Metal slivers

Got a metal sliver in my foot today while running. It hurt pretty bad right away. It took me a couple minutes to get it out as there was no way I could even walk with that in my foot, and of course there were all these shod runners going by me looking at me and probably thinking, "That wouldn't happen if you wore shoes you idiot!". Kind of ruined that last mile and a half of my run as my foot hurt the rest of the way home. Not sure why there was a metal splinter on the ground, but let me tell you that sucked!
Metal splinters sure do hurt. They seem to cause more pain than glass. They must penatrate the nerves more readily. After stepping on my share of glass and metal filings I always carry a tweasers just in case. Bet most of the people here do the same. A nail clippers works good for pulling out very fine glass that the tweasers cannot grab - if you dont over squeeze.

Imagine having to crawl back to where you started from! :eek: The runners with shoes would really have comments then! A person I knew years back that used to be into bicycling was telling me about the flats he would get when riding on the shoulder of the highway. He eventually found that his flats were from small metal pieces comming from the steel belts in tires. If thats true I wonder about that girl running BF acrossed America. I wonder how much stuff she has had stuck in her foot or if these steel belts from tires are really an issue for her.

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