear-delt, 10#/hold 30 sec., dips, plate 160/30 reps, narrow chin ups, plate 160/13 reps, wide chin ups, plate 160/6 reps - all to failure. 1/4 mile backward walking & hip exercises.
Tweaked my left MCL last week (while lying down after a mild track workout!), so took a week off from running. Ran on Thursday, down by the river, run-commuted yesterday, will run down by the river again in a bit. 11 miles total. Hopefully next week back above 20mpw. Been enjoying pushing the pace a bit, still a long ways to go before I recover the running fitness I had last fall though.

Hit a new DL PR last week, and almost one on the squat. ST is going extremely well with my latest routine tweak. Really working on developing a strong back/posterior chain.

Great to see everyone doing so well!

Had a really enjoyable nice comfortable run after getting rid of the "stuff".
Dutchie and I have also rediscovered the joy of running gadgetless. Kinda like doing strength training without a strict number of sets and reps in mind. It allows one to become more attuned with what one's mind/body is up for that day, which prevents overtraining but also allows one to take advantage of those days when everything is just right, and push it a bit. It's also great on those low energy days not to have a Garmin, when seeing one's pace can be discouraging.

I forgot to mention that I stayed with an Uncle in Corona and got to run some of the trails behind it, very close to your trails right? You're lucky to live in SoCal -- very barefoot friendly, although it's nice to have all the water we have up here in Minnesota :p . Here's some pages with some pics

For the squats, I would really encourage you to do full, "ass-to-the-grass" squats. I'm no expert, but from what I've read, the whole partial squat thing is bad for your knees and limits the benefits you'll get from the exercise. A lot of people also recommend against training to failure.

I agree though, that ST has really helped my running form. It feels pretty coordinated, smooth, relaxed and effortless now, even at slower paces. I have no idea how I look though, probably like a wounded water buffalo :eek:.

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